20 Lunar Day: Characteristics of the twentieth lunar days


20 lunar day in its energy sector passive, refers to the elements of the Earth. His happy minerals: red jasper and mountain crystal. From successful shades called: blue, color indigo, ultramic, sapphire and cornflower. Symbols of twenties day: eagle, soaring in heaven, and muse. Angelic Patron Essence: Lamas.

20 lunar day, his eagle symbol

Overall characteristic 20 moon day

Today is successful to overcome internal uncertainty forever. Try to completely abandon any doubt, and also not to spend your precious energy with all in vain. Remember that everything you really need yourself will come to your life. Of course, if you go to the right way.

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Now the moon is in the phase of its desire, which is manifested by a slowdown in all life processes. In particular, human behavior. In 20 lunar day, all the processes of our body proceed slowly than at the beginning of the cycle. Therefore, it is recommended not to give yourself too high load, but to perform all actions in a moderate pace.

At the specified period, everything in nature receives its logical conclusion. Peak activity is behind. Discard these days from significant solutions and planning serious events.

Each decreasing particle of the lunar disk gives us its strength. It is imperative to be able to use it correctly. Do not seek to send lunar energy to solving global tasks. But the declining moon is the perfect time to start a diet and efficiently getting rid of extra quill.

The energy-saving energy potential can be spent on exercise. As a result, the body will fit, the figure will be pleasant to please their reflection in the mirror, and you will increase self-esteem and love for yourself.

The characteristic of the 20 moon day speaks of the cleansing of the body from slags, poisons, extra liquid. It is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of water to maintain a harmonious balance.

Love, relationship, marriage

On this day, the cycle is favorable to establish new contacts, links. It is also suitable for marriage, especially couples who are firmly confident in their feelings.

Good day for marriage

Even today Ideally go to the altar to all those who actively perform various spiritual practices. In such a family, the intensive self-improvement of both partners will occur. The female energy "Yin" is harmoniously combined with the men's "Yang", the Energy of the Union will begin to increase that it will raise it over the problems of our life and will help achieve success.

But give up marriage imprisonment in the 20th day, if you or your favorite are very interested in social life. Otherwise, come together with frequent pioneers in your family.


In the risk zone in the current lunar day, the back is a back (especially its upper part). Therefore, all athletes should be attentive, as well as limit large loads. It is wiser to use other muscle groups.

Group exercises will bring the greatest benefit. Based on this, it would be nice to practice now collective sports games: football, basketball, volleyball and others.

Part of the astrologers advises to engage in cleansing procedures, especially tonic massage varieties.

Business, work money

The number is very productive, it is best to perform collective work. If possible, limit single acts: staying in society only yourself, you risks losing a lot of energy, worsen your health. According to the result, labor productivity will strongly suffer. But collective actions promise to bring a good result.

Important on January 20 to stick to the rules of the golden middle. Refuse excessive hurry, but, on the other hand, do not and too passive. Focus on the circumstances and behave adequately to them. It is reasonable to analyze your business (or your work) for the past lunar days, looking at him from the standpoint of a third-party person.

Today it is unacceptable to break the business agreements, as it can provoke negative consequences. But it is favorable to begin new things, enter into contracts, sign contracts, open new branches, take the staff and so on.

Haircut, painting, manicure

Have you ever dreamed of visiting the hairdresser? Then in the twenties day, be sure to sign up to the master. The length of the length of the Kudrey is reduced today will make a positive attitude. A decreasing phase of the moon contributes to a significant slowdown in the growth of new hairs. So, the haircut will save its shape for a long time.

But to paint curls is very undesirable: you can deprive yourself of good mood and success in the business sphere of life.

You can safely go to Neil Studio, since the manicure and pedicure completed now will strengthen the nail plate. Plus, the new color will delight you for a long time.

You can make a manicure and pedicure


In today's night gender, the most binding thread is found, which connects the past, present and coming. Correctly interpreted dreams help to review their lives, finding their mistakes and incorrect actions.

Ritual for 20 lunar days

Astrologers advise at this time to work out their negative emotions.

The ritual of the day becomes observation of symbols in the sky.

The beginning of the twentieth lunaries always falls on the late evening or at night. If the night is bright, go out to the street (or on the balcony) and pay your eyes to heaven. On them you can see the stars, constellations and, of course, the moon.

Your task is to observe the signs that appear on the sky, remember them and subsequently interpret correctly. The universe will try to give a faithful tip, most importantly, you can detect it and follow it.

For gardener and gardener

When the moon decreases, pressure is significantly increasing in the root part of the plants. There is a flow of nutritional juices, which saturates roots. The growth of plants is reduced, cultures are preparing to survive the time for them - the new moon.

While decreasing the moon disk of the roots of plants is very fragile and wounded. In no case cannot be engaged in some kind of land, otherwise it is easy to injure them. And even a minor damage in this period can lead to the death of the plant. Therefore, postpone your inventory far away.

But on 20 Day of the Moon, it is recommended to collect root roots, because they have already stipulated, filled with vital power.

good to collect roots today

What else to do?

  • to plant plants;
  • cut them;
  • perform pieces;
  • eliminate pests;
  • eliminate weeds;
  • Subscribe cultures using mineral fertilizers.

True, remember that abundant irrigation of the soil is undesirable. Better collect fallen leaves - it can be done by humus, and you can climb your sowing.


Gradually, we get to the end. I hope that you have managed in the twentieth lunar days to cope with any of your fears, doubts and have not committed any mistakes. Muse promised a whole day to make you a company, throwing various valuable ideas.

If today was successful, you need, first of all, express your gratitude to yourself. Events evolved not quite according to plan, have you been unhappy with themselves and other people? Then, unfortunately, you failed to extract valuable life lessons from this day.

Fortunately, such an opportunity is preserved for the future. Therefore, as soon as possible, ask for forgiveness from those who offended, and necessarily grant their distant relatives. Also, you will certainly type your second half and admit to her once again in love.

It is important on the specified day to listen to the advice of your inner voice. Do not neglect any thought or idea that arose in my brain. Immediately consider them and begin to embody in reality.

In the evening it would not hurt to fulfill meditative practice, but only if there is a desire. If it is missing, do not try to overpower yourself. Take care of something else, to which your sixth feeling indicates.

Do you have a cherished dream? Go out at night on an open space and looking at the moon, talk to her whisper. Very high likelihood of their innermost desire. The main thing is that it proceeds from the pure heart and has not carried any negative messages.

In such trends, they are promised to pass 20 lunar days. And finally, I want to offer you an interesting video for viewing:

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