3 Moon Day: Characteristics of third lunar days


3 lunar day in its energy sector is an active day, his element is a tree. From successful data stones, the day is called: jespilles, rubies, pyrites, adventurines. Colors of day: yellow, gold, amber, lemon, saffron and shades of ocher. Symbols of the day: Leopard and Bars, who is preparing for a jump. Angelic creature 3 days: Sargo Procurator.

3 day symbol: leopard

General characteristics of 3 lunar days

There is a gradual implementation of thoughts in the physical world. The day is distinguished by activity: it is possible that you want to work in creativity or other activities. At the same time, carefully monitor your inner sensations, as well as emotions - there is a risk of losing power over them.

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Energy directed in the right track always provides productive result. So try to act with the mind, eliminate negative thoughts from your thinking, as well as forever depressive, angry or envious personalities.

3 Lunar day Characteristic of the day talks about the awakening of creative inclinations. This, in turn, contributes to unusual, but successful solutions of complex situations.

It is more correct to practice some active activity today. But if you even work work, and at the same time will experience a lot of negative emotions, the effect will not please you or other people. Try to stay in a calm, harmonious state of the Spirit, listening to the recommendations of others. Do not let yourself succumb to provocations.

All negative emails of the 3 lunar day are repeatedly increasing in size, damaging, first of all, to you personally. As a result, physical well-being will deteriorate, depression can begin, the degree of susceptibility of stress and so on.

Refuse to data from the manifestations of passivity and inaction, as they are under the strictest ban! Can destroy your body. The moon now gives a person a certain strength and energy, which should be used for the benefit of himself and the world around.

If this is not done, the energy will look out for itself outside, which will be fraught with negative consequences. That is why 3 day of the lunar calendar does not allow to show laziness. Only actions, actions and again active actions!

Show maximum activity today

Love, relationship, marriage

It is possible to decide on the conclusion of marriage today only when you want to fill your marital life with adventures, frequent crossings, unpredictable surprises. Therefore, if you are not ready for such activity, transfer the wedding to other lunar days.

In addition, a non-standard wedding ceremony will be successful at 3 lunar day. In general, now a day ideally suitable for all unusual and extreme.


Full self-dedication is shown, as regards its main occupation (work), that domestic affairs and exercise. At 3 Day of the moon cycle, it should be preparing to prepare the report, arrange the general cleaning of your home, and also to engage in power loads.

Even labor at night will not harm health. The time is ideal to include your inner reserves of the body on the full coil. The most important thing is that you have enough motivation and have no doubts about the activities performed.

Today's day is very active, if you do not use all this over energy, it will harm your health. Without finding a way out, he will head itself, which will destroyably affect well-being.

If you neglect these recommendations, not practicing active actions, and the whole day is lazy or sleep - when you wake up, then with a high probability, find fatigue and apathy.

What does this testify? That vital energy could not pass through the energy channels, did not irrigate them with its healing force, but turned into a "swamp", stagnant. As a result, you can face stagnant processes that in the bloodstream, which is in the digestion organs.

So, exhibit caution - more correctly in the 3th day of the growth of the moon to recycle, to overheat than "re-".

Business, work, money

Now there is an increased productivity in all spheres of life, in particular, in business. Ideally engage in the performance of "breakthrough" events, go to new levels, even risk, but deliberately.

As in the whole other, in business in the third lunar day should be activity. Finance at this time will visit wallets only those who apply some efforts to receive them, tries and works, and not just mastering themselves with dreams.

Haircut, painting, manicure

For a haircut, this day is ambiguous, but it is better to still time with the shortening of the hair.

As for staining, it is permissible, but only with the use of natural dyes. And even will be favorable - the shade changed today will provide career growth, will help to establish relations with employees and find a solution even for very difficult tasks.

You can paint curls

Permissible manicure and pedicure.


Night vision, seen today at night, are designed to tell about whether we use the space energy provided to us. How we realize our energy potential laid in us from the very birth.

Therefore, the dreams can be taken for a landmark indicating the "energy" holes through which the vitality flows. Pay them attention if you wish to increase your energy to always have enough strength to implement everything conceived in life.

In addition, the Greens in the 3 lunar days often demonstrate ways to solve complex tasks, eliminating various obstacles to. But interpret them, taking into account the process of circulating the energy fluxes of the moon.

Ritual for 3 lunar days

Today you can resort to the practice of astral cleansing. It will help eliminate negative emotions. Therefore, if you feel that such negative feelings, as fear, anxiety, aggression, envy, greed, insult, pride and others took over you, perform it in 3 days of the moon calendar.

How to do it:

  • Establish the place of education in your body of spasms (throat, chest, intestines, can manifest in the form of heat, ripples);
  • Control the negative emotion - when you watch it, it begins to decay and disappear gradually.

Remember that in order to suppress emotions, driving them deep into ourselves and experiencing alone with them, unusually harmful. So you gradually destroy yourself. The manifestations of fear negatively reflect on the kidneys, anger - on the liver, and greed with envy are devastating for the heart and spleen.

For gardener and gardener

It's good time to plant and transplant fast-growing fruiting plants, in particular, those that have edible only by the ground part.

In the third day of the lunar cycle, landing is recommended:

  • leaf vegetables;
  • legume crops;
  • eggplants;
  • cucumbers;
  • Flower and medicinal plants.

It is also recommended to engage in works that bring useful results today:

  • loose soil;
  • girdle
  • feed plants with mineral fertilizers;
  • delete unnecessary shoots;
  • prepare cuttings;
  • instilling and rooted many types of plants;
  • Collect fruits.

Gardening will be something to do


Indeed, the third lunar days are filled with all sorts of danger and stressful situations. But it is not worth it for this expense: the moon has a soft, kind energy, she will protect the evil to your life from penetration.

But, of course, with the only condition that you will exercise the most benevolent, positive attitude towards peace and others.

At this day, the lunar cycle will play self-sucking. Therefore, become in front of the mirror and begin to tell yourself what kind of smart, kind, charming and attractive man. Then other people will perceive you, respectively.

Today it is necessary to abandon the manifestations of anger, anger, not to contact conflict situations. Otherwise you will get a headache, other unpleasant symptoms and you can walk to the nervous breakdown. Be careful with your health, it would be nice to spend time in nature, rising fresh air and rested from urban fuss and noise.

However, it is also impossible to keep negative emotions. Therefore, if a desire arose broke a pair of plates, do not neglect them.

Complete 3 lunar days is best surrounded by the closest people. Whatever the day passed, in the evening, gather with my relatives behind the family table, discuss what happened today and, of course, do not forget to hug your beloved cat.

And at the end of the topic, I recommend you to view an interesting video. Footage:

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