Rites on Ivan Kupala: What is customary to do by tradition


Kupala (Ivanov Day or Ivan Kupala) - an ancient holiday, traditionally falling on the day of the summer solstice, a symbolic "mid-summer". It has endowed him with a special sacred meaning - it was believed that this is a magical time when various mystical actions can be carried out.

Today I propose to consider which rites at Ivan Kupala were held in Russia and what, in fact, is the feature of Ivanov's Day?

Holiday Ivan Kupala

Historical reference

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People attributed to the daily shining magic properties since the distant antiquity. Therefore, it is very not surprising that it is the date of the summer solstice that is one of the most ancient celebrations. For centuries, representatives of different nations of the world celebrated the day of solvent, but each nation had their own features of the celebration.

The only overall feature is in most cases an important event accounted for the longest summer day. If we talk for the northern hemisphere, this phenomenon occurs here in the period from 21 to 24 June. It was then that the Slavs were celebrated by the GOOD until Christianity came to Russian lands.

With the spread of the new religion on the European continent, the disappearance of many folk traditions began. However, the custom of the summer solstice day celebration was so important for people that he was preserved for centuries. Let and somewhat modified - already on the Christian way.

Today, the bedroom night is celebrated by Slavs (Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusians, Poles, and so on), Swedes. And the Finns at this date and at all there is an official holiday at the state level.

Rites on Ivana Kupala are very similar to all countries: rituals with fire and water are performed. Almost everywhere in the shortest night of the year, huge fires are burned, people in tradition are bathed in natural reservoirs or go to the bath. The listed actions have an important symbolic subtext - it is believed that they purify the soul of a person.

If you take Germany and Sweden, here in Ivanov the day in a public place is established by a May tree, which personifies the victory of good over evil. It is noteworthy that even the Nazis did not neglect the triumph! They had a bipal holiday was no less large-scale than that of the Slavs: the bonfires were divorced in the evening, walking jumped through them, and the effect of torch marchs, dancing and songs completed.

Holiday date

In the modern world, Ivan Kupala accounts for July 6-7. Such dates are due to the influence of Christianity on the ancient traditions. But remember that the Slavs always celebrated Kupali night in the interval from June 21 to 24.

Magic holiday

Symbolism of the day of the journal

The Kupali Holiday is designed to merge the person and the divine world of nature. Since ancient times, he was mostly celebrated by young people who arranged rituals. Their principle occurred for the evening of the summer solstice, and the next day ended in the morning, when the sun was solemnly met.

Who is Kupala (buy) . Slavs, he acts as the God of the highest Yari of the Sun, they are associated with the summer sun, the vertex and the connection of opposing things. He personifies love in the most sublime manifestation, acts as a defender and guardian of married couples. Associated with spontaneous elements of water and fire.

Since the holiday falls at the date of the summer solvent, he symbolically correlates with the birth of the joy. They are completed by the period of the Board in the Sky Spring Sun of Yarily. In this period, the luminaire reaches its highest point when the day becomes the longest, and the night is the shortest. The maximum amount of light and heat is getting a plant and animal world, which provides life and fertility.

Interesting! Another name of the Divine is selected.

Before the purchase, it is customary to conduct the most sacred rituals for which the guardianship is required. And the summer Kupalskaya night, the deity of the Sun gives his blessing to everything essentially on the ground, filling with a bright love of the hearts of young lovers.

On the day of the summer solstice, the Mother Land is filled with the biggest magical force, which gives his children to people. Become healing and life-giving water and fire. Kupalskaya Rosa acquires mystical strength, and the Slavs collected herbs on the purchase and kept them: they were also attributed to the miraculous properties, they used them for the healing of patients.

Interesting! Slavs believed that the solemn date was the discovery of celestial gates, thanks to which any prayers quickly reach the gods.

Kupali holiday - is the perfect time to start new, serious affairs, because the summer God himself personifies the maturity, independence.

On this night, the divine gouring through Perun lights a fern flower. It is he who is sent to look for young people, because the one who finds fern color, is awaiting great happiness. The flower gives the opportunity to find any treasures, wherever they are (though, here, rather, we are talking about a symbolic meaning: refers to the treasure internal, not external).

Interesting! It is believed that if Kupalskaya night a guy with a girl will take up his arms and jump over the sacred fire, now they are engaged. Also on this subject, their family union will be very happy.

From the main actors of the described event worth noting:

  1. God Kupala (personification of male, solar energy).
  2. Goddess Mararen (associated with female, water start).

Both characters choose guys and girls, respectively, either can make them in the form of stuffed. Men's and female energy in symbiosis create a new life, and her celebration is symbolized by a ventilator (called Kupailice).

Holiday Ivan Kupala

Ivan kicked: rites

The beginning of the holiday falls on the evening of the summer sun. The basis of the celebration is the sacred bipal fire. It is around him and all actions will unfold. The flame is the symbol of the sun as the embryo in the womb. It is important that he burns throughout the night - starting with the sunset of the Sun-Yaril in the Lono of Mother Earth and before the ascent of the joons.

Before inciting fire, 4 young people take torches in the hands and become a square, surrounding the twig. It is symbolic that means 4 Suns (or 4 seasons of the year). Then the flame is divorced.

Girls on this night there are popular fortune telling on the narrowed. The most common - wreaths rush to the water, and the task of guys is to get them. Wreath symbolizes the happiness and conclusion of marriage bonds.

When the guy gets a wreath of a certain girl (subject to sympathy), she kisses him and together they jump through the Kupaul flame (usually the choice is consistent on the eve). If the pair jumped three times through the fire - it is considered to be engaged and after some time the young should be married.

But there are certain beliefs:

  • If, jumping, lovers do not open your fingers - then the wedding is exactly;
  • A large number of sparks from the fire - is considered a good sign;
  • If the sparks are not enough - difficulties will arise in the process of preparing for the celebration;
  • If the guy with a girl in a jump drank hands - the marriage will not be concluded.

But you can jump through the fire not only couples: everyone can do it, because it is believed that the flame clears from the negative. And here you want to mention such popular signs:

  • That guy who will jump above others - will provide a rich harvest to his family;
  • And if the lacquer got into the fire - unfortunately.

Interesting! In the fire, you can burn your clothes in which you got rid of getting rid of any diseases, to take off the misfortune.

In addition, the Firewater Wheel-Sun (symbolizes the summer Solvor) with a hillside at night. It can still be sprinkled on the post under the enthusiastic cries of the crowd. When the time of fun comes to an end, celebrating candles (stand in wreath baskets) from the flame and go to the nearest reservoir. There wreaths are stuck in the water in memory of the pretended ancestors.

After that, a festive dinner is to have, on which the rapusts are required, prayers are pronounced the summer sun. Who has a desire, they go to the forest in search of fernyst color, usually it is not done alive, but in pairs. In the morning, when the dawn comes, celebrating go to the sprocket for water, acquiring healing properties. It is sanctified by a special person (in the Slavic tradition it is called a lead).

Then everything is to climb the hill - to meet the sun. There are grateful prayers of the daily luminaries and Dazhibogu, asked to send a good harvest this year. In the morning herbs are collected in the field and forest, which are harvested for the future. At the same time, the most significant desires should be conceived - the universe itself will contribute to their speedy execution!

Now you know what rites on Ivan Kupala in Russia were held by our ancestors. Finally, browse the video on the topic:

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