Morning and evening prayers: how to read in church Slavic, text


I am a daily Morning and Evening Prayers. I advise everyone to read them on the original Church Slavonic language. Today I will tell about these prayers in detail, I will describe the rules of their reading.

Morning and evening prayers

Surely every righteous Christian knows that every morning he should start with prayer. Just as ending your day by contacting the Lord. These are very important rituals for a believer person, because it may be better than since the morning to get the blessing of all saints and enlist the support of the Lord in all your business and endeavors.

Morning and evening prayers: how to read in church Slavic, text 4606_1

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And the evening prayers will make the soul from all the negative, which has accumulated per day, and, probably, everyone will confirm that the prayer for sleep coming will make it strong and sweet. Those who are regularly engaged in the morning and evening spiritual practices, probably in time will want to develop further and comprehend the new faces of our religion. To do this, it is possible to start the study of the Sacred Church Slavonic language, on which the originals of most sacred texts are written.

Very favorably morning prayers read at Church Slavonic, because this language besties the hidden spiritual knowledge gives us and immerses to a special benevolent atmosphere, simply necessary for proper communication with the Almighty. Do not be lazy and spend time to master this language perfect. It will increase spirituality, will show your diligence and, that is important, will allow reading prayer and other bodies in the original.

Why use Old Slavonic when reading prayers

Before you begin to teach Old Slavonic language, it is important for you to understand why it is necessary, because many people quietly read prayers and in modern Russian. So, the most important aspect here is the fact that it was on the Church Slavonic "sacred texts were read by holy worshi and greaters for many millennia. This, of course, could not affect the strength of these words. The lines in this ancient language are read during the church service, which also gives a prayer for special power.

The Church Slavonic language will allow the Christian to send Christian to the very sources of our faith and touch the grace that these lines brought many people throughout the entire period of the existence of the language.

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Also, an important point is that by uttering prayer in a new language, you fully concentrate on it and try to utter each word from prayer as thought thoughtfully and correctly. This will avoid thoughts to be distracted by other problems, and attention was dissipated. Therefore, if during communication with the Lord you do not have enough perpetuity and concentration, then the study of a new language will be able to help it correct. Reading on Church Slavonic will always be amazed by beauty and depth of this speech.

In this language there are no bad words, so it is absolutely clean and cannot be used to harm and transfer the negative. The preservation and transfer of the Church Slavonic language to the following generations will allow maintaining the holiness of our culture and the individuality of religion, and this is very important.

What are the features of the Church Slavonic language, how to learn to read it

Church Slavonic language, unlike other adventures, has never been the language of any people or a tribe. It was created by "artificial way" for certain purposes. His founder is Saint Cyrionil, who wanted to create such a language on which only religious church and god-free words were uttered. He wanted to create an outstand for Christians, where they could fully immerse themselves in the thoughts of God, the universe and their spirituality. It was the Church Slavonic language that became this "oasis" to heal the souls of righteous Orthodox people.

Morning and evening prayers: how to read in church Slavic, text 4606_2

  1. This language was created in the process of translations of the Word of God, the Bible and other scriptures. The birth of this adventure occurred in the ninth century of our era, and then was carefully transferred to the followers of Orthodoxy.
  2. The basis for the creation of the Church Slavonic language was the dialect of South Slavic peoples, but philologists claim that the influence of the language of the most powerful in those times of the Empire - Byzantium is clearly traced in this impurities.
  3. This sacred language has never been used for everyday conversations and empty routine conversations, so it is even impossible to imagine the power that each word, said and written in Church Slavonic.

In order to start learning this language, you should find a teacher who has been owning for a long time. If there is no such possibility, then you can begin the study of the Church Slavonic alphabet. Some letters will seem familiar to you, and others will have to try over the memorization.

After all the letters have become known and the incomprehensible stones are not frightened, you can start reading. To do this, open the prayer and try to figure it out written. This language is close to us, so the meaning of many words you catch at an intuitive level.

Where you can find the text of any prayer on the Sacred Church Slavonic language

Perhaps for you now it will be a discovery, but there is a lot of godly literature, which is written on Church Slavonic. In order to acquire it, it is enough to come to the church shop and choose the edition that is like.

All books that priests use during worship is written in this language. Many prayers also contain prayers in sacred adverbs.

At the very initial stage of dating with the Old Slavonic, the best option will be prayer, where the sacred text in the Church Slavonic language is then duplicated in Russian. This will allow you to expand your vocabulary not just a crawler, but instant use in practice, and, as you know, this method of memorizing information is considered the most effective.

Morning and evening prayers: how to read in church Slavic, text 4606_3

Basic rules for reading prayers and appeal to the Holy and Lord Almighty

When reading a prayer in the Old Slavonic language, you need to comply with certain rules that will help to make spiritual practice most efficient and correct.

So, here are the main points that you should consider when contacting the Lord Almighty and Holy:

  • If you have not yet been well studied, do not worry that some words are not completely clear for you. Continue your prayer and do not dwell on it.
  • Read the sacred text as sensible as possible, do not turn it into the mechanical process of repeating learned words. For each pronounced word, certain images, emotions and awareness should be standing.
  • For morning and evening spiritual practices, there are special prayers that can be found in prayer. Over time, you will remember them and be able to vote in memory.
  • Pronounce everything very clearly and clearly, do not rush. No need to chase at speed, if, for example, you have no time to read all the usual prayers in the morning, then it is better to reduce their quantity, and do not burst them in a hurry.
  • Make semantic stops in the text. It is very important in order to conscious words well digested in consciousness.
  • If you speak sacred words out loud, do not do it too loud. Your voice should be the most natural possible.

What we need to ask in the morning prayers, on which it is necessary to concentrate during this spiritual practice

Morning prayers is what you always have time. Do not succumb to laziness and do not miss a single day. Turning to the Lord in the morning, immediately after awakening, you must ask for the following things:

  • Ask for the blessing of all the undertakings and cases that you have scheduled today.
  • Ask your health and health of relatives to always be strong, and the diseases never came to the family.
  • Check out that during the day you coped with all the temptations and the tricks of the desertion.
  • And, of course, do not forget to thank the Most High for giving you another day of this beautiful life and you can breathe, love, communicate with relatives and close people.

What should contain evening prayer

In the evening you must thank the Lord for all the good and bad, which was in this day. Also show your humility and report that you are taking all the lessons who taught life today. Ask for good dreams and rest. Also before bedtime, most favorable wishes are favorable.


  • Start the study of the sacred language from memorizing the alphabet.
  • Purchase in the church shop the necessary godly literature, practice as often as possible in reading in Staroslavansky.
  • Prophovate all words with clear understanding and focus as much as possible on the prayer process.
  • Do not hurry and read the sacred text slowly.
  • Do not read the prayer monotonously, make pauses where they are needed. This will even better comprehend the pronounced words.

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