Prayer in front of the icon "Inadequate joy": text in Russian, how to read


Desperate and not finding the forces more to fight, not only believers Christians often turn to the Virgin, but those who still stand on the Way of Doubt. Those who grieved, whose soul bumps bitterness and who does not see the lumen ahead of the lumen, are especially hot. Get the healing of the soul gives a prayer icon "Increasing joy", which is read in the bitter minutes.

This image was like a demonstration of the forces of the Divine intercession. Prayer gives him hope and what seemed impossible, helps to embody in reality.

Prayer in front of the icon

What are they asking about the image "inappropriate joy"

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Sending your petitions of the Mother of God, people need to know that this icon is scored a lot, but if it is more accurate, then this is:

  • assistance and cover in the affairs of everyday;
  • Suspension of the child is childless;
  • safe fertilization and light pregnancy;
  • obtaining forgiveness in violation of the law;
  • Family Union and Reunion;
  • Success in finding a missing loved one.

This icon goes with molubas and requests to protect against malicious people, from their dirty imaging and slander. Orthodox sure - the Mother of God stands on the protection of the unfortunate, and the guilty of the mentioned misconducts is denied and punishes the merit.

What does the image of the icon contribute to

Self, people do not realize that their sores are largely connected with the harbon boiling in them. Some overwhelms the destructive envy, sometimes not to a specific one person, but almost to everyone who has achieved something more than they. There are no understanding of such enviable that their physical ailments are reborn spiritual.

Get rid of the existing burden will help only sincere prayers before the icon. She will give new sensations of sparkling joy, tell me how to choose a faithful life direction. Susking the Children's Children from the Lord will definitely give birth to a baby and become mothers. There are many times known when, after a long prayer, there was a missing person in front of the "unexpected joy" icon: a husband or a relative, even if he was absent more than one year.

What helps the "unexpected joy"

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If Christians are praying for help, not mechanically pronounced phrases, but they pass them through the heart, then sincere faith is rewarded, and the person gets the desired. So what exactly helps?

  • fruitless women who did not lose hope gives the happiness of motherhood;
  • Returns the true lost child to the path, if parents are hot for him;
  • Helps chronic losers to believe in itself and reach a new bright level.

The name "Inadequate Joy" is the urge to appeal to any, even the most difficult situations. Christians loved this icon so much and so believe it that they send a variety of requests, sincerely believing that they would be heard.

Prayer in front of the icon

How to pray

Immediately, it should be understood that the prayer praying is, that is, asks for anything, but it does not indicate the Almighty that he needs. Most women on Earth in their dreams represent themselves just worthy of his wife and responsible mother. Sometimes with such a request they appeal to the Mother of God.

In case of seriousness of intentions and correct actions, happiness will not make himself wait. After gaining the desired, the girl should not stop prayers, on the contrary, well, if it will thank our prayers for the existing earthly joy.

Where to start a rite?

There is one simple rule that should be executed before contacting the Lord with a request. This is a conversation in order to get the wise advice from the father. He will give confidence in the correctness of the selected path. By blessing, a person acquires strength able to confront the demonic obstacles, since the latter will try not to miss the sinful soul from themselves.

Then you need to think carefully that it could in the actions to angry the Lord. It is better to confess and compete. If you carefully consider the icon, it can be seen that it is not only God's Mother with a baby, but also a crankshaft man. This is forgiveness. Why? Because sincerely repented.

Prayer in front of the icon

Prayer Image of Our Lady of Inspective Joy about the Happiness of Maternity

This text about the gift of children, read in front of the Queen of the Heavenly, is a means of tested by centuries. However, it must be done constantly, and not from the case towards the case in difficult moments. Help will come, and the goal will be achieved.

Bloom the god when faith weak is very difficult, feeling also the cargo of own sins. If a person has not repented and does not recognize himself guilty, then the prayer will reach him with great difficulty. It is necessary in any case repentance, otherwise despair will cover people more and more. This state of Orthodox is considered to be demonic. It, if you do not fight with him, can lead to the madness of even a very strong person. If despair is enhanced, a person has protection - the Virgin.

Prayer in front of the icon

Akathist "Unknown Joy"

Akathists read both in the home setting and in the church, where it is more convenient. As you know, they are included in the prayer rule. If it is decided to read in the temple, the time free from service is selected. No need to read too loud, it is worth thinking about other praying. Some believe that the prayer sent in the temple is much stronger than solitary. To massively take part in a prayerball with an Akathist of "Non-Indian Joy", many are sent to readable icons and attend the relevant temples. Often they tell about how in different situations she miraculously helped people.

Sometimes it happens that what is happening beautiful in life seems to be just a case, and not a miracle from prayer. Even truly believes can forget to thank God, considering what is happening to the coincidence. It is impossible to consider it a simple coincidence, otherwise after the cessation of prayers and such wonderful things can stop committed.

The Akathist Himself of "Increasing Joy" - poetic. He is famous for the Virgin through the statement of parables. Its plot can be seen when considering the icon itself. There are no requests for concrete, the main thought - the prayer of the Virgin Mary is strong and will help her believing. Read on Church Slavonic or even listening difficult.

You can listen to prayer in Russian. However, regular reading and immersion in the text will help me some time to comprehend the text. It is necessary to determine how long the prayer will be read, and it is either every day, either on Sundays, but in no case retreat from our domestic obligations.

Praying of the Mother of God "Inadequate Joy"

Prayer in front of the icon

In addition to Akathist, prayers are read, they can be attached to it. Some Orthodox read them separately, which is allowed. The one who prays must imagine himself on the spot of the sinner shown in front of the Virgin. Any burdened sins whatever they are, should not forget about repentance.

Very often in prayers, pronouns of a plural number are used, it is not by chance. Thus, it is indicated that we must ask not only for yourself, but also for your neighbors. Note that it is possible to pray for the return of a spouse in a family only if it was faithful. Otherwise, the Church does not accept such stages. Especially if a prodigal husband is in another woman. The guy's return should also be asked carefully, for the selection of the pair is considered to be God's fishery.

There is still a prayer in which he is asked the Queen of Heaven about those who died suddenly. In the Christian world it is believed that death without confession is God's Kara for the particularly grave sins of a living person. Turning to the Mother of God, they ask her forcing for forgiveness from his son.

Where to go to pray the miraculous icon

Prayer in front of the icon

Many pilgrims prefer to visit the churches where icons creating a miracle are presented. There are several such places in Russia, and they are always open to believers.

The Moscow Temple of Ilya The Prophet ordered successfully retained the old image of "inappropriate joy." He did not destroy even dashing revolutionary times of the last century. Another Moscow temple wears the name of the icon "Increasing joy." He is the keeper of this miraculous image. It is easy to find it, as it is located in Marina Grove (Moscow) and also has a miraculous icon of the Virgin.

If you go to the village of Puskunkka, then there is a temple in the name of the legendary icon. Usually there are pilgrims going to the monastery (Diveevo). In Transcarpathia (Selo Colochea), a male monastery is founded, where you can also pray to this icon. In such houses, which are devoted to the image "inappropriate joy,", the sophisticated icon itself, to which you can come with a prayer, is located from the altar on the right side.


Icon "Increasing joy" Since ancient times, loved and revered. Prayer and Akathist helps in many ways in many ways:

  • ask forgiveness for death without communion;
  • fight infertility;
  • get rid of serious illness;
  • return lost;
  • Clean faith in your own strength and talent.

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