11 of the strongest prayers Nikolai Wonderworker


I recommend everyone to pray every day to cope with all the difficulties. You can contact not only the Lord, but also to Nikolai the Wonderworker. Today I will tell you what you can take prayers.

Appeal to Nicholas

When a devout person faces difficulties, he surely begins to pray heaven about help. Since he perfectly understands what the Lord can help him solve the problems arising. More precisely, the Creator can send enlightenment to his slave. And in this case, a person will be able to find a way to cope with any trouble.

11 of the strongest prayers Nikolai Wonderworker 4623_1

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But you can not pray not only the Creator. Very revered in Christianity:

  • The Virgin Mary;
  • Angel defender;
  • Other saints.

One of the most famous saint is Nikolai Wonderworker. It was for him in most cases the laitys raise prayers for help. At the same time, they turn to the saint and other requests. It is believed that he refers to sinners who managed to repent in sins committed by them earlier. There are many stories that clearly illustrate how powerful and responsive is this saint.

And although many Christians pray to Nikolai the Wonderworker, there are also those who do not know exactly, in which case he can be a prayer. In most cases, this concerns, of course, those Christians who only recently began to pay more attention to religion. Since there is a lot to them in a novelty.

That is why they ask the question to whom Nikolai Wonderworker helps and what prayers should be used to contact him.

Nikolai Wonderworker - the best assistant travelers

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In the old days, no traveler went on the road, if the prayer was not read. Since in those days on the roads of people, there was a lot of dangers. After all, merchants could become a victim of gangsters, and simple peasants often died from the attacks of wild animals. That is why people constantly asked for protection from the saint.

The most often prayers were raised by Nikolay the Wonderworker. In history, even preserved evidence of how this saint helped travelers. Once Nikolay went to Alexandria. There he planned to undergo training. To get to the destination, the young saint was forced to make a small journey on the ship.

During swimming, bad weather was played. The sea is terribly stormy. One of the sailors died. He could not resist mast. As soon as Nicholas realized that the unfortunate was dead, he began to pray frantically to the Lord. And he answered his Molub. The man came to life.

Seeing this miracle to the crowd, other sailors believed in the Lord. Even those who considered themselves an atheist, rose to the right way and began to have a laudatory prayer to the Creator. Miracles like this, a lot known. And therefore it is quite clear why this saint is so revered. And the prayer of the designer is also posing a huge force that is therefore.

Although today few of believers remembers that every way is a danger, this is true. After all, no one can predict what will happen to a man while traveling. The priests strongly recommend praying to Nicholas the Wonderworker, if a person plans to go hiking or a trip. Moreover, the prayer of the saint can be raised, and simply leaving the house.

Such will help protect yourself from various kinds of dangers that lie down a person at every step. It is especially important to read such prayers to people who drive the car. As you know, every year a huge number of people die on the road. And therefore, the conformists insist that every Christian should, not be embarrassed, asking for protection from heaven.

11 of the strongest prayers Nikolai Wonderworker 4623_2

Going to work, a Christian may ask Nicholas that his path is safe. Of course, no one says that such a request is a 100% guarantee of protection. However, this is not superfluous. Since Nikolai Wonderworker merciful to people, and he continues to help them even in heaven.

Prayer for marriage: how to help the appeal requests to Nikolai the Wonderworker

Many girls dreaming to get married, even resort to witchcraft. And at the same time, they are completely out of consequences. But they will definitely. Since the Lord does not forgive those who, wanting to get anything, appeals for help to the devil himself.

Of course, some continue to confuse the concept of conspiracy and prayer. However, it is necessary to clearly understand that the lead can not advise anything good person. After all, their task is to give a man what he asks what he asks, and then write his soul in the bunch of sin.

If the girl wants to find his happiness as soon as possible in marriage, she can turn to the prayer to Nikolai the Wonderworker. The confirmation of what he helps unmarried ladies is one story recorded in Christian books. Once Nikolai found out that one of the local air deplete merchants decided to commit sin. He was the father of three daughters. For a long time, a man could not find her husband's daughters. Their family was so poor that the marriage of all the girls was their only hope for salvation. Otherwise, they were all doomed to hungry death.

Despite the efforts of the merchant, he could not find the daughters of decent husbands. Understanding that they will all die soon from hunger, a man decided to go to extreme measures. He conceived to give his native daughters to a public house, because he had not seen a different exit. Some kind of miracle Nikolai learned that this unfortunate thought. Wanting to protect him from the commission of sin, he at night, secretly, threw a lot of money and raised prayer for him. It was his savings that Nikolai was postponed to favor. He did not want someone to know about his blessing agency. However, later, it became known that it was he who saved the unfortunate girls from an unenviable fate, and their father from the fall.

And since Nikolai The Wonderworker indirectly, but still helped unmarried girls, it is believed that he is the intercessor of all those who have not had time to find happiness in marriage. When girls come to the church, dreaming of marriage, priests strongly recommend themselves to selflessly pray to Nikolai.

Having a prayer to the saint about marriage, it is very important to remember:

  • sincerity;
  • calm;
  • faith.

The history of rescue prisoners

Nicholas The Wonderworker is the intercessor not only travelers and unmarried women. He also patronizes all those who were unjustly convicted. At one famous picture depicted a scene of salvation of three convicts to death. Nikolai Wonderworker, having learned that three people were going to execute on the square, intervened and saved their lives. The fact is that the executioner did not dare to argue with the bishop, which everyone respected. And therefore, the execution decided to cancel.

A few days later the new circumstances of the case turned out. As it turned out, these three were innocent. Because of the small mistakes, they could be deprived of life. But in the dream, the Lord told the Holy in all circumstances of the case and ordered to save those who were clean before the law.

Therefore, if an innocent person has condemned, it is best to ask for the help of Nikolai Wonderworker. In addition, it is believed that people who serve deservedly come to him for help. But before being a holy prayer, they should sincerely repent of their sins. Only then their prayer will be heard.

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Of course, some people still believe that sinners are unworthy of forgiveness. However, it is a virtue that is important for a true Christian. He must be able to forgive those who walked the unilietes in the life path. This is exactly the ability and glorified this saint. After all, he believed that every sinner had the right to ask for mercy from heaven. That's just he needs to do everything to sue the perfect sin. It is extremely important. If a person is completely repeated in a perfect act, which is not a beigent, then the forgiveness will not be forgiven.

Whether the saint helps unbelievers

This is a controversial question that worries many. Some believe that Nikolai Wonderworker turns away from those who do not believe in the Lord. However, one story is widely known, which is confirmed by the fact that it is not. This case occurred in 1920 in China. In one province, the fisherman decided to go fishing in early spring. The ice has not had time to go away, and the man was confident that he was quite durable.

But suddenly the ice cracked under it, and he fell into the water. Feeling how he delays his depth, he remembered the icon, which he saw at the station, and asked for the help of the one who was depicted on it. I woke up the poor on the shore. The Chinese was not a Christian, he did not even know that on the icon, which emigrants from Russia left at the station, was depicted Nikolai Mirajor. And yet he helped the fisherman, although he was not believing.


  1. Nikolai The Wonderworker made many miracles during his lifetime.
  2. The saint especially honored Christians.
  3. You can even ask for help to Nikolai, even unbelievers.
  4. If a person was unjustly convicted, he may ask for the help of the saint. In the same way, those who are convicted of law can be done.
  5. So that the prayer is heard, it must be sincere.

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