25 Moon Day: Characteristics Twenty Fifth Moon Days


25 lunar day shows active energy, his element is metal. Successful minerals: Spasps (take on the role of facing), tiger eye, falcony eyes and cat eye. From the happy shades of the day allocate: green, malachite and emerald. For these days, there are three symbols: a turtle, sink and urn. Angelic Essence of the Day is Alfar (guards the unique hint of Indigo, is an angel of dreams and melancholy, is able to make a person an insightful, develop his intuition).

Turtle - the main symbol of this day

Overall characteristic of 25 lunar days

On this day, the cycle of the Moon, a person comprehends vital wisdom, reveals amazing abilities. There is an expansion of the boundaries of human capabilities. In 25, the lunar day is shown to learn new information, as it is absorbed and realized quite easily.

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Experts of astrology argue that there is an unexpected awakening of supernatural abilities to these days. Avenience is successful for various movements.

Well, if trials are prescribed for the twenty fifth day: great chances to punish those who really committed a crime and justify innocent. Properties of any scale concerning the purchase and sale of commodity positions and services. They will benefit both participants in the process.

It is important to care your physical and moral energy so that in the future to be able to make new feats.

Love, relationship, marriage

But for the wedding the day is not very good. Now it is better to simply plan a joint life with the second half and prepare for such an event like a marriage.

This is due to believe that unions prisonered at 25 lunar day, inevitably and constantly "go to the bottom," suffer from financial and psychological crises.

The period is more suitable in order to divorce, and not create a new cell of society. In the first case, everything promises to go quietly, smoothly, without a long defiating relationship. Partners will break out easily, without regret and enter the new stage of their lives.


The health area is now not affected, nothing new happens in it. The sick will retain their former well-being, without amplifying or decreasing symptoms.

On the other hand, the day is very successful to practice non-traditional healing practices. Especially associated with water treatment. Healthy people will benefit from water procedures in nature (lake, river, sea, ocean).

Today be closer to the water element

In the absence of such an opportunity, it is worth at least a session of a bath with foam, into which healing plants are added.

In some astrological schools, it is said that it is impossible to begin the course of treatment in 25 days of the lunar cycle.

Business, work money

As mentioned earlier, today it is favorable to perform trade operations in various areas of life.

And all the difficulties of these days need to be eliminated using not your mind and logic, but completely trusted the sixth feeling. Finance is not an exception to the rules, because in esoteric money they have a connection with water elements (that is, an intuitive world).

In the event that in the twenty fifth day, you will experience failure, for example, a deal will break or lose part of the money - do not hurry to get upset. Thus, the natural liberation of your energy from material stacking is carried out.

As a result, new arrivals are involved in life. And what gone is usually returned in an increased several times. The main condition is to maintain complete calm.

Haircut, painting, manicure

Board with a visit to the beauty salon to avoid health problems. If there is a cross between curls today, then a lot of vitality will leave with the tights.

The change in hair shade is also undesirable. Do not use on 25 days even by natural dyes, otherwise your relationships with other people will greatly suffer.

For manipulations with margins, the number is neutral.


The connection of the twenty-fifth lunar days with the element of water binds them also with the unconscious. Through what night feces that have seen now, make up a variety of prompts, as the most correctness to do in the current situation.

Different tips can flow in dreams.

The bulk of dreams of this night does not need an allegorical interpretation. All symbols are characterized by a rather defined character. If something remains unclear to you, listen to your intuition, she will definitely tell me what was the true meaning of sleep.

You should not try to interpret the dream from the position of logic, since such a method is absolutely ineffective today.

Ritual for 25 lunar days

The recommended practice of the day acts self-testing. In the tests offered by psychologists, subconscious images are used. On them we receive information regarding the installations of a particular individual, ways to solve them by life problems and so on.

Now it is not bad to spend such testing for yourself. It will help better understand its inner world, identify hidden installations and when necessary to do their correction.

For gardener and gardener

Characteristic of 25 lunar days speaks of the need to limit active activities. Pay attention more observation of plants, analysis and planning of its follow-up.

You can do numerous gardening: Lunar disc decreases, which makes the plants literally "measure", all processes in them are noticeably slowed down. The juices along the stem are slower, so it is favorable to fit root roots (legumes, turnips, radish and other).

What other manipulations will be successful?

  • digging bulbs of flower plants;
  • weeding, plowing and plant treatment against different pests;
  • soil loosening;
  • Collection and drying plants with medicinal properties.

In this case, refuse abundant watering of trees and plants. It is determined by the fact that now cultures do not need so much water, as before, otherwise they risk negotiating.

watering the plants very moderately


Although the turtle and earned the title of a slow animal, she managed to overtake others, because she knows the shortest paths. Take an example from it in 25 lunar days: move to your goals gradually, but confidently. Then you will get an impressive result.

If you want to add speeds, then it is not reborn. True, then you risk running past your happiness and do not have time to enjoy them to fully. Eternal "Toronts" on the specified day will not achieve what they want.

But stop thinking about sad, forget for a moment about all the problems and just take a look at the sky - it looks especially beautiful today.

Wanting to achieve the state of inner harmony, in the twenty-fifth lunar day, it is important not easy to observe esoteric rules, but to work on yourself.

  1. Often suffer from indecision? A day is successful in order to say goodbye to your modesty, make new useful dating. Manage yourself from the best side, show what you are a good interlocutor, to do this, make a relaxed, but an interesting conversation.
  2. When suddenly rolls the wave of boredom, listen to the voice of my intuition, it is quite possible that it will tell you how to solve the problem. At worst, you can always cook a delicious dinner to please your relatives and loved ones. Or prepare another surprise if they live with you.
  3. As for meditative practices, they should be performed especially carefully. Watch with new exercises, making those that you know and like them.
  4. It is shown to go to the reservoirs: it does not matter, to waterfalls, river or holy sources, the main thing is that there are no many people. After all, for magic sacraments, the big company is not needed at all. You should wash the water, contacting her with a request to wash off everything badly. At the end, be sure to express your gratitude for the assistance rendered.
  5. In the 25 moon, the moon has enough energy that is ready to distribute to all in need. True, under the only condition: you show maximum sincerity, goodwill and honesty - that in relation to yourself, that to the world around.

Now you know what to prepare in these 24 hours. Finally, familiarize yourself with the thematic video material:

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