How to call an angel to fulfill desires at home


Human essence consists of desires. The desires fill the heart and soul, demanding its implementation. What if the desired is not done, to whom to seek help? The most courageous go to the devil, and the most reasonable - cause angels.

Today we consider the question of how to call an angel on your own. Is it possible to do this without special knowledge, will the heavenly creature respond to the call? Calling the angels of us, adult women, taught my friend's daughter.

At first, her mother noticed that all the desires of the girl come true, and then asked to reveal the secret. With this rite, I want to share with you: it will help to implement intimate dreams. But only those who are not harmful to other people.

How to call Angela


Who are angels, know all people. These are not only good creatures created to help people, but also dark essences. Each person has its own guardian angel, and after baptism, he receives another heavenly helper. But there are also other angels, and some of them make desires at the request of a person.

Translated from the Greek word "Angel" indicates the "Messenger". That is, he brings news from God - good or sad. Each Angel has its own mission, and only one.

Angel cannot express a few ideas at once: either this is an angel of love, or an angel hatred. Therefore, it is impossible to ask one angel to fulfill several diverse desires immediately - only one thing.

How to call the Guardian Angel at home

Guardian Angel Call Ritual

How to call the Guardian Angel at home? There is a standard chart of an angel for executing a request that can be practiced independently. For the call you will need some items:

  • White towel (can be a cut of gauze);
  • brass bell;
  • 3 Wax church candles.

For contact with your guardian angel, you need to read our Father, and then prayer the guardian angel from Prayer. This prayer will fight from the emergence of an infernal essence from the dark world, which will gladly come to a person call.

Pit the white canvas - an angelic entity drops on it. Around the canvas need to put candles in the candlesticks and light them from the match, moving clockwise. Candles should be bought in the church, it is important. If you have wax candles are not consecrated, you need to read on them three times the prayer for the consecration of all things (from the prayer).

Important condition: You must be in the room alone, doors need to close on the lock and turn off the phone. Nothing should interfere with the ritual, otherwise the angel will not come.

After prayer, you can ask the angel in your own words. If the creature decides to respond to the call, you will feel His presence on a lightweight breeze and a gentle touch. But there may be other sensations.

Some see the "non-light light" - a lightweight glow that does not look like earthly light. When you feel the presence of an angel, ask him to fulfill the innermost desire - one. Describe it and ask to help in the exercise of conceived.

After that, thank Angel and let go to heaven. When the desire is fulfilled, do not forget to thank and light the candle.

how to call an angel of desires

Challenge Angel Love

This bright angel performs requests for love, it is necessary to call it on Friday. If there are problems in personal life, this heavenly creature will be able to solve them. But do not forget that bright angels cannot be asked about the destruction or punishment of a person: they do not cause evil to other people.

You need to choose the right time in advance so that this day coincides with the full moon (14 - 16 moon day) and on Friday. You need to purchase 7 pink candles and consecrate their prayer to consecrate all things. It will not hurt to read our father's prayer.

Some practices are recommended to pre-hold the candles in the salt so that it takes on all the information.

For ritual it will take its own photo card, made no more than seven days ago, and carved heart cut from red cardboard. From the back of the heart, you need to write your desire that is not associated with a certain person. Ship the table with a clean tablecloth, put your photo card in the center, on top of the heart - heart.

Around this, place 7 candles, ignite one by one, starting with the East. Movements - along the clockwise arrow. That is, you light the candles in a circle, moving like an hour arrow. Then tell me:

"Angel of Love, I call you, come! Give me love and happiness, get rid of loneliness. Help me to find a family, the soul mate. "

After that, wait for a while. If an angel decides to respond to your request, then you will feel his presence on a gentle light dullness or other sensations.

Everyone in his own way feels the presence of angelic forces, but they are always nice. You can see a slight glow, intangible. You can even hear the sound of the bell.

Angel can go down on the heart that lies on the table. Some psychics at this moment see the golden bunch of energy. But not all people possess energy vision, so you do not need to worry. The main thing is to feel the presence of an angel. In your own words, ask the angel about what thrills your heart.

After that, worship an angel, thank for the response to the request and say goodbye. But on this rite does not end: you need to spend it exactly 7 days in a row. Cut the candles with your fingers moving towards yourself.

The next day you will need to light them and repeat the rite. Therefore, try to put candles where they will not interfere with anyone. On the seventh day of the ritual Caught the candles to the end. Angel will surely give you a sign that the desire will be fulfilled.

After the desire is fulfilled, and you will meet your soul mate, do not forget to thank the angel in your own words. You can light the candle in his honor.

How to call the Guardian Angel

Challenge the Angel of Desires

How to call an angel of desires yourself at home? To do this, you need to buy a large wax candle in the church. On a notined sheet of paper, write your desire.

You need to describe how you can describe what you want, to the smallest detail. It is necessary for the angel to understand, in what direction to act.

If you do not describe the details, you can get not exactly what you dreamed of. But to blame the angel in this it is impossible: you yourself did not indicate the details and features.

Wait for darkness, read three times our father, burn the candle and swipe a sheet with a recorded desire for a candle flame. At the same time you need to say three times:

Angel is light, hear my call, come to me, come. Messenger of heaven, an invisible friend, come to help me.

After you say these words, remove the leaf as possible: it should not see and read it. Cut down to the end. If there remains a flack, it needs to be either attributed to the church and put in a bucket for firewood, or bury under the fruiting tree.

Practice shows that the desire come true a week after the rite. Moreover, the presence of angel is not always felt. But it does not matter: the main thing to keep all the items of the rite.

If a week later, the desire does not turn, it means that the request was incorrect. Repeat the rite, but carefully think about your desire. It is impossible to allow the fulfillment of desire to be carried out at the expense of an unfortunate person. This is unacceptable, and you should know about it.

When the desire is fulfilled, do not forget to thank angel for the service provided. Angelic creatures are not required to carry the sputter, as shames and other infernal entities, the fee is sincere thanks.

How to cause a dark angel

If you need to punish a person for a bad attitude to you, you can contact the dark entities - vampires, death angel, demon. But the fee for such a request will be serious. Therefore, you need to think about whether the heater should be fond.

Maybe it is better to ask for the help of Archangel Mikhail?

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