Saraswati What is this goddess and how it helps people


Indian pantheon represented a large number of different gods. Among all the host of Hindu deities need to separately identify an attractive girl in a white dress - the goddess Saraswati. Who is she, what attributes have and when to turn to her for help? Of all this I want to tell you in his material.

Goddess Sarasvati.

Who is pretty Saraswati

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Goddess has many names: for example, it is called Vach, Vagishvari, Vagdevi, Vani.

Interesting information! In the primary name hides a profound sacred significance: the particle "Ca" is associated with the beginning of creation, "Ra" - filled with a nutrient vital energy "and" Swati "- symbolizes prosperity.

Saraswati is the wife of the god Brahma created the world. It is manifested as a kind, compassionate, and very loyal to his mother.

Responsible for cognition, culture area of ​​art, leisurely train their kids, since it is important to implement them in the seeds of science and to achieve full harvest. The task of the goddess - ensure that people use the knowledge to good use.

Some sources can meet the name Wack-Davy - question the deity, the mother of the holy Vedas. It is assumed that the positive impact of Vak Devi-enabled speech other gods to become a developed and beautiful.

Queen of the gods given a greater role in a number of philosophical and mystical destinations:

  • Buddhists revere her as the wife of Manjushri;
  • adherents of Hinduism credited her relationship with the gods Brahma, Vishnu and Ganesh.

And for the divine world, and for ordinary people Saraswati represents the complete tranquility, friendliness, which complement the purity and nobility.

A little about the origin of the deity

The history of the great goddess of birth for a long time managed to grow a lot of different legends. According to some sources, the Brahma - it was originally her father, who later became her husband.

Other legends as parents called Saraswati Durga and Shiva.

Important information! Always goddess worshiped in its three guises: god, the river in question.

As the highest essence, she contributed to the unification of art, literature, music, and was married to the creator of the universe, Brahma. But the silent husband could not give true happiness creative goddess.

divine Saraswati

Speaking about River-Sarasvati, you need to mention that believers constantly came to her shore in finding cleansing from their limits, with the aim of obtaining knowledge and liberation from negative karma in their subsequent lives.

Although there are many rivers that have a connection with the deities flows on the territory of India, it was to Sarasvati-River, wanting to get inner freedom and achieve enlightenment. However, by the beginning of the 19th century, the river began to seek, as the education decline was observed in India, the people stopped striving for spiritual wisdom, chasing the material benefits.

Then Sarasvati decided to reach the scene again and gave birth to a son from Askta, showing an increased craving for science. The son received a name in honor of his great mother. According to believe, it was them that they were revived the doctrine and the scope of education in India.

In addition to getting rid of the limits, the river goddess symbolizes also:

  • Welfare and abundance. When it appears, begins to feed the soil, it provides a good harvest. By analogy with this, science gives people grace.
  • Clean and innocence. Equally, all pollution is washed off in running water, and science contributes to the cleansing of the human mind from the ignorant and enslavement.

Appearance of the Divine

Sarasvati did not lose their popularity until today. It is still asking for help for help, most of the practice of yoga. For this reason, her faces are often present in the class classes of this discipline.

The goddess of knowledge and art has incredible beauty, in all its gestures there is a grace. It is always captured as a workflower in snow-white robes (symbolizing true knowledge). In rare cases, yellow shades are added to the dressing - mustard color.

An interesting nuance. In the face of the deity there are no expensive decorations made of precious metals. They are replaced by white flowers, which demonstrates the importance for Sarasvati spiritual wealth and knowledge to the material world.

The goddess eyebrows are decorated with a lunar sickle, testifying to her connection with the water element, giving life to all living organisms and protruding the second hypostast of the Divine.

From other distinguishing characteristics of Sarasvati, you can call the presence of four hands. Each of them corresponds to the specific side of the human person:

  • intelligence;
  • activity;
  • intellectual sphere;
  • ego.

True, in some cases the goddess is depicted with 8 or even 10 hands.

The image of Divine Saraswati

How to ask for help?

Saraswati is the goddess of the generous, so people are constantly asking for her help and blessings. But even with all its goodness it only helps those in whom there is no evil, whose heart is open to people and to the world. And those who conceals his true motives selfish well-intentioned, is waiting for severe punishment.

In some cases a deity asking for help?

  • to achieve a state of harmony, to become wiser;
  • upon receipt of knowledge - to improve memory and maximum absorption material;
  • to develop speaking skills;
  • wishing to gain inner calm, cool reason.

Saraswati affect people's lives

Varuna in conjunction with the goddess engaged in the control of intelligence, Vishuddha chakra, the kidneys, and even water-salt balance in the human body. In addition, its control extends to the pancreas.

Important moment! The power of godliness is manifested by a Vaast or feng shui - the science about harmony in life, which is very popular in many countries around the world.

Some sources indicated that Saraswati left the human world due to increase in him lies, envy, enmity and hatred. All these negative qualities induce infringement of harmony that on the personal front of all the people that society as a whole. Only in exceptional cases, elected and awarded the honor patronage of the deity.

Those who are lucky enough to be in her favor, easy to seek the location and the attention of other people, they are good, as they improve one of the areas of human life.

On the favor of the goddess of science and art can expect the perpetrators of efforts for common prosperity, and restores harmony in the universe. Such people Saraswati makes sane, wise, compassionate, merciful, increases their sense of love to the world.

But those who, though engaged in creativity, but with destructive energy who is lying and hypocrisy, said empty and devoid of meaning of the word, and still behaves aggressively, constantly fusses, always punish by taking away their life force.

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