The prayer rule of Seraphim Sarovsky for the laity


I highly recommend all the parishioners to follow the rules of Seraphim Sarovsky. Today I will tell you what is the essence, and will also stop more in the history of this saint.

Saint Seraphim Sarovsky

Seraphim Sarovsky is a very important and revered person in Christianity, since this saint made a huge contribution to the development of our religion and its promotion into broad masses. He devoted his whole life with spiritual development, and he sought not to simply approach the Lord on his own, but he helped him in every way to do it.

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This man has lived truly righteous life and remember to people with their godly affairs and wise advice. Even after death, he did not leave the suffering and needing his care, thanks to the admission to the face of the saints, he is also able to provide real help to those people who are needed that they sincerely ask for this. After his care, he left the most huge gift to all mankind in the form of his instructions, because the Sarovsky Seraphim rule is carefully transmitted from generation to generation, used by many people.

Brief description of the life of this holy elder

At birth, Seraphim Sarovsky received a completely different name - Prokhor. He grew up in a sufficiently prosperous and secured family, since his father was a merchant and successfully engaged in trade. However, the wealth has never attended the boy because of early childhood, he understood the importance of spiritual development and commitment to his own religion. The Prokhor family was actively involved in charitable donations for the construction of a cathedral in Kursk, so the child has always had the right example before their eyes.

At a very young age (some sources argue that this happened at ten years) The boy was tested by severe illness, and when there was no hope for a favorable outcome, the mother, being a true Christian, carried a baby to people who made a congestion. After that, the birth retreated, and Prokhor remained alive. Such a wonderful event very clearly designated the boy the vector of his main activity, and he began to in-depth to understand the issues of religion and faith.

Seraphim devoted his whole life to the Lord to the Lord and at the same time actively fought and eradicated all his carnal flats. He never allowed himself frills in either food, nor in robes and accommodation. By doing this, the elder has increasingly understood the importance of the development of the soul, and not to satisfy the momentary wise desires and lusts.

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The prayer rule of Seraphim Sarovsky for the laity 4661_2

Modern Orthodox people, thanks to the example of Seraphim Sarovsky, should also pay attention to their own spirituality and come to an understanding of the importance of simple and unadless life in all its aspects.

Refusing to wealth and luxury, the saint went to the monastery and dedicated almost all the time of prayers and communicating with the highest forces. Of course, not everyone needs such restrictions, especially since the modern world dictates completely different requirements and rhythm of life is rapidly accelerating every day. The main thing is that you have to endure, this is what material values ​​accumulated on Earth and money you will definitely not be able to with you to heaven. They will be foreseen before God and the Holys, you are only with what they have acquired and developed in themselves on the spiritual plan. Therefore, aware of the importance of the daily appeal to the Most High and the observance of all God's commandments. In order to facilitate the life of the Orthodox person, Seraphim and left its rule for the laity.

For what you need to follow the instructions of the described prayer rule

The main thing is that you need to remember every person aspiring to the kingdom of the Lord, this is the importance of regular prayer practices. However, this is not necessary to do this or because of fear of being punished, but from the best motives walking from the depths of the heart. By doing this, you must experience joy and grace, in addition, a truly spiritual person is looking forward to the moment when he can retire and begin spiritual practices. If you don't have this, then you should not upset and fall into despondency, because you just need to carefully analyze your attitude towards faith and God and eradicate all negative limiting beliefs about this.

Seraphim Sarovsky left its followers very powerful, but at the same time an extremely simple tool that will allow you to find the time for the Most High and your soul under any conditions. The strength of the prayer rule is that it contains three short, but very powerful sacred text, which instantly configure you to the desired way and show the clarity of the commitment of faith.

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Many exemplary Christians are used daily by the instructions of the St. Elder, as it allows them even during periods of absolute absence of free time to follow the Lord's laws and maintain the condition of spirituality.

How to use the prayer rule to Orthodox people

Last lifetime, Saint Seraphim preached his disciples and pilgrims the importance of the regularity of spiritual practices. The most important thing is that he did not just tell people about how to properly act, but also on his example it showed it. The elder argued that, regularly reading the morning and evening sacred texts, people bring colossal benefit to their soul, while not spending too much time.

So, what was advised to make the Most Holy Older Seraphim Sarov in his rules:

  • After the awakening, the first thing is to make a person, it is to get the blessing of the Lord for the coming day and all the planned affairs. It is necessary to do in the morning before the start of the usual everyday routine, because in this way you will show your life priorities and the importance of religion in your destiny.
  • It is advisable to read prayers in front of the iconostasis with a lit bled candle.
  • Always follow a certain sequence and multiplicity of reading sacred texts. At the very beginning, you should read three times the main prayer of Christianity "Our Father!". Then the prayer "Song of the Virody" read also three times. And in conclusion, the "Symbol of Faith" is experiencing once.
  • Throughout the day, also do not forget to refer to the Lord to the Lord, you yourself can choose the necessary words. The main thing is to remind myself that in the first place for a Christian should be a true faith, and then the material everyday affairs.
  • If you have such an opportunity and desire, you can repeat the prayer rule of Saint Seraphim at lunchtime. It does not have to do before the icon, it will be enough if you find a secluded and quiet place.
  • Be sure to read all the prayers in the same order and the same number of times.

The Blessed claimed that the systematic Orthodox spiritual practices would allow a person to achieve the right perfection, as far as possible, being in a sinful body. It should also be remembered that good deeds is the same basis for the righteous life of a Christian, like plea. The old man showed his example that charity and the refusal of wealth in favor of the needy is a righteous road that will lead to spiritual peace and grace.

Why is these prayers in rule and is it possible to replace them with any other

This combination of prayers is chosen not just like that, but has a deep spiritual meaning, because it's not for nothing that the elder worked on the creation of his commandments.

The meaning of each prayer text in the ruler of the Holy Elder Seraphim Sarovsky:

  • "Our Father" is a fundamental mission in Christianity, because these words were transferred to us from the very Lord of the Almighty of the mouth of His Son Jesus Christ.
  • The second prayer was the gift of the Holy Mother of Corvenker of Archangel Mikhail.
  • The last text contains all the main dogmas of Orthodoxy, therefore requires special awareness when reading it.

A brief prayer rule is not recommended to change, since each component is selected with a special meaning. Use prayers exactly as it was visited by Seraphim Sarovsky.


  • Use the rule regularly, twice a day you give time to spiritual practices. Do not take interruptions and do not look for yourself justification, realize that it is as important and necessarily like body hygiene.
  • Do not change the number and sequence of prayer texts. It is also not necessary to take other prayers at their discretion, because in the prayer rule there is a special holy meaning.
  • Use these prayers before lunch if you have at this time. And during the day briefly refer to the Lord, in order not to forget about your spiritual development.
  • Create a special atmosphere for spiritual practice. Arrange the house iconostasis, burn the lamp or a candle. After prayer you can eat wipers and wash with holy water. Of course, you can do without it, however, remember that the more responsible you come to communicate with the Almighty, the faster and understandable will be the results.
  • Do not forget about the importance of regularly visiting the godly institutions. Go to the temple or church every Sunday and the big church holidays.
  • Do charity in the name of the Lord. Remember that your righteousness needs to be shown not only by prayers, but also good deeds.

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