Prayer "Bless my soul My Lord": text in Russian, how to read


I have long been reading and learning from various prayers. Today I will introduce you to the text "Bless my soul My Lord," tell the features of this prayer and the history of its appearance.

The importance of any prayer

Prayer is the only way to refer to heaven with a certain request. It is believed that some of those prayers who are known to Orthodox Christians were given by the Lord himself. Of course, such prayer texts have tremendous strength. It is them that should be used when a person falls into difficult life circumstances.


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However, this does not mean at all that other prayers whose texts were written by St. Holor in life or other outstanding figures, it is impossible to use. On the contrary, they are also recommended to read as often as possible. In addition, spiritual mentors insist on the fact that any prayer addressed to heaven has a huge force. After all, its power depends entirely on how strong the faith of man is.

Partly, it is for this reason that people, in the heart of which there are no faith in the Most High, cannot reach heaven. Of course, they sometimes come to faith, become righteous Christians. However, their prayers can remain unanswered for a long time. And it is necessary to morally prepare. In no case cannot blame heaven in something or asking too much. It is important to understand that the Lord will experience such people long enough long.

One of the brightest examples in the history of how an unbelieving sinner can become a righteous, is the story of King David. Everyone is well known that until a certain time he was not a righteous. But later he became the author of the famous prayer "bless my soul," which is more famous as Psalm David 102. It is about him that we will talk.

The history of the sin of the king David

Parents managed to raise him with a worthy person who was devoted to the ruler. He served him faith and truth, and also read the Lord. When the previous ruler died, it was he who took the throne. He was counted God's anointed. After the death of Saul, who ruled the country for a long time, many were delighted with the fact that his former servant will be the new ruler. Since everyone knew perfectly well that David had a softer character, he was not quick-tempered, he honors faith.

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It is noteworthy that it was during his reign that the Church received a special power. If earlier representatives of the nobility felt freely, then after changing the king, the situation changed. David completely subordinated to the secular life of spiritual. In addition, it was he who canceled sacrifices.

The man was confident that no bloody sacrifices could please the Lord. After all, every creation he created with love. Consequently, the murder should not be encouraged. At first, this reform caused a huge resonance. Some even thought that the riot and the ruler would be overthrown. However, nothing like this did not happen. Gradually, people got sick with the idea that sacrifices are really wrong. Moreover, they still realized that such rituals could not have anything to do with Christianity at all. As you know, similar to the heretics.


David was a truly wise ruler. Under his leadership, the country began to flourish. However, like any other person, he had a tendency to fall. From the very beginning, the prophets bothered the fact that David categorically refused to dissolve his harem. Although it was warned that a valiant Christian could not have a lot of wives. But the monarch remained deaf to such advice. He loved women too much. And all. Similar lovingness sooner or later, but it was supposed to be the cause of sin. This is how it happened.

Meeting with a girl

Once, walking around the garden, the king noticed a bathing girl. She was so beautiful that the man had fallen in love immediately. He ordered his servants immediately deliver it to the palace. When they completed the order, it became obvious that the king was not exactly the usual woman. Her in the palace knew well. Since Wirzavia accounted for his wife to one very famous governor, who was devoted to the king.

For many years he fought for his sake and never reworked him, performed every order. That's just his wife he categorically refused to bring to the palace, because he understood that she was too beautiful and could provoke other men. And the king himself supported him. He helped that a beautiful wife need to keep away from men.

Completing terrible sin

But even when it became clear that the girl was married, it did not stop the king. He made her with his concubine. A few months later it became clear that the girl could not return to her husband, because he became pregnant from David. Then the plan was ripe in the king's head.

He ordered his faithful servants to get rid of her husband Bathsvia, who at that time was on the battlefield. A devoted companion, Uria was killed by an enemy army. And David took Wirmsavia to his wife. So he decided to hide his sin of adultery and killing another person. Of course, he did not deprive the urius of life. However, this was done according to his order. Thus, it can be argued that the king committed two sins:

  • Adultery - knowing that a woman is someone's wife, he still wanted to take her strength and leave in a harem;
  • The treachery - Uriah was a devoted person who was faithfully served the king. He did not even suspect what exactly he made his back.

That's just the Lord knew about what a great sin committed the ruler. That is why he lowered a curse for his genus. The king himself turned into a weak old man, whose body covered ulcers, and a riot began in the castle. His own sons began to fight with each other for the throne. When such misfortunes began, David realized what great sin he committed. And at the same time promised to redeem him during his lifetime.

Since then, he began to lead a righteous lifestyle. Moreover, he even wrote a huge number of psalms and prayers. As mentioned above, the most famous is 102 psalm.

Origin of Psalm

Psalms under numbers 102 and 103 are pair. It is for this reason that their meaning echoes. Of course, their author is also the same person. Moreover, these two psalms are always read together, as they complement each other. It is reliably known that the author of this text is the King David, since there are clear evidence of this in the Bible.


However, despite the efforts of historians, it was not possible to find out which period of the monarch of the monarch was written by these psalms. After all, in the text itself there are no hints of this. That is why the process of determining the time of writing is significantly difficult.

Although the priests are confident that these texts were written during a quiet government. But there were not so many such quiet years. The country literally spread wars and uprisings.

It is believed that all the psalms were written at the end of the reign of David. Since it was in those years that the world was established in the state. And everyone is widely known about this truth.

Interpretation of Psalm

When writing Psalm, the king was in a peaceful mental state. That is why he could calmly reflect on the greatness of the Creator. The main meaning of the Psalm can be explained in different ways:
  • The admiration of the Creator - after the Lord demonstrated David his power, he believed in his power and justice;
  • The presentation of the law to follow - even at first David was a sinner who led an immoral lifestyle and did not listen at all to the opinion of clergy, later he realized the mistake. And therefore made an attempt to convey to his people the law, according to which it is necessary to live;
  • Hearing the grace of the Creator - as you know, the Lord will never be angry for a long time. He punishes his creations when they make sure. However, the punishment never lasts long;
  • A person is dust - in this context, you do not need to see the insult of the dignity of the person. Rather, on the contrary. The Psalm is simply indicated that the greatness of a person can even be compared with the greatness of the Creator. That is why self-confession and self-ability are sins.

If we speak in general, then David wrote this psalm only with one goal - to glorify the Lord. His admiration for the Creator is quite appropriate and understandable. After all, for those sins that he made in the past, God could cruelly punished him, taking his life and sending the soul to hell. And in hell, as you know, the soul suffers very much. And these flour she is doomed to experience a whole eternity.

But the Lord showed mercy. Some priests associate this with the fact that David was the father of Solomon. And he, as you know, in the future became the greatest of the kings. Perhaps that is why the Lord did not want to take a life from his slave, because he knew that in the future he would become the father of the great man. No wonder they say that the paths of the Lord are non-defined.


  1. Psalm 102 was written by King David.
  2. The reason for writing was the desire to praise the Creator.
  3. Some priests believe that Tsar David wanted to pour forgiveness from the Lord for the sins who did earlier.

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