Sepfor Mother: Life, Prophecies, Prayers


Scheimonakhin Sepfor is known to the world as an old man who has revealed to respect his turnover and wisdom. Her spiritual instructions enjoy the buildings and laity. In the optical desert for the monks, the advice was leadership for a spiritual feat. Attitude towards the historian world and the instructions were deeply touched me, even a churchyard woman. For example, it is necessary to be properly baptized, read the Bible, know the tropar to his holy patron. About this in the article. After reading the lives and advice, I hope you too will raise the new step of spirituality.

Sepfor Mother: Life, Prophecies, Prayers 4646_1

Righteous Mother Sepfora For many people, an example for imitation of incubation, obedience, virtues. I lived 102 years old, having survived all the war, the Soviet gogling time and found the beginning of the revival of Orthodoxy in the country. All these years kept the tradition of ancient piety, which were distributed in Tsarist Russia. Her Life and prophecy Steel for me, as for many Orthodox Christians, a desk book .

Sepfore Life


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Prayer lane was born in 1896 in the village of Glukhovo on Tambovshchina. Parents called Darya daughter. In addition to her, there were even 12 children in the family. Only the three of them survived three: Dasha, as well as her two brothers Pavel and Vasily, who was waiting for the sad fate. Both early went away. One killed in the war of 1914, the other - during the delegation.

Traditions of ancient piety Scheimonakhin Sepfora I absiled with mother's milk. Family went to the temple. When the girl was 7 years old, Grandfather Alexey brought the holy place of the ball.

The girl around the lines of both parents surrounded the girl around. In the Pokrovsk Church of the village of Glukhovo, the nuns taught her to sew, and during the needlework to renderate the Lord the prayer petition "Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, a lot of sinful" ...


In 20 years, Daria married a local guy Dimitri Shnyakina. A year later, the newlyweds were born first-mentioned - Alexander's girl, went the weather: the son of Vladimir, who died in infancy, the Lord sent the spouses to Paraskev's daughter.

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In 1933, heavy times came for the family. Directly before the decoupling, the head of the family went to Bowhovo to work out there and settles. What happened in his absence, he learned later. The Soviet authorities destroyed the house, camping the mother with children to the street.

She sheltered the poor widow of Agafya, only on this trouble family did not end. There was nothing. They fed on the grass, which was broken right at the house. From potatoes and chopping flour baked bread. Mother worked by the dressmaker, for labor received pennies. Joy was when the customers were given over the payment. It was not bent to stand in a poverty with an outstretched hand. It was more difficult to winter when the hut was nothing to trample. Firewood and straw did not give themselves, they collected a brushwood in the forest and dried sunflowers in the field.

The family experienced the Great Patriotic War, and in 1950 lost the breadwinner. The benefit that daughters grew up and went to work, became a fear for the mother.

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At this time, the family lived already in Kireevsk. Pious members of the family went to the local church, but the local residents belonged to the daris itself. Her name was Mother and asked her in difficult situations of the Council. At home, she with daughters read Akathists, and each separately in solitude is a prayer rule.

Prophetic vision

One day she saw the images of angels. They circled and put on her monastic vestments. Daria realized that the vision of the posture was no coincidence. To make sure the need for a spiritual fit, went to Lavra. For confession, the future Starith shared seen.

The beginning of the nightness path

Her guesses were confirmed, then in the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra, she was blessed by monastic ministry. After some time, a break took place. In 1967 she was ordered by Dosfey.

Sepfor Mother: Life, Prophecies, Prayers 4646_3

A nun was settled at his daughter, then in Zagorsk, next to the insanity. And here the old men had spiritual children. Solva about the propheted reached here. And she took everyone and gave instructions, protected from the wrong deeds. And this is surprising, sometimes quoted by heart the instructions of the Holy Fathers. Spiritual Chadam advised to write out valuable advice to remember it easier.

Each prayer For her was a special invisible conversation with God. Some of them she read by heart.

Look at the film about Seporore, in which the buildings and clergy remember the old man:


In 1989, the monk was touched in Schima. More and more now Sepfort wanted silence, privacy, real monastic life, hermitting. The goal is to serve the Savior. Mirish life with the bride of Christ. She prayed to the Mother of God to complete the earthly path to the monastery. In his dream, she was the preching Virgin and said: "You will not die into the world, you will die in Klykovo."

4 years after the adoption of Schima, the spring Matushka made a pilgrimage to opto. In the abode heard about the restoration of the Orthodox antique pearls in Klykovo And he met Sergei's novice, the future abbot of the Church by Ieromonakh Mikhail.

Prophecies sepform

Later he will describe the meeting: "I left the introduced church and heard exclamations:" Staritsa goes, Staritsa goes! Let's go, take a blessing! " The novice, like everything, took a blessing, and she let him ask him what he was doing here. And then smiled, as if he knew in advance what the way the future was waiting for the future, added: "In while running, run!"

Klykovo, Kozelsk and Shamordino are located on the banks of the Sirena River. In 1992, the restoration of the Temple in Klyukovo began, the arrangement of the bishops began. Inkok Optina began to work. Here was the priestly san novice Sergey, becoming Mikhail. Sepfora itself settled here only in 1996.

One day, Mikhail's father in the upset feelings complained about the scope of the absence of funds for restoration work in the temple. Staritsa reassured the shepherd: "Do not be sad. Everything will be: and the bells, and the houses are set, and make a fence ... "

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During the lifetime, Sepfor's Schemporian prophesied. She predicted to people the future, but most of all taught the Christian piety and understanding of his acts. For example, he instructed how to serve alms. Rugala for requests for "donation". Correctly say "Certain the Holy Alms." He confirmed his instruction with the words of the Holy Scriptures, where the Lord said: "Milicia I want, not the victims" (Matt. 12, 7).

Schimonakhine kept himself in food. Three days before the communion, it was fed by workers, drinking them with water. After the adoption of the Holy Holy Tyne, continued to keep the monastery post for three days, retired and raised her prayer petitions to God.

Another interesting episode of the Septore life is connected with the blessing for trips to holy places. She infrequently welcomed pilgrimage to long distances, warned that in the distance from the house you can lose much.

I knew the old man and the time of my death. It was shared by the fact that during the prayer they were close people who have long died. They called with themselves, but early it was her to leave the broken world. Once angels appeared, but she folded her arms on his chest, as during the communion. The gesture showed that he would not give the soul. Angels gave a promise to return in 4 months.

Prayer sepform

Before leaving the world, another prayer was seriously sick. Sisters in the abode was instructed to be fighters, and she will pray for everyone. I left Schimonakhin after myself and a short, but strong prayer: "Lord, the heart will approve of my heart!"

On May 12, 1997, Mother was paralyzed: first one side, then another. She breathe hard. The priests read the canon on the outcome of the soul in turn. When reading the psalm 50 in the words "let the altar, the altar of your calfs" Staritsa sighed three times and gave the soul to the Almighty.

The funeral of Schimonakhini made Schiigumen Ilya along with the inquins of the optical desert. The last place of resting the mother became a necropolis near Nikolsky temple. Next to the grave sepfore is fraternal graves.

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Spiritual heritage of old people

SHIMONAKHINE SEPFORS is an example of a spiritual feat, fighting passions and nonsense. Her advice still helps people overcome difficulties and strive to save the soul.

  1. Do not scold children. They are like wax from which you can sculpt that you want.
  2. Do not rot on my husband, but accept yourself and do not blame it in disadvantages.
  3. Create more often. If Icon hangs in the house, then you need to know the life of the Saint and Trophar. Otherwise, the image will be the picture.
  4. Chat smaller.
  5. When reading the Holy Scripture, pay attention to who wrote the text, read in each word.
  6. Breastplane. Demons laugh when people carelessly impose a godmond sign. Hand's breath is not protection.

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