Prayers about spiritual peace and tranquility


I often add believers who have a feeling of anxiety in the shower. I recommend it to use prayer about mental peace. Today I will tell you how to remove it.

Feeling of gravity in the soul

We all have black and white stripes in life, and if in good periods it is easy for us to be positive, proud and calm, then in the difficult times of apathy and depression make hands and plunge into the bunch of sorrow and hopelessness. Of course, it is impossible to succumb to the despondency and a sense of hopelessness, at such moments you need to take the whole will in the fist and try to bring ourselves to a normal emotional state.

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For an Orthodox person, the best way to restore its spiritual equilibrium and return the harmony to life is to appeal to religion. The best tool in this business will serve reading prayers, because communication with the Lord can heal not only the soul, but also the mind from severe, obsessive and bad thoughts.

Prayer about spiritual peace is a truly miraculous method, which in the shortest possible time will be able to change not only current affairs, but also the fate as a whole. Turning to the Most High and his assistants - holy, you can ask for anything, if only this does not violate God's commandments. Check on the soothing of spiritual passions and the graciousness of the destructive emotions that destroy you.

What force has such a prayer for calm

The strength of the sacred texts recorded in prayers cannot be exaggerated, because prayer is capable of creating such miracles that cannot be represented even in the most bold fantasy. If you are looking for mental peace, harmony, emotional stability, then prayers for you are just an indispensable thing, as they will help you achieve all this easily, nice and very quickly. During praying, the soul is healing, even if you ask God at all about the other. The very fact that you chose the righteous path, already increases the level of spirituality and consciousness.

You can read a lot of wonderful books, the ages and just stories about how the prayer saved people in the most difficult situations and helped get out of the deepest depression, when even modern medicine was absolutely powerless.

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Reading holy lines, people in front of the eyes changed their inner world, got rid of negative installations and habits, acquired the meaning of life and opened the inner knowledge about how they should build their lives and what way to choose. I very much advise you in difficult times to read as many such inspirational stories as possible and charged positive. Thus, as it were, I will bring to the success of these people and strengthen your faith in miracles.

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Never underestimate the power of religion and prayer. Use these wonderful tools that left the Lord as a gift to His Earth Children. Believe in a miracle, and it will definitely happen.

To whom of the celestials are most favorable for help in calming peaceful passions

The main thing is that you have to learn, this is the fact that there is absolutely no fundamental importance to whom you pay your words. If they go from the heart and are supported by pure sincere motives, then they will reach anyone in any case, and the celestialists will take everything possible to improve your condition and the current life situation. In your prayers, you can mention the Lord of the Almighty, his son Jesus Christ, the Most Mary of Maria, the Holy Spirit. Also, do not forget about our most near patrons - guardian angels constantly nearby and protects us from all sorts of adversity.

If you want to contact that the holys that are responsible for the deraid of mental illnesses and despondency, then pray to the Great Martyr Varvar, Paul Received, John Zlatoust. It is these celestials that are famous for those who dried up the strength and energy and disappeared to life. At leisure, you can pay the time to familiarize yourself with the history of these great personalities and find out what life path they passed.

How to correctly pronounce the sacred texts

The main condition so that your prayers are heard, is sincerity and solid faith in pronounced words. However, the priests give a number of recommendations that are able to facilitate the process of appealing to the Lord to the Almighty and strengthen the effect of our spiritual practices:

  • Contact heaven regularly. Daily practices will allow you in a matter of days to return a good soul location and pacify passion boiling in your head. Employe your laziness, retain all lightweight routine affairs and send clean, from the depths of your creature, a request to celestial.
  • Prayer about spiritual peace does not have to be taken from prayer or other religious literature. If it is convenient for you, then you can independently compile the text of the petition. The main thing, remember that it should not be any evil wishes to other people and bad words. It will reduce all the efforts.
  • Create a suitable atmosphere. This is very important, because when you are distracted and constantly jerked, you definitely can not penetrate the words of the words. Or maybe even on the contrary - even more start expressing. Light the candle (it is desirable that they be covered in the church), a lamp or incense. Perhaps you will need to pay off the light for complete immersion and create a cozy half-one.
  • To equip a small iconostasis at home, mark there several icons with the image of the saints. Try that the Licks of Jesus, the Virgin and Nicholas of Radiation be presented there.
  • Near the native cross, if it was not worn before that. This is a very important point, which in no case can not be overlooked. The crucifix is ​​considered the strongest faith in Christianity. This symbol will balance your spiritual and emotional state.
  • In order to cope with despondency, longing and apathy, try to communicate more with your relatives, attend the benvenous places. Go to the temples, go to the monastery or visit any shrine.

Whether it is necessary to thank the Lord of the Almighty and the Saints of Elders for Help in Foreign Harmony

Gratitude is a mandatory part of spiritual practices. Without this sincere feeling, you can hardly work out what you wish. Of course, in a state of unstable mood and depressed emotions, it is very difficult to speak thanks, but you must understand that it is very important. As you often read thankful prayers, make the good deeds you want to thank the Lord for his help. As Thanksgiving can hand out donations.

What else needs to be remembered when you appeal to religion for the help of finding calm

Do not forget that any prayer will remain simply words until you begin to support it with certain actions. Try to change your lifestyle to more righteous, make more good and merciful actions. Take time, show love for your family, parents, children. It is very important, because it is from this that the mental harmony begins.

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Try to hold back irritation, wander yourself every time you want to swear, scandaling and screaming. Show compassion and sympathy even to people, very annoying you and causing disgust.

Change your outdated hospitable views. Do not react to everything familiar to you (with insults, irritation and negative), tear the vicious chains of old habits and strive for the better.

Another very important point to which you need to pay attention is to get rid of the offense. After all, it was exactly the resentment for himself and those surrounding at a certain time and others end up into depressive falcon moods and a complete break in life. If you have the opportunity, ask for forgiveness for all the bad, which you have committed, from the most relatives and loved ones. Sincere repentance will also help remove the damage of the feelings of guilt and shame from their shoulders.


  • With any spiritual discomfort, first of all, remember about religion and God.
  • Do not miss a single day in prayer. Show the diligence and your power of will, and then the celersists will not exactly leave your efforts without proper attention.
  • Pray alone, ask for at least 15-20 minutes anyone distracted you. Light in the room of the candle and, if possible, set up before the icon.
  • Contact the saint to which you want. Listen to your inner voice, he will definitely tell you who you need to conduct a sacred conversation.
  • Wear a native cross or incense with the image of a holy face. It will strengthen the energy, strengthen faith in the Lord.
  • Visit temples and churches. Do not miss Sunday worship and sermons.
  • Never forget about thanks. Speak sincerely thanks to the Lord for his support and custody always, when you see even the slightest positive shifts.

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