14 Lunar Day: Characteristics of fourteenth lunar days


14 Lunar day has a passive energy, his element is the Earth. Hyacinths protrude with successful minerals. From happy shades can be called: purple, purple, lilac and white. The symbol is 14 days: a pipe that calls with his help. Husfar protorted an angel of the day (is the keeper of the lunar light).

Pipe - Symbol of 14 moon day

General characteristics 14 moon day

On this day, a human being is experiencing a unique stage of expanding its capabilities. Of course, this requires a lot of energy and internal stability. The main board of data of the day - to the maximum to eliminate everything is superfluous, which is physical that the moral plan.

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Very good effect will bring cleaning activities. In the 14 moon day, our body eliminates unnecessary liquid and recycled energy, and we can help him make it easily and efficiently. Thereby ensure preparation for the full moon - peak point in the lunar calendar.

Now you can not get stuck on your past achievements - it is very important to continue to move forward. Even a minor pause can very negatively influence the overall result, taking no work of the past. Plus, you, of course, should sincerely believe in yourself and your success.

14 The lunar days act as the last chance, allowing a person to fill his life with changes for the better. It remains very slightly: the peak of the lunar month will come very soon. The situation around us is glowed to the limit. We can take advantage of the powerful power of the moon for their personal purposes.

And if you increase this chance over, it will later be difficult to change the situation. After all, after the full moon, the phase of the moon begins, at this time we cannot influence the events around us and cannot intervene in natural processes.

Love, relationship, marriage

14 Lunar day Characteristic of the day performs very favorable for the conclusion of the marriage union. Most of all lucky the couples who had a long period of calamity. The wedding will now present the final chord in their candidate-bug pore. Also shows the creation of a family for people aged, that is, repeated marriages.

Why is the day successful for marriage? The growing moon gives a young family a giant energy potential that will help make many undertakings. From now on, everything is exclusively depending on the own actions of the young - whether they will be able to continue to "fly over the clouds", or they will be forced to return closer to the ground.

14 day very successful for the wedding


The most vulnerable body today is the eyes. If possible, minimize the load on them. The benefit will bring the contemplation of the beauty of nature: water, sky or sunrise / sunset Sun.

Thanks to this, you will restore the power of your eyes and can even get rid of various ophthalmological pathologies, save your eyes from fast fatigue. But, of course, it is necessary to cross natural phenomena regularly, and not once to trace the positive dynamics.

Business, work money

In the business sector now everything is very difficult. It is important to carefully analyze all the decisions made, as it is real only before the new lunar month starts.

What was invented earlier can still be adjusted until the specified process is in the zone of your control. Therefore, it is necessary not to be lazy and think about everything solved several times. Look in it any shortcomings and errors.

It is now recommended to work in organizational issues, as well as administrative problems. Positive affairs are developing related to bringing business paper, contracts and contracts.

Haircut, painting, manicure

Have a desire to make a new haircut at 14 lunar day? Its effect will be ambiguous: on the one hand, the financial situation promises to improve, and on the other hand, the risk of being depressed and the poor mood. Think once again whether it is worth it.

Changing the shade of the champions is not under the ban, the main thing is not to choose too contrasting colors. Prefer natural shades, and you will ensure success in business life.

The growing moon is successful for the guidance of the beauty of its marigolds, so you can safely be recorded to the Neil Master on manicure, pedicure, paraffinotherapy and other procedures.

Treat your handles and legs today


In general, everything that the present night, devoid of sacred meaning. His main task is to make you pay attention to a certain aspect of your personality, which you are negligible all the time.

So, know that everything that seen in the night Gree is now the key to your "personalities" - that part of itself, which can not be realized in life. Think up, I would not hurt to finally start using all your maximum opportunities!

Ritual for 14 lunar days

The fourteenth lunar days are shown to fulfill the rules for clearing their home or apartment from negative energy and bad entities. Moreover, it is not necessary to call a priest-exorcist - you completely solve the task of your own efforts. The energy of the four elements of nature will come to the rescue: water, fire, air and earth.

How to spend the cleaning of the house from negative?

  • Using water - use the capacity with the Holy Ward, which sprinkle your home.
  • Fire - a burning candle cross each wall and a window in the dwelling.
  • Air - To this end, you need to stock up a special smoke, emitting a pleasant fragrance. You walk around the house and deliver it, filling with fragrance.
  • Earth - Take advantage of a sketch of salt, which you need to put in the corners of the houses at home.

It is important in the process of sacred to move clockwise and read special prayers.

14 Lunar day is the first days when the moon joined its fullest phase. Magged and sorcerer have given a segment of time is ideal for practicing the increase in material benefits, attracting love and realization of the whole desired.

For gardener and gardener

Full moon - the most energy-filled day throughout the lunar cycle. It should carry out energetic actions, plan new events, cope with a variety of interference on its way to goals.

Also, at the age of 14, you can safely deal with the works in the garden and garden. The most positive result can be expected from the following actions:

  • events in landing new cultures;
  • Replantation of fruit plants.

In this period, nutrients are concentrated in all parts of plants. Therefore, the latter will bring undoubtedly human body. The main thing is to use them without heat treatment, fresh.

Get the energy of fresh vegetables and fruits

Until the full moon comes, it is impossible to cut, replant, instill and cut forward plants. In addition, be careful with the use of a garden tool, since there is a big risk of injury to young, have not yet had time to graze shoots and the root system.


The most important rule is relevant in the 14th day: it is better to overheat than to reversal. Therefore, refuse laziness in any of its manifestations, and part-time from sad thoughts, and actively deal with useful things.

I also want to share with you my conclusions of the day described:

  • Do not allow quarrels, clarifying relationships and other nerves. If it is strongly imparting to release a negative outward, it is better to break a couple of plates or beat the pear. At worst, you can arrange a fight with pillows with friends or boyfriend.
  • Do you think your life is deprived of meaning? Fate This day sends you a great opportunity to find it. And give up help from the side, use only your sixth sense.
  • In the fourteenth day of the cycle of the moon, the words and sounds have tremendous power. It is really easy to get a hint from the higher forces, which will very help in subsequent actions. The main thing, do not ignore the instrument of speech: if you suddenly hear the same phrase on the radio several times in the day, some melody constantly spin in my head, it is worth thinking if it really is just an accident?

It is likely that this way the Universe tries to send you a sign, indicate the right direction in which you should move.

  • Do not forget to eliminate everything too much, the fact that you fully have heard yourself and what you do not have any needs. Clean your body.

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