15 Moon Day: Characteristics of the fifteenth lunar days


15 lunar day shows active energy, refers to the element of the metal. From its successful gems isolated: agadas, moronov and gagata. Happy shades: red, scarlet and black. Snake and Jackal data symbols are the roles of the day (he is assigned the role of a winged mediator between Osiris and Isaida - ancient Egyptian mythology). The guardian of the fifteenth day is FAID.

Snake - Symbol of 15 Moon Day

Overall characteristic 15 lunar days

The lunar disc is now becoming very large, not to notice him in the night sky is already simply impossible. The moon filled with energy is caught looking at himself and makes thinking about eternal.

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How to behave in the specified period? Apply the maximum of assertive and confident efforts to achieve your goals. And if in the depths of the soul, a cunning desire to put work on a pause and be lazy, know that you risk losing even your past results. It is realistic to achieve success if you show the maximum activity.

In 15 lunar day, unexpected romance bursts are observed. Astrologers are in a hurry to warn you so that you are in hurrying with the realization of your fantasies in practice, as in the future the relationship created now is unlikely to be successful. Most likely, you will be repent of your "youth errors".

In general, show the marginal caution today in all areas of your life. Yes, thanks to the increased lunar energy, we can use her charge for themselves. But it should not be forgotten that the night luminaries can affect people both positive and negatively.

For example, at the specified time all feelings and emotions are greatly sharpened. You will sometimes be able to take them under your control. It is important to show enough willpower and learn how to restrain yourself when necessary.

Characteristic 15 lunar days calls this period very successful to attract happiness, good luck and any positive changes in their lives. Also, if you used to have a shortage of patience and moral strength to complete the starting, you can completely do it now. Your energy is growing, and many peaks become not so incomprehensible and excavated.

Love, relationship, marriage

To be decided to finish themselves with the bonds of marriage in the established lunar atmosphere, it is permissible only to morally mature personalities that are exactly ready for such a serious decision. Also, today it is good to go under the crown re-and those who are already "slightly in thirty."

For young lovers, it is categorically not worth it at the 15th day of the cycle of the moon to fasten themselves with marriages. Because the extremely high probability of divorce: the newly minted family is difficult to withstand such a rapid and powerful energy of the moon.

Perhaps it sounds strange, but to cope with the strength of the earthly satellite, it is necessary to be strong enough.


Now the moon is at the peak of its activity, which represents a danger to health. Often, it is in this period that chronic pathologies are suddenly exacerbated, and acute states arise.

Therefore, it is important to protect yourself from the likely problems, not to give elevated loads to your body. Especially concerned about the state of its pancreas and the diaphragm.

Astrology experts give advice to choose meditative practices, such as Hatha Yoga. Also, the benefit will bring the rack and massage session - it does not matter what kind of variety it can be fantasy for the full program.

Practice today yogu

Today it is recommended to carry out crane-sacral or Tanato therapy.

Business, work money

There is an increased activity in the business area of ​​life. If you have long thought over some kind of idea, but they could not decide on its implementation, do it now. Of course, we are talking exclusively about legal events, and not risky criminal.

The main thing, act carefully without hurrying. The fact is that the energy sector of the fifteenth lunar day can allow both a lot of winning in the lottery and lose everything that you had.

Do not risk thoughtlessly, firstly analyze and plan the actions performed. If you explain otherwise - you need to use such a powerful energy flow of the lunar power exclusively for good, and not to harm.

Show attentiveness, follow your spiritual gusts, trust your sixth feeling and act professionally to achieve success.

Haircut, painting, manicure

It is undesirable to apply a visit to the hairdresser. Otherwise, the haircut is able to provoke various health difficulties.

But the painting can be done and even needed: painted in a slightly darker tone curls eliminate possible troubles in your life.

As for changing the color of nails on hand and legs, now similar manipulations are prohibited: otherwise you can weaken their protective abilities of the physical and energy bodies.


In dreams this night, we get our own positive and negative features in the form of images. This is comparable to how if you were at the same time a demon and angel, who alternately tried to subjugate their will.

The conclusions of today's dreams will be obvious:

  • Move colorful pictures, bright images, pleasant incidents - you are on the light side. Do not stop, continuing to self-improvement.
  • When, on the contrary, the picture of the sleep is alarming, dark, dull, frightening - the negative side of the person takes up above you. Think about it and start solving the problem, going to the church and praying to the Almighty.

Fight and evil is traced in dreams

Ritual for 15 lunar days

According to Tibetan astrology, full moon day - special, mystical. It is recommended to conduct meditations and engage in spiritual practitioners.

As a rule, at the specified period of time they worship different gods, trying to be silent all day, as well as practicing complex meditation exercises.

Hinduism's esoterics in 15 lunar day read mantras, perform rites and make victims of fire.

Folk beliefs say that today, the witches are satisfied with Shabashi. In fact, in many witch schools at this time, a variety of mystical rituals and ceremonies take place.

For gardener and gardener

The 15th day of the lunar cycle is suitable in order to perform all sorts of land work on its plot.

In particular, pay attention to such varieties:

  • processing of soil;
  • Grocery dip;
  • feeding cultivated plants.

Perform soil processing

Now the action of the lunar disk is maximum, very powerful. Refuse for this reason from circumcision, dive and removing fruiting trees.

Using garden tools, be extremely attentive and try not to cut off the plants. Remember that any harm caused now can lead to the death of cultures.


At the end, you can sum up the results of 15 lunar days:

  • In this day, the energy of the moon is simply pouring through the edge. It can be as useful, so harm, which means, be extremely attentive and careful.
  • It should be actively actively, but at the same time adhere to common sense.
  • Do not forget about those who really need your care and attention. Even if you are in a quarrel with your family or friends, give up the manifestations of pride and ask for forgiveness from everyone who could offend.
  • Be sure to find at least a little time to chat with your Feturn. If there is no opportunity to meet personally, at least make a non-breaking phone call.
  • Today, very large temptation to go about your temptations and succumb to sin. You may have pleasure from this, but in the future with a high probability will strongly regret. Keep your desires under strict control, stay on the bright side, then in the future you will experience pride and sense of self-esteem.
  • But all the good, any good, who committed by you, will not remain unnoticed and will definitely return back. Therefore, make positive actions by adding plusies into your karma - then minor cons will not be too highlighted on a general background.

At the end of the topic under consideration, I want to offer you an interesting video material:

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