1 Lunar day: Characteristics of the first lunar days


1 Lunar day: Characteristics of the first lunar days 4612_1

From how you spend 1 lunar day, the success of only month will depend.

General characteristic of 1 lunar day

The first lunar day can be compared with a clean sheet of paper. What you write on it will be to determine the events taking place with you throughout the month. You seem to lay the foundation from your thoughts, emotions and actions. And how this foundation will end up, depends only on you.

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1 lunar day characteristic day


  1. Time to make desires and write lists of goals. On this day, you need to think about light, good, about what you want to get in the near and remote future. Try to find the time, take a blank sheet of paper and pour all your dreams to it.
  2. Also worth postponing all the cases on this day, abstract from extraneous thoughts, from memories and past and experiences about the future. Do things that bring you pleasure and fill with positive energy.
  3. Any images and thoughts that arise in your subconscious in the first lunar days have tremendous strength and are able to materialize within a month. Therefore, negative should be avoided and not to attract problems.
  4. In the wording of its goals and desires, you need to be very specific. Do not make "I want to be rich", think better: "My income per month is N rubles." The clearer and more in detail, you will describe your dream, the greater the likelihood that it will be.
  5. It is no less important not to simply formulate your question, but also to feel what emotions you will have when the desire will come true. Try to feel the taste, smell, feelings of your dreams. Imagine that you touch her hands. Imagine that it has already embodied in reality.
  6. On this day, it is worth remembering anyone who ever hurt you, and forgive offenders. Negative emotions destroy only you, so you need to be released from them. Any actions aimed at your spiritual development and energy purification will benefit and incredible relief.
  7. Excellent if it turns out to find time, light the candle and just watch the fire. If there is such an opportunity, sit by the fire, the fireplace or simply watch the candle flame. During this process, concentrate on positive thoughts and emotions, emit love and gratitude.

Tip: if the desire is not fulfilled in the first month (which is possible if it is complex), not lose heart and continue to visualize it every first lunar day, from month to month.

Love, relationship, marriage

For the first lunar day is shown solitude, so from the meeting with a loved one or someone else is better to abstain, transfer them to another day. But to think a happy relationship, ask the universe of love and "primagnichivat" my personal happiness - you need!

1 lunar day

Visualize, imagine, feel, do you feel close to his chosen, potential or existing. Is filled with positive emotions and think about what you want from the relationship. Imagine yourself in a wedding dress or a romantic date - dream, and will attract the desired in your life.


You can not drink alcohol and fatty, spicy, heavy food. Organism in the day is best to unload and do not give him loads. Immunity in this day weak, but little physical energy. Therefore, drink more water, eat a light meal and transfer exercise for another time.

On this day contraindicated stresses, so avoid contact with unpleasant people, and do not visit places where you can feel uncomfortable, irritated and feel uneasy.

Business, work, money

Anticipated receipt of the money may be delayed. But it is better to let the situation and decide on that day any financial issues. You can not buy and sell currencies, sign documents, purchase securities. Out of debt also put on a more favorable period.

the first lunar day

If you take a loan now, the amount of debt will increase along with the growth of the moon, and it is necessary to get out during the next month.

Postpone any important financial decisions to a more favorable day. Do not engage in negotiations do not conclude deals. Do not engage in business registration and other important moments.

Haircut, painting, manicure

From cosmetic procedures at this time it is better to abstain. You can not cut and color my hair, go to beauty salons and try new tools.

The head and eyes are particularly vulnerable to this day, so we can not allow anyone to touch them.


Dreams are the first lunar day can prove to be prophetic. They reflect all of your feelings, thoughts and desires. And it shows that out of all this is able to materialize within a month.

But does not treat their dreams too literally. The subconscious can communicate information simply through the images that you want to decrypt.

Before bed, you can ask the universe some question, ask to prompt the correct solution to the problem that you care. And you will definitely answer. It is only important to interpret it correctly.

Ritual for 1 Moon Day

On this day, you can do any practice aimed at fulfilling desires. I offer you one simple, but very powerful ritual that will help your dreams to materialize.

What to do:

  1. Return and make sure that no one will disturb you for 15 minutes. Close your eyes, relax, take a deep breath, exhale, feel how your entire body relaxes. Abstract from any thoughts and completely immerse yourself.
  2. Think about your desire and visualize its image. Not tightening, easy and free, just relax and watch pictures arising in your imagination.
  3. Feel that the desire has already come true. Catch the feelings from all senses. For example, if you want to fly to the sea, hear the noise of the waves, feel like salt splashes reach you and relate to the body, feel solar warm, watch the beautiful sea sunset. Completely dissolve in this.
  4. Then imagine how from the area of ​​your chest, from the heart goes ray of light. Feel how you emit unconditional love and gratitude. Visualize clean, light, sparkling energy, as in cosmos films.
  5. Fill the image of your desire to this light. If you feel warm, fullness, pleasant body reactions, excellent.

At the end of practice, you can simply open your eyes. This ritual can be repeated from month to month, watching all your desires are executed.

For gardener and gardener

In the first lunar days of the plant are especially sensitive to any external influences. And all processes in the ground seem to die. Therefore, it is undesirable to plant anything, sow, work in the ground.

What can be done is to remove weeds, to deal with pests, purify the earth from patients with plants.

Check the video on the topic:


The essence of the first lunar day is to allow a person to feel the Creator of his life, to understand that you yourself create peace and events around yourself. That the surrounding space is worn out of your desires, thoughts and beliefs.


  • In the first lunar day, make desires - they are able to materialize easily. Learn to want - very important. If you do not show the universe of your intentions, sooner or later, she will decide that you do not need anything, and will cease to send favorable opportunities into your life.
  • This day is not for active actions, but for planning. Therefore, until you strive to immediately begin the implementation of your goals.
  • This is a favorable period for self-knowledge, spiritual practices and psychotherapy, getting rid of fears, complexes, negative and limiting beliefs.
  • All financial affairs, visits to beauty salons, communicating with close people is better to postpone the other day. This unfavorable time to solve problems in these areas.
  • Carefully rectify to dreams that see, there may be encrypted signs that tell me about what will happen to you within a month.

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