12 Lunar Day: Characteristics of the twelfth lunar days


12 Lunar day in its energy sector is distinguished by passivity, his element is a tree. Moonful data stones: Lazarites, yellow corals, pearl, pink pearls. Of the happy shades of the day they call: blue, sea wave colors, Lazorous. From the symbols of 12 days allocate: a magic bowl, skull, heart and a cup of grail. Patron of the day: Lubrador (acts as an angel of the upcoming hour).

12 lunar day, his bowl symbol

General characteristics of 12 lunar days

The twelfth day of the Moon cycle is given to people to be able to better know their nature and the world around. In our life, there are so many interesting, unknown earlier, about what we often think, but why we cannot correctly understand. Now we receive an excellent opportunity to go beyond the limits of everydayness and spying on another, more interesting and spiritual reality.

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The moon unconditionally affects the human ability to think. And today, she opens the vision of inseparable ties between all things that exist in the universe, and their dependence on each other.

Thanks to this awareness, a person is improving, gaining vital wisdom. All organs of his feelings begin to perceive information more subtle plans. And we are more clearly aware of everything that happens around us.

Also to 12 moon day we get a big portion of love from our universe. She awakens a sea of ​​positive feelings and emotions within us. Therefore, it is recommended to show mercy on this day, compassion for others, as well as charity.

Love, relationship, marriage

The current day is very successful to enter the marriage union. In it will prevail spiritual values ​​over the material. It is also recommended to make the mystery of the wedding today.

The period is ideal for creating a family of truly believers who practice all human virtues are confident in the divine nature of a person and for which spiritual is always in the first place. The family created today is usually very happy, the divorce in it is unlikely.

Pay attention to the fact that if now in love will be sent greatly, it will become anxious sign over, speaking about the insincerity of someone. It is worth thinking about your relationship.

The family created today will be happy


Huge benefit on 12 day of the lunar cycle will bring Hatha Yoga and other psychophysical oriental practices. It is necessary to pay special attention to the work of its cardiovascular system.

Discard this day from hard, energy-proof training, as well as avoid stressful situations and nervous disruptions.

It is extremely recommended today to conduct meditative practice. A good effect will bring a soft massage session.

Business, work money

As for financial transactions, now they will be successful only if you donate part of the funds for charitable goals.

But all that concerns the "left" monetary operations and events, the so-called "black PR" will be doomed to failure. It is important that in these lunar days finance worked exclusively to good goals, and nothing on the contrary.

At the same time, the bigger amount you will donate, the greater success in the future. But only when complying with the condition that you give finances from the pure heart, sincerely, and without hoping for this to make a profit. Manifestations of insincerity will be reduced to no expected result.

Haircut, painting, manicure

A favorable time to perform a haircut. Thanks to her, you are intensifying financial flows in your life, plus impair your body. The growing phase of the moon will help to speed up the growth of the hairs of the hairs today. Strained now painting also contributes to wealth.

If you want, you can sign up to the manicure master and pedicure on this day.


Interpretation of the night spern 12 lunar days should occur solely from the position of spirituality. In dream images now you get information about what is most important for you.

Dreams today are told about the most important thing in life

Therefore, if in a dream you are observing mostly the material picture of the world, it is a sign of more than what you are too docked on social life, and the spiritual is suffering. In the same way, if you see an exceptionally spiritual symbolism at night, it means that you are very tearned from reality and literally "twist in the clouds."

And the best and right is not to give in to the extremes, but to be in the state of the Golden Middle. After all, the meaning of spiritual improvement is that a person lives in material reality, while practicing spiritual exercises.

Ritual for 12 lunar days

The main practice of the twelfth lunar days is necessarily the first request. It is impossible to neglect it in any case. And when you help another person, you can sincerely ask for help for myself from the Most High.

For gardener and gardener

12 The lunar days are acceptable for various manipulations in the garden and garden. The Phase of the Moon is now growing, which ensures that the life of everything in nature is filling.

At the same time, the plants actively absorb moisture and valuable elements from the soil. That is why it is so important to water well and feed them in this period.

By 12 days in leaves and fruits, the maximum concentration of valuable substances is assembled, which makes the day successful for harvesting (you can collect crops that are not used in the workpieces for the winter).

What else is shown to do today? Schedule for this day training orders for the winter season. Also carry out disembarking, sowing and transplanting greenery, fruit fruit crops, various vegetables, berries and fruiting trees.

Make blanks for the winter at 12th day of the moon cycle

In addition, astrologists recommend processing soil, carrying off, drawing, acceleration of plants (for example, strawberries and others), steening, cut forward, collect seeds, make a piece and dive.

Having cut off the fruit trees, you should stick to the measure, because otherwise, it will extend more than the juice, which will lead to the death of plants. Also note that when I find the moon in the Aquarius sign, you need to postpone with picking.


Characteristic 12 lunar days speaks of the need to focus on the spiritual sphere of life. It is permissible to break a little from work, dream, in the colors presenting a picture of your bright future.

Start looking for a source of inspiration - today to do it easier than in other lunar days. Just do not do it alone: ​​it is much more efficient to unite with relatives and close people in spirit. If you will dream of good, positive, then with the most likely your desire will be implemented in reality. The main thing is to do it as sincerely as possible, from the soul.

It is possible that you will have a need for solitude in 12 lunar days. She is not bad if the soul requires to be alone with him, satisfy her such a desire. You will be able to analyze your own life, realizing the causes of bad incidents in it, and will find a solution for them.

From what exactly needs to be abandoned in this period, so it is from nerves, fuss, critics and requirements. More pay attention to your own negative features, bad thoughts and actions. It will not be superfluous to praise your relatives and loved ones, even a stranger to do a pleasant compliment: remember, good always returns back.

It is located on the 12th day of the cycle of the moon to visit the church, the temple, bring order on the graves of the dead ancestors. It is impossible to cherish with alcoholic beverages, keep moderation, even if forced to go now to the celebration.

In its energy, these days are passive. It is very good to pay attention to your garden and garden. Perhaps on top you will receive unexpected illumination in the process of work, which will help to make a plan for further action. Also, be sure to express your sincere thanks to the universe for everything you possess: without knowing how to thank it is more comprehensively, you will never get more.

And finally, I want to offer you a view of the thematic video:

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