Horse year: what born, sign characteristics


Do you believe in horoscopes? Personally, I believe in the usual and eastern horoscope. They offer a lot of interesting and useful information relating to the personality of people around us, which helps a lot in life. I suggest you in this material to learn more about the year of the horse: what years is the birth, characteristic of the sign.

Eastern horoscope sign horse

Description of the horses

The horse is a seventh sign in the eastern horoscope. In its own moral, it is distinguished by kindness, accurateness, energetic, insight, but also anxiety.

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What years do the representatives of the specified sign appear?

  • in 1954 (year of the wooden blue horse);
  • 1966 (Fire Red Horse);
  • 1978 (year of the Earthy Yellow Horse);
  • 1990 (metal white horse);
  • 2002 (year of a water black horse);
  • 2014 (wooden blue horse).

For the sign of the Chinese horoscope, the skill is characteristic of the ability to dressed beautifully and always be in a tone. Also the horse is crazy about different spectacles: it can often be found in the theater, at a concert or in sports. In general, adds to all activities with great accumulation of people.

Sport is very suitable for a horse, often he seeks great success in this area of ​​life. From typical character traits, you can also be called ease in communications with other people, a fun temper, talkative, the ability to make compliments. In the company, the horse goes through the role of the leader.

In a professional plan, such a person really becomes a politician - the ability to manage others helps in this. Well-developed intuition, such an individual is able to guess someone else's thought before she was uttered out loud.

There is also a tendency to physical work. The only negative nuance, which is strongly suspended, is insufficient belief in its own strength. Although externally and trying to create an illusion of self-confidence.

The horse has hot blood: to bring it out of the state of soul equilibrium is extremely simple. For this reason, it often loses what has achieved earlier. People who had happened to see their eyes an anger horse, subsequently lose confidence in him, because his aggression is too unbridled. To achieve success in life, such personalities are extremely important to study to cope with their emotions.

Horse is characterized by increased quick-tempered

The negative quality inherent in the representatives of the sign is egoism. If wished, they will be ready to go on the heads of all around without a branch of conscience. Have too much ambition. In most cases, such a person else has their own problems than the affairs of others.

Against this background, tend to interfere with people around themselves. Different natural independence, the horse does not take note of other people's recommendations and comes as it wants.

From the young years, seeks to leave the house, starting an independent life. It is not possible to create my family, however, on the only conditions that it will be the main thing in a relationship. It is important for her that the homework acted in her interests, which is in global things, that even in minor household trifles. In the family, as a rule, the mutual understanding reigns, which is destroyed when the horse leaves the house.

Such a person knows how to handle finance, and can succeed in this area of ​​life. Unfortunately, due to a volatile nature, any lesson quickly tires it.

She needs a respite, after which is again taken for the started, showing the same enthusiasm and zeal. People described by the sign approaches almost any specialization, the main thing is that the work is not related to loneliness and increased concentration of attention.

There is a strong need to be in society, cause reverence and get praise to your side. As for the amournal sphere of life, one of the slab is hidden here: for the sake of a big and light feeling, it is capable of doing anything.

Feeling in love, such an individual is so strongly exposed to passion that sometimes loses interest in the rest. Surely it is for the specified reason that the horse is often not realized in the work, because the love sphere of life is for it in the first place.

In the first and in the second phases of the life of the horses, anxiety is traced. In his youth, she often leaves his family that provokes various unpleasant events.

On the personal front also foreshadowed many difficulties. But the third phase of life comes relative lull.

Separately, I want to talk about a fiery horse. The specified sign is relevant every sixty years. It should be noted that the year of the fiery horse is unfavorable for the person himself and for his surrounding.

Why is that? And weak, and the strong half of the sign is characterized by the same character as the usual horse, but in this case all the features are repeatedly reinforced that in positive, which is in the negative sense.

On the other hand, the horse of fiery element shows more hardworking, abilities and agility. But it stands even more egocentric than an ordinary horse. Feeling in love, she is inclined to be subjected to any extremes due to their passionate temperament. The entire life of the representative of the specified sign pursues solid surprises.

Fire horse - even more temperament

Year of the horse and the zodiacal constellation

And what features are representatives of different signs of the zodiac relating by the year of the horse?
  • Aries - hot horses, sharp, angry, but consistent.
  • Tales are not selfish, prone to concessions.
  • Gemini - purebred, not standing in one place.
  • Cracks are unusually sensitive.
  • Lions - capable of much, but more thinking about themselves.
  • Virgin is non-permanent.
  • Scales - circus horses acting as they like.
  • Scorpions are wild, passionate and quickly fond.
  • Sagittarius - workers.
  • Capricorn - responsible.
  • Aquarius - High.
  • Fish - thoughtful, always loving to do philosophical reflections.

Characteristics of men sign

Male horses with heads are immersed in their careers. And even if problems suddenly occur in it, new classes always find for themselves, since they are not able to do anything for a long time.

The strong half of the sign is inherent in bright individuality, the talent of the head, the ability to positively and quickly straightens with complex tasks. The surrounding like such a person likes, because next to him you feel easily, it has a high intelligence and acts as an interesting interlocutor.

Natural powerful temperament, acute mind and moral stability allow such men to be successfully implemented in a career. Due to the positive qualities, they are often offered new, promising positions.

Horse men tend to make a good career

In the Amur sphere of life also, as a rule, there is a good luck. As your chosen one, a man-horse chooses such a representative of a weak floor, which does not have leadership maps and is ready to help his spouse.

The fact is that this representative of strong sex does not agree with equality in marriage: his word should always be the last and decisive. In return, it expects to get loyalty and stability from his wife. If everything happens in the family circle as he wants, then will be readily to perform whims of his faithful.

With all the confidence, we can say that this sign of the Chinese calendar causes a feeling of admiration and envy in the ladies, if he has already managed to burden himself with wedding bonds. From the nature of such cavaliers distinguishes maximum honesty and decency in relations with its second half. The man-horse is not inclined to married treason.

Features of women horses

Such ladies characterize moral strength, determination and practicality. They are capable of great achievements, without much efforts get a good education, they are also quickly moving through the career ladder.

They are inherent in healthy logic and rational warehouse of the mind, the truth, supplemented with incredible stubbornness and demandingness to his surrounding. It is difficult to be in friendly relations with this lady because of its too strong character.

Although there are in horses and a lot of positive: they have no dodgy, trick, they are very straightforward, do not discuss other people that all together provides them with respect from others.

What to do exactly is not worth it - it is to enjoy the woman with a woman. Thanks to his desperation and martial spirit, she is able to sleep from their own way anyone who will not like. And inherent illusion of his own right, faith in the fact that it is the smartest and better than others, can cope with problems, greatly interfere with her in relations. She with great reluctance listens to someone else's opinion.

Women horses incredibly self-confident

Such representatives of excellent sex, it is advisable to marry their youth in the early years, when it is still really influenced by their temper. Over the years, the chances of building a happy family getting smaller and less.

Reasonable advice for the horse: If she is committed to creating a happy family, it should not forget that men are looking for a soft and gentle woman, and not a fighter for the rights of disadvantaged.

In conclusion

Finally, you can come to the following conclusions:

  • From good damn Horses highlight: loyalty, nobility, cheerful temper, enthusiasm, initiative, fasciance, sincerity, talkativeness, versatile interests, generosity, realism, energy.
  • Speaking pro bad It is impossible not to mention: impassional, temperament, impatience, insecurity, flares, superficiality, pride, naivety, vulnerabilities, anxiety, panic exposure.

And at the end of the traditional video:

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