1 lunar day: the characteristic of the day than to do today


Each lunar day differ in their characteristic features inherent only by them. They are important to know not to make annoying mistakes and conduct them with maximum benefit and benefits for themselves. 1 Lunar day: Characteristics of the day - That's what I want to talk in this material.

What will he be 1 lunar day?

Basic characteristics of 1 lunar day

  • According to its energy, it is an active day.
  • The happy number of the first lunar days is one.
  • Element of the day: water.
  • Happy shades of the first lunar day: all tones of red, scarlet and black.
  • It is shown to meditate with the candle today.
  • From the happy minerals of the day, a diamond and a mountain crystal are distinguished.
  • Parts of the body: Facial shares of the head, brain.
  • Happy Day for the first lunar days can be called Monday.
  • Happy direction of light: Northern.
  • From the symbols of the first lunar day, they allocate: a candle, lamp, lamp, lantern, third eye and satellite chapatoes.
  • The key phrases of the day are the following: analysis, making compromise, pacification, plan, meditation.

Description 1 lunar days

The first lunar day is the beginning of the lunar month. This is an unusually important time laying the foundation for the next 30 lunar days. If we speak literally, then this is the basis for the coming month, and the many events of the future depends on it.

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Not bad today to do dreams, but not abstract, but concrete on the coming lunar month. The specifics are important in order for your desires to be not blurry, as it increases the chances of their implementation.

It is not recommended to dream in such a context, as "it would be nice if ...". This formulation is incorrect, you need to show maximum realism in your dreams. The more expensive you imagine the future, the sooner it will become a reality.

1 lunar day you need to dream about the future in detail

How to spend this day

  1. Walk on this day with dreams and plans. The energy of the first lunar days contributes to their manifestation in real life.
  2. You can not rush. Let your plans be calm and measured, do not need to try to jump over yourself in their endeavors. Show patience, let your plans become like grains - they need time to germinate. Indeed, the day itself is distinguished by a very active energy, but this is not the same as hasty and bustle.
  3. It is important for the first lunaries in the right mental state. Try to understand everything that happens around you and the fact that it is important in this world. Look at what is happening by a non-evaluating look, do not conflict and do not resist. Learn to take a reality as it is, both with good and bad.
  4. Show a positive and peace-loving arrangement of the Spirit. Open your soul to the world, make an emphasis on a positive, and not on negative. This is the main need of 1 lunar day for all people - try to notice more pleasant and good.
  5. Keep self-confidence. On this day, all human thoughts act as a kind of program, a kind of promise of the universe. Therefore, everything "planted" today will definitely give their fruits in the future. If you think in a positive context, believing in yourself, get the corresponding result. Just as the opposite, the negative thoughts will attract negative in your life. The choice is yours!
  6. Best of all, if this lunar day goes to home, where the atmosphere is calm and safe. It is undesirable to be in noisy places, large companies or engage in active activities. Therefore, if there is such an opportunity to delay in your home all day.
  7. Another good decision of the day is a ride in nature. For example, it will be useful to walk with bare feet on fresh grass, as well as start performing garden and garden work.

From what should be refused

Now I propose to get acquainted with the tips, who suggest what to do today is categorically impossible if you wish to live the next month on a positive wave.

  1. Having quarreled today with someone, you will be forced to be in a state of conflict at least the next 30 days. There will be such a disorder in the relationship, to cope with which it will be possible not soon.

So, it would be nice to show caution in communicating with other people, especially with your relatives and loved ones. Under no circumstances begin to get involved in disputes and distributes. Notice provocation from? Ignore it today.

  1. As you already understood, now you need to build further plans. But exceptionally good, not evil! Refuse such plans that are able to cause harm to others. In fact, they will not help you with anything: sent bad energy to another person, we will definitely get a retaliatory blow. And risks to suffer yourself. Believe me, it actually works!
  2. Under the prohibition of active social life. Otherwise, you lose too much energy, and it will be difficult for you to get the desired for this reason.
  3. 1 lunar day is suitable only to think about the future, but not for new activities! Therefore, pay time to the plans today, calculations, but burn your actions until the next days.

Today it is best to stay at home

Effects of 1 lunar days

Let's get acquainted with the influences of this day in various spheres of life:
  • Life. It is distinguished by a neutral impact, it is impossible to trade, ride on trips.
  • Mystic. Formed today, thinking differences are highly resistant - they are subsequently destroyed.
  • Society. It is characterized by a weak negative influence - now it is impossible to participate in public affairs.
  • Medicine. 1 The lunar days have a connection with the brain and face. Today, under the ban is overwork, alcohol consumption. Diseases that are formed by stones are formed, passes are being built, and other such plans.
  • Those who have appeared on this day are constantly in anticipation of great events. But, alas, the reality is that they risk spending their entire lives in standby mode, and without becoming successful. They are prone to heroism.
  • Pregnancy. The kid, winner on these days, is under the protection of the highest strength. He will have a strong will and live a long and interesting life.
  • Physiology. The date is characterized by negative influence: the internal organs seal occurs. In case of non-compliance with the precautionary rules, the energy will begin to be flown on the internal organs, which can be fraught with stones appeared in the body.

In conclusion

  • 1 Lunar day is the basis of the next month.
  • Today it is better to stay to stay at home, to build plans for the future and do not quarrel with anyone.
  • Active actions and hurry are not shown.

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