Morning prayers: text in Russian, how to read


I always read the morning prayers and advise you to do it. Today I will show simple texts that you can lend to the Lord, and tell about the rules of the morning prayers.

The importance of prayer in the morning

When a child is born, his parents are necessarily sacred. But on this, his meeting with God comes to an end. The fact is that not all parents are ready to continue to bring up love for the Lord in their Chad. They find a lot of excuses that allow them to feel calmer. After all, they are their unwillingness to join God explain to banal employment. Unfortunately, most people really think that they can simply find a suitable exconance and soothe conscience. In fact, this is completely unacceptable.

Morning prayers: text in Russian, how to read 4624_1

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In addition, it is precisely because of the indifference of parents to faith, children also grow atheists. They may not deny the fact that God exists. But at the same time, they categorically refuse to follow certain rules and live according to the commandments, as the Creator ordered. Most often, Christians simply forget that they need to often pray to calm the soul and get closer to the Lord. Including they forget about the morning prayers that should be crazy regularly.

Of course, the Lord is very merciful. And therefore, every lost soul gets the opportunity sooner or later to adopt the Lord and open his heart for him. If a person decided for himself that he wants to get on the right path, it is necessary to pay attention to the study of certain rules.

The same applies to the study of those prayers that must be read in the morning hours. Those who visited the church at least once know that the priests read prayers in the Church Slavonic language. However, novice is quite difficult to master this language. And therefore, the conformists insist that at first believers used the version of the text of the prayer, which they will be understood. The morning prayer rule then will not seem so difficult.

Compliance with approved rituals

Many people, even those who are far from religion, are known that there are certain rules that need to follow. These rules concern not only prayers. There are some common moments to know. This is a prerequisite that even people recently appealing to faith. No need to think that these are some very complex rules. Since it is not. Everything is much easier than the majority thinks.

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The first thing you need to remember is a list of prayers that are read in the morning. Since it is impossible to change the morning and evening prayers. At first, a person will be quite difficult to remember the list of all prayers. Therefore, there is nothing galloping in the first time to use prayers.

Moreover, due to memory problems, not all people will be able to learn these texts. But there is nothing wrong with that. Since, if the reason for the reading of prayers exclusively with the prayer is a disease, then it cannot be considered disrespect. In particular, if we are talking about a elderly person, suffering from any disease, worsening memory. Then the morning prayer with prayer will not become something strange.

Equally important is the use of a native cross. As in any other religion, Orthodoxy has its own symbols of faith. In this case, we are talking about a full cross. It is believed that absolutely all Christians should wear it, because the cross serves as a strong defense. Although it is necessary to note the fact that not many follow this rule.

Morning prayers: text in Russian, how to read 4624_2

In addition, it is important to remember a few more rules that are relevant to all Christians:

  • Westing icons and saints of power - in almost all homes of believers have special corners in which icons cost. Standing in front of these icons of a person and must be a prayer. Also, the priests insist that Christians should regularly visit the church to touch the unwanted relics;
  • Pilgrimage - in Orthodoxy a visit to holy places is welcomed. It is believed that every person should at least once in his life be in holy places. It is noteworthy that such hiking people do very often to get the mercy of the Lord. In particular, if there was a grief in their family and they cannot cope with him;
  • Compliance with posts is perhaps the most unpleasant moment for people who only recently came to faith. After all, they have to limit their diet and get rid of food habits acquired earlier. Of course, it is not easy. But, limiting himself in food, a person clears his soul;
  • A visit to festive worship services is a very important aspect that some tend to forget. It is very good if a person visits the church on weekdays. However, it is necessary to remember about the festive liturgy. Morning worship is also desirable to visit.

Was a prayer, a person should also remember about the importance of the mental attitude. The fact is that reading a prayer should always be like pleasure. It is impossible to perceive it as a duty or as a burden. And since the morning prayers should be read every day, over time, some people really begin to perceive this daily ritual as a burden. Of course, nothing is good in this case you do not have to wait.

Preparing for reading prayers, you must try to tune in to a positive way and think about what to ask for the Lord. During prayer, a person should think about his desire. Of course, it should be a beige. In no case cannot be desired by an evil to another person or ask for a punishment for a sinner. It should be remembered that the Lord knows everything. And he absolutely does not need prompts. Therefore, it is not necessary to remind him that someone else committed a sin. A brief prayer rule also teaches this.

The priests argue that most of the prayers aimed at the Lord are still incorrect. After all, people ask for punishment for their offenders. Such requests are undesirable. It is necessary to understand and accept the fact that Orthodoxy teaches people to forgive those who inflicted them. The same applies to the accogramns. Even an army Christian has no right to report someone who has not come to faith. Since his task is exactly the opposite of this. He should think about what he can do to instruct the unbeliever of the truth.

How to read the morning prayers?

In Orthodoxy, there is a huge number of prayers. Each of them laid a certain meaning. Moreover, read prayers should also according to the rules. And if we talk about the morning prayers, they must also read by certain canons.

Consider them in more detail:

  1. No need to read prayer immediately after waking up. It is necessary to wash first and wear that clothes in which a person is comfortable.
  2. Some women reading prayers at home, forget to obey the handkerchief. It is incorrect, since one of the basic rules states that a woman and at home should pray in a scarf.
  3. Before the prayer you need to sit for a few minutes and calmly reflect on something unfounded. This will help get rid of unnecessary thoughts.
  4. It is necessary to pray in complete loneliness. Moreover, it is necessary to try to do not be distracted.
  5. Prayers to use are allowed to people who cannot remember prayers.
  6. Reading the prayer in front of the icons, the lamp should be lit. If it did not turn it at hand, you can use the usual candle.

These rules, many people forget. Of course, no one can say with confidence whether the Lord of Prayers will hear, who are not treated according to the rules of the Church. However, there is no evidence that the Lord remains indifferent to the requests that are sincere. After all, it is sincerity - this is what is important. Therefore, it is not necessary to think that a sinner who reads prayers for all the rules will be able to reach heaven if there is not a drop of sincerity in his heart.

Features of Reading Morning Prayers

In the prayer you can find all the necessary prayers. It contains a complete list of morning prayers. That's just to use his priests recommend those who have long been visiting the church. And those people who only recently appealed to religion, it is better to use a brief list. Just gradually it will be necessary to increase the number of readable prayers.

Morning prayers: text in Russian, how to read 4624_3

It is noteworthy that the priests themselves do not insist on reading absolutely all morning prayers in Russian. In their opinion, only sincerity is important here. If a person sincerely perses only once, it will be better than to suffer a prayer 100 times and do it completely insincere.


  1. Morning prayers are read only in the morning. In no case cannot be read them in the evening.
  2. You need to read, following certain rules. It is very important because the canons installed by the Church are required to execute
  3. For newbies, special reliefs are invented, which do not need to neglect.
  4. Pray better, standing in front of icons. There is also no superfluous candle or lamp.

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