17 Moon Day: Characteristics of the seventeenth lunar days


This is a day of fun and joy. And especially well, you will feel if you allowed yourself to relax and relax. There is a purification of the mental and physical body from the accumulated negative energy, and the process goes without much effort on your part.


  1. This day is superbly suitable for creativity. It is worth only to start creating how you almost immediately feel incredible inspiration. Even if you never painted - try it. It is important to do it just from the soul, enjoying the process and not thinking about the result.
  2. The first half of the day is particularly strong energy, so there are difficult tasks and making important solutions for a while up to 16 hours.
  3. Growing the level of sexual energy. It can be used not only in direct appointment, but also send to creativity, work, communication with people who will perceive you as an unusually attractive person with light energy.
  4. This is an ideal time for celebrations, weddings, family feasts and holidays. Any entertainment event will deliver a lot of positive emotions to each participant.

Seventeenth lunar day

The greater the energy of love, happiness and gratitude you emit, the more favorable opportunities attracted in your life, so try to fill the thoughts and the surrounding space of good, inner light and positive.

Love, relationship, marriage

It was on this day that the whole moon month is best to marry or marry. It is believed that such a marriage will be eternal, and the love between spouses will never pass.

Also this day, when most people are joy, positive, even without having no reason. Therefore, you need to communicate, spend time with friends, close people and, of course, run on dates. Romantic meetings will become bright and unforgettable memories in your life.

17 lunar days

The energy of the day is such that the atmosphere of fun, carelessness reigns around. This is the perfect period for corporate events, festive celebrations, outdoor activities and other entertainment events.

It was at the 17th lunar day that you can, going on a date, fall in love at a glance and feel a real passion. However, these impulses need to be controlled in themselves, otherwise something unforeseen and not very pleasant for you can happen.


On this day, the diseases that have been previously had, but have not been reminded of themselves for a long time. If this happens, try to realize what your thoughts are filled. The ailment is a sign that there is something uncomfortable in your head, unclean.

What can and what is impossible:

  • This is a favorable time for water procedures, to purify the body and medical starvation. Do all that is aimed at restoring the natural resources of your body.
  • Not recommended anything related to bleeding. This equally concerns both operations and, for example, acupuncture.
  • The day is shown for media and techniques of alternative medicine. You can visit bioenergy or energy therapist if esoterica you have a psychologist or psychotherapist.
  • Refuse completely from alcohol, and limit animal products. On this day they affect the body especially negatively. The same rule concerns drugs of synthetic or chemical origin.

Weak faces of the body during this period: nervous and endocrine systems, skin, lower back and kidney. If you get sick into these lunar days, you will be very hard for the silence, so you need to take care of yourself as much as possible. This is especially true - they will suffer the disease is even harder.

Business, work, money

For financial affairs, the day is neutral. You can successfully work and perform current affairs, although there will be no particularly hardworking mood. The workflow will be associated with some efforts, the inspiration flow should not be expected, so all important things that require a creative approach, it is better to postpone on then.

17 Lunar Day Characteristics of the Day

This is an unfavorable day for business negotiations and various kinds of deals, so they are better transferred to a more favorable period. The energy of the day is such that it is better to simply communicate to colleagues, learn. Receive new information and plan future things, but difficult solutions are better to postpone.

It would be nice to take a day off and spend time in a warm friendly atmosphere. This will give you a powerful charge of energy for upcoming accomplishments.

If you start something new on this day, then this project will constantly require adjustments and corrections. The circumstances will be folded in such a way that the situation may eventually be completely unpredictable.

Intuition will work well, so in making decisions it is better to rely on your inner voice, and not on logic and common sense.

Haircut, painting, manicure

Any hair manipulations on this day are able to bring bright colors to your life, and also become a starting point for cardinal change. If you are configured to change something in your life, boldly sit down in the hairdresser's chair. If you want to stay in stability and you do not want to change anything, it is better to sign into the beauty salon for another day.

Beautiful hair coloring in red and golden shades will be favorable. Changing the image will speak well on personal life. Either add bright colors to current relationships, or will help meet the soul mate.

In the manicure you can choose bold and non-standard solutions, bright, creative designs. Turn on the fantasy and do not limit yourself to anything.


The energy of the day is such that you can see in a dream some signal that will indicate, faithful if you go through life. Moreover, the plot of dreams does not play a special role, it is important to pay attention to your own emotions and the state in which you will find yourself after awakening.

17 lunar day

Lightweight and pleasant dreams will tell you that you are doing everything right, dark and heavy will indicate that it has come time to think about the meaning of your life, whether you follow your destination and execute whether the desires of your own soul.

Ritual for the 17 Moon Day

Important moment of the day: the more positive emotions in you, the more money will come to your life.

Therefore, it is worth trying the following rituals:

  • Morning meditation laughter. Waking up, start laughing. Loud, sincerely and from the soul. Even if you opened your eyes and felt a bad mood, just laugh. First, the laughter will have to squeeze out of itself, but after a couple of minutes you already feel true and unconditional joy.
  • During the day at the first signs of bad mood, begin to smile. Let even it will be narrowed. But the brain "believes" the body signal and connects, raising you the mood and forcing you feel sincere positive emotions.
  • Evening - a good time for incendiary ritual dances. Turn on the loud and necessarily funny music, start dancing from the soul, trying to turn off the brain and fully immerse yourself in the process. The more absurd and funny will be the dance, the better.

For gardener and gardener

On this day, plants are particularly growing and breeding, the roots and the accumulation of nutrients occur. Therefore, it is worthwhile to sow crop, containing room plants. If the season allows, you can collect a harvest.

It is also a particularly favorable day for collecting grapes and making homemade wine.

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"What we radiate, then we get" - the motto of the seventeenth lunar days. Therefore, if the energy of love, light and gratitude comes from you, then you will draw happiness and unique opportunities for success in your life.


  • On this day it is worth relaxing and to succumb to the flow of creativity and inspiration. Let the thoughts flow uncontrollably, and you can hide insight, they will come to mind ideas that you can successfully implement, increasing your standard of living and financial well-being.
  • A day is favorable for any communication with people: friendly, romantic, business. You can start a lot of useful dating. Use this chance to fill your world like-minded people and loved ones.
  • It is advisable to spend the day in a good mood, with only positive emotions. Try to create in your space a holiday atmosphere and fun, give joy and yourself, and others.

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