Prayer "Seven Crosses" - protective charm for the whole family


I have long been studying prayers and know their importance in the life of every person. Today I will tell about a unique prayer that will help protect the family from evil forces.

Protect your family

For any person, one of the most important aspects of a happy life is well-being in the family. In Orthodoxy, special attention was also paid to the correctness of the relationship between children and parents and his husband's wife.

Everyone has an absolutely natural desire to disperse their loved ones from all kinds of adversity and trouble. If mutual understanding disappeared between the members of your family and there were bentable claims and conflicts, or even if the atmosphere at the home focus became more intense and aggressive, then you can take advantage of the strong miraculous prayer "seven crosses".

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Prayer "Seven Crosses" is designed to protect the family and houses from all kinds of negative events. Perhaps you noticed that after your house was attended certain people, you and your loved ones suddenly some kind of black stripe suddenly began, and the failures literally pursued on the heels (the household appliances broke down, things were breaking, they were lost their sickness).

Probably, in this situation, you encountered the so-called "energy vampires", which do not just weaken the energy of other people, but also sow negative in the surrounding space. In such cases, you should not be afraid or discouraged, because the Orthodox person has many tools and methods that will ensure effectively protect the family. Best of all, if you immediately resort to reading the holy texts, since under the care of invisible higher strength you will not be afraid no external influences.

What force has a prayer of 7 crosses

This prayer is called one of the strongest prayers of our Christian religion. This protective plea will be able to resolve even those situations in the shortest possible time that at first glance seemed simply hopeless.

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There are many stories of people who resorted to her help and received simply stunning results. If you enroll all the words that have said special meaning and clean emotions, you may not even doubt what a miracle happens and everything will be allowed to be best for you and the people around you. Remember that only the hardness and unshakable faith depends on whether everything uttered to the uncers.

Act and pray from the cleanest, kind and sincere motives, and then your family will be under the most reliable care and protection.

In what situations you need to resort to the help of this miraculous prayer

Every day there are many different problems and tests on any of us. Of course, we want to protect yourself from this and enlist the support of over. Probably, we even more we want the guardianship for our relatives and loved ones, because not one normal person will not be able to fully enjoy life, if any of the members of his family has difficult times and not solved problems.


Let's wonder in what cases you can resort to God's help by regular reading the sacred text of the "seven crosses":

  • Someone was fired from work or there were major problems in business or trade. In this heavy per person, the millet period will be a great help.
  • Your children have become more closed and nervous. Instead of forceing them to chat with you, you can ask the Lord about the return of the former understanding.
  • Houses constantly flash large scandals because of all trifles. Of course, in addition to prayers, you must work in this case and over your actions and thoughts, because the atmosphere in the house directly depends on it.
  • You or your parents threaten a divorce. In this critical situation, the help of the Lord of the Almighty is never required, pray hard, and you will be able to keep marriage.
  • You are afraid that your home will be chopped or another misfortune will happen to him. Drink away bad thoughts, replace them with pleasant and bright images. Arrange the icons in each room, invite the priest so that it sprinkles the dwelling with holy water.
  • At home, you constantly break something and flies. This may be one of the signs of energy imbalance, which you can restore the diligent spiritual practices.

What rules must be observed when reading the prayer described

The most important thing in contacting the Lord the Almighty is the purity of thoughts and sincerity of what you say. Perhaps you even know that it is not necessary to pray, using special texts from prayers, you can speak in your own words.

However, regarding the prayer of "seven crosses", we still advise you to adhere to certain rules and councils. It will help faster tune in to the desired way and create an appropriate atmosphere appropriate to this holy sacrament. In order for prayer to be as efficient and effective as possible, proceed on the following instructions:

  • If you have such an opportunity, then spend the sacred rite daily. If things are going very badly and you feel the need to communicate with the highest forces, you can pray several times a day.
  • Try to start tune in to read the sacred text. For half an hour, try to not communicate with anyone, clean your thoughts from domestic routine affairs.
  • Best of all, if the prayer "7 crosses" will be pronounced in the morning. This will create a favorable atmosphere in the house for the whole day.
  • Light exactly seven candles. The prerequisite is that all candles are sanctified in the church. Even more favorably, if these candles were holy during the ministry at a large Orthodox holiday (Christmas, Easter, baptism).
  • While reading the cherished sacred lines, do not distract anything. Free thoughts from everything that bothered you, interrupt a permanent internal dialogue.
  • You can imagine that the house is enveloped by a protective cocoon of pleasant golden color. Such a simple reception will strengthen the mood and will strengthen the effect of prayer.
  • Repeat the words of prayer exactly seven times. It is for this sacrament that the number seven is a sign. Do not be afraid that you will have too much time. The text of the seven crosses "is quite short and simple, so even seven of his repetitions will not leave more than ten-fifteen minutes.
  • Having settled her desires, avoid the use of negative words, never want other people evil and trouble, even if they offend and badly cost with your households. Rely on the highest wisdom of God and other saints. Believe in justice, and then everyone will be rewarded by their merits and acts.
  • Try to pray before the icon. It is preferable if you have a small iconostasis at home, where there will be many different saints.
  • Watch that you always have a native cross. This is a mandatory attribute of any righteous Christian.
  • Try not to miss Sunday worship in the temple. Stick posts, confess regularly and compete. Try to attach to this your loved ones, but you do not need to make anyone to go to church if they do not want it.

How to thank the Lord and Saints for their help in protecting the family from all sorts of troubles and problems

Gratitude is what you should never forget when contacting the highest forces. This pure feeling can create real wonders, so do not neglect them.

You can say thanks after every prayer, and you can allocate separate day for thanks. You yourself must choose the most suitable and comfortable way for you. Very favorably express gratitude in the form of charity. Make generous laying, distribute products and things to people in need.


You can work for the benefit of others, it is also one of the best ways to thank the highest forces for their custody and protection over your family. Engage in volunteer, work on voluntary foundations in nursing homes and hospice.

Thank you, you should not desire anything for yourself. Gratitude should not be from mercenary motives.


  • Use this prayer into severe times. She will help restore the atmosphere of mutual understanding, good and comfort. Remember that with your appeal to the Almighty you can help relatives in solving their problems.
  • Prophovate all sacred words with a solid faith in their effectiveness and the wonderfulness. Do not forget that God will always disappear by justice.
  • Select time for reading this sacred text in the morning. At this time, the days of your thoughts are the cleanest, as you still do not have time to marry in routine and negative emotions.
  • If possible, pray before the icon depicting the saint face.
  • Before starting spiritual practice, burn seven consecrated candles.
  • Repeat the text of the prayer exactly seven times. Pronounce every word clearly and meaningfully. It is not necessary to do it out loud, you can pray mentally.
  • Thank Lord Almighty for all the good things happen to you, your relatives and close people.

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