Prayers "Spearness" to the Most Holy Virgin


I have long been studying that the Orthodox Christians have many relics, icons who have become shrines over time. They also include the icon of the Mother of God "Spear Selfish". Today I will tell you how to properly pray before Ekaya Icon, as well as how it originated.

Icon in the monastery

On the Holy Mountain Athos in the Dohir Monastery there is an ancient face - the icon of the Virgin Mother of God. This monastery is so ancient that the mention of him exist in the 10th century documents. The monastery often became the object of pirated raids, he was not robbed once. The monks even decided to transfer it to a new place. So, after searching for a suitable area, they elected the most hard-to-reach terrain.


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The monastery was thoroughly strengthened, equipped with powerful fortress walls with braces, as well as all necessary for the life of brethren. In the monastery territory they kept livestock, cultivated grapes, sowed fields.

In the middle of the 20th century, in about the 70s, the monastery again came to decline - the elders, on which he had all kept for a long time, died. People in Dohiar almost left.

Since 1980, new monks have appeared there under the leadership of Hegumen Grigory. They diligently, not to twist the hands revived the former majesty of the dohiar. Not only the insidual itself had to restore, but all the shrines available in it. For example, the "Spear Sunshit" icon.

As stated in the old chronicles, the image of the Virgin was written directly on the wall of the monastic meadure. Past of icons led a narrow pass, on him often again a monk-trapezor with a burning radiant in his hands.

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Once, passing along the usual route, this monk heard how Mother of God turned to him. The essence of what was said to be helped to ensure that the monk did not kill his radion of her image. He did not inquire her words, after which another, more strict remark.

Then the unfortunate was not over a joke, prostrated from the icon on his knees, asked repentance. In the morning it was found from the icon blind. The monks closed the passage so as not to disturb the Mother of God, turned out to be a kind of niche, where her image is located in our day. The poor blind monk spent all his time from the icon, and one day he was forgiven. As a sign of gratitude, the monks built the chapel opposite the icons, decorated and painted it.

In 1996, during the restoration of the icon, another one, written on the wall, was discovered right behind it. Lick, written at a later time, placed in the chapel.

Dohhar is always happy to guests. Anyone can pray before this icon, visit any service, even stay for the night. In the monastery, everything is very friendly, the atmosphere is really kind, straight and domestic. In addition to the set of icons, the power of many saints are stored there, everyone can make them.

Copies icons

Not every person can visit the monastery and personally see the miraculous icon. Fortunately, there are several copies. They are located in places:
  1. Female Eleon Spaso-Voznesensky Monastery. The abode is located in Jerusalem, on Mount Eleon. This is one of the most significant Christian places around the world. Previously around the monastery was a desert terrain, the Arab quarters are now suitable for the walls. 43 sisters of different nationalities live in the monastery, but communicate among themselves in Russian. The main thing for them is prayers, on weekdays they start at 5:30 am. In addition to prayers, the sisters write icons, embroider. From the part it may seem that the abode is immersed in a dream, unlike other monasteries in which life is boil. Pilgrims will always open the gate, and they will have the opportunity to pray at the perishableness or other shrines.
  2. Petrozavodsk, Cross-Promotive Cathedral. He began his story since 1800, when it was still not a cathedral, but a simple wooden cemetery chapel. It was then disassembled, because the icon completely dilapidated, and in 1848 the construction of a new temple began. There are only two temples in the city, and this is one of them. In 2006-2007 conducted a major restoration. It is hardly that the most important shrine here is "Spearlessness" in honor of the Kazan Mother of God.
  3. Moscow, Archangel Church of Gabriel Antioch and the Church of St. Nicholas in Biryule.
  4. Holy Trinity and Pechersky Bogoroditsky monasteries.


Icon is a Lick of the Virgin with a baby on a semi-bent left hand. In a child in one hand, a scroll, and the other he blesses people. Also to people who come to pray, the right heel of the child is also directed.

This name icon received only in the 17th century, previously it was called differently. The perishableness means "soon hearing", that is, fast responding to prayers. This is known since the most time when the Virgin was the monk in the monastery: she herself explained this name.


What help icons

As the believers say, they go to the pile to pray:
  • Pregnant women with prayers about the well-being of childbirth and the appearance of a healthy kid. It is believed that those future mothers who visited this miraculous icon will preserve breast milk longer and will be able to feed them a child;
  • Mothers who wish to take troubles and problems from their children, as well as diseases;
  • People who simply need advice how to live or what to do next. That is, all those who found themselves in a difficult life situation at a crossroads. Icon helps also sort out yourself;
  • As they say, the ascension of the prayer in this icon eliminates the most serious diseases, when there is no hope of medicine;
  • Blind and visually impaired people hope that the Virgin will help them return his eyesight, as Nile's monk at one time returned. This also applies to dumb and deaf;
  • People susceptible to depressive states and panic attacks, argue that after admixing the face, it becomes easier for them;
  • Everyone who walked some period of their life along the path of sin should pray at the Icon of the "Spearness" and repent of their sins.

The perishableness hesitates every human request, it is only important that it comes from the heart itself. It is important here to remember that many people are often waiting for only material or bodily goods, and God, the Mother of God and the saints help the way as it is primarily for the soul.


One of the wonderful cases was told in Murom. In the temple to the icon, the mother of a soldier missing in Chechnya turned. She no longer hoped to see him alive, just wanted to know how he was praying about him - how about the dead or as alive?

Hegumen advised her to pray for the living. Soon she got, it would seem, an exhaustive response to his question - the military enlistment office confirmed the death of the Son. However, literally the day before his own funeral, the son returned alive. This miracle discussed the whole city for a very long time.

Many and unprecedented healing cases before this icon. For example, when a woman brought to the temple to the icon, who herself could not move because of severe illness. During prayers, this woman spilled with holy water and applied oil from the lamps from the icon of the speaker. From the temple, according to eyewitnesses, she was able to leave without any assistance. But before that, on his legs, it came to the icon to kiss her.


These and many other cases confirm that the image of the pile - light and wonderful. She makes all the prayers and requests, of course, if a person really needs it.

How to pray

In order for the prayers to be heard, you need to be able to pray properly. For this you need:
  1. If you pray will be at home, you must be removed into the room where prayers will be read. It is impossible to allow dust to cover the icon itself, the highest strengths will not tolerate chaos and riots.
  2. Place this icon is best somewhere on the elevation, better - in a darkened place. Before the icon, it is recommended to light the candles consecrated in the church.
  3. Week before the ascension of the prayer must be reserved post. Do not have meat, as well as fried and flour dishes.
  4. You need to go to the temple for repentance in sins, as well as put candles for the living and the dead.
  5. Weekly abide by the ban on secular entertainment.

Observing non-hard preparatory procedures, you can increase chances of being heard many times.

You can pray both before the icon, and without it, but the candle is better to light in any case. During the prayer, you need to fully concentrate on your problem, at the same time you can repent in some kind of successors, in the fact that a long time did not come to the temple.

When you ask for help, you need to submit that your concerns and problems you shift on the shoulders of the image from the icon. It is necessary to remember one thing - it is impossible to resist the will of God, go to his goal.

Help must be adopted worthy, it deserves words of gratitude, like any good act. Well, if a person can read the real text of the prayer - it is very strong, as it was our long-standing ancestors.

Prayer as such is a conductor between God and a praying person, even if you read the text on the paper sheet. Words are pronounced out loud, but not very loud voice.


  1. There are several spellars in different places.
  2. It is necessary to pray to the soul, and the help will definitely.
  3. Icon and prayers in front of it possess miraculous force.

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