Prayers from bad and obsessive thoughts in the head


Very often treated parishioners and complain about the appearance of bad thoughts in the head. I know strong prayers that will help in this case. Now I will tell you in detail how to contact the Lord in order to heal the thoughts and the destructive programs recorded in the subconscious.

Prayer from bad thoughts

In our society, it became an absolute norm that the many negative and bad news are constantly fleeing from all sources. In the media constantly discussed murders, robbery, fraud, natural disasters, who at one point carry thousands of people. How can you abstract from this and not fall into the despondency and depression? Any Orthodox person must remember that he can always find consolation and inspiration for new accomplishments when communicating with the Lord.

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Prayer from bad thoughts is the indispensable tool of spiritual development, which should constantly use a Christian in his daily life. It is especially impossible to forget about it during the period of severe life crises, bringing a whole series of failures and human life problems. Communication with God during this period can heal the soul wound and help the believer to restore sincere harmony.

Why need to clean their thoughts from negative and evil

Thoughts are the basis of our actions and words that we pronounce daily. That is, in its essence, our thinking is the basis of the existence of each individual person. From the fact that we are proving constantly to ourselves, our emotions, mental and physical health depend.

Thoughts about others we create certain patterns of behavior in relation to them. That is why our mental activity needs to be not less attention than a bodily health. Every minute in the head we have the formation of many elusive and unconscious logical chains, principles and beliefs.

Follow your behavior and get rid of bad thoughts - this is the same need as daily hygiene, with the only difference that we are trying to restore or preserve the purity of thoughts.

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The main mission of a person in this world is to create good and help its neighbors, it is such actions that make it possible to feel absolutely happy and increase the level of our spirituality. However, on the way to fulfill its purpose, many barriers and enemies can stand before each. And the worst thing is that the main unit is in our head, because it is evil and painful thoughts create a person most problems.

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Anyone can cope with the inner demons, but for this requires high resistance, discipline and unshakable faith in the Most High. These qualities have not all of us, so you can resort to the help of holy texts, because the strong prayer uttered with sincerity can heal any soul and open a new world for an individual, full of happiness, love and filled with the light of Divine Providence.

As an Orthodox person should pray for the Lord to heale his bad thoughts

The thought process is that which person cannot escape, refuse or even to suspend at least for a short period. Therefore, in contrast to the fight against disastrous habits, we cannot escape or abandon obsessive ideas. But you should always remember that our thoughts can be both faithful friends and worst enemies. And in what role our mind will speak, we decide only. Do not let bad thoughts coming from the evil, fill out consciousness and dictate, as you, strictly speaking, should live.

Prayer from bad thoughts can be a real salvation for people who truly believe in the power of the Lord of the Almighty and are ready to change in order to please their spiritual development of the Father of Heaven.

The basic rules that should be taken into account when contacting God:

  • Do not give more importance to the words you say that you say, but your emotions and sensations at this moment. It is not necessary to even take texts from special prayers, quite sincerely speak everything, what you ask for higher strength.
  • To create a blatant atmosphere, find a secluded and comfortable place for praying, where you will not be disturbed for a while. Property holy words before icons.
  • To stop a sharp indulgence of negative thoughts, memorize a few short prayers. As soon as you noticed that they were mired in the impassive bunch of silent speculations, immediately fill in all the consciousness of rows from the sacred texts. Such a simple reception will very quickly bring visible results to your life, and you will increasingly note that well-being and mood has improved significantly.
  • Overcome your laziness and fatigue in order to pay the time to your own sincere healing. Regularity and systematic is a guarantee of a good result.
  • Show your desire to change for the better, not only uttering prayers, but also making good actions. Think not only about your own comfort and well-being, but also take care of people around you. Even insignificant, in your opinion, a good and righteous act will show your best aspiration angels.
  • If you have such an opportunity, you can call an appeal to the angels and plea to God out loud. Concentrate at the same time on each word and try to invest in the utmost meaning as possible.
  • In the heavy periods for you more often attend temples and churches. If there is time, then go to the monastery at least for a week. Permanent communication with the Lord and honest labor in God's glory will make it possible to cleanse from dirt and often get out of the crisis situation.
  • Do not forget to wear a native cross. All the time remind that this holy character will help you cope with any evil.
  • Try to live consciously and not to let the thoughts on samone. Carefully watch out what words are now spinning in the head.

Following the above-described rules, remember that in spiritual practices the main thing is internal sensations. If anything causes you sincere discomfort or failure, then do not raise yourself and replace this action to another, more suitable for you. You can always find a compromise that will be perfect way out of the situation.

What you can not forget, asking for guardianship and help from heavenly forces

You can never miss such a moment as gratitude. This sincere feeling in itself can heal thoughts from the bad due to the fact that the focus of attention is changing from the negative aspects of life to positive. After all, in any, even the very hopeless situation, there are at least small moments that can bring satisfaction and happiness.

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Addressing assistance to the Lord and other saints, be sure to thank them for the assistance and assistance in affairs, because everything in this life is given to us for growth and spiritual transformation.

Here are some ways how to express gratitude in prayer:

  • At the end of each plead say sincerely thanks to all the celers. This will set up to the desired way and strengthen faith in Divine. Even if you do not see any significant changes in the surrounding situation, it is not a reason to despair and throw a conceived. We are not given to the end to be aware of the complexity of the plan of the Lord, so trust everything that happens to you.
  • Highlight a separate per day when during communication with the Lord you will not ask anything, but you will simply express gratitude to our heavenly defenders. It is best to do it at least once a month. However, all this is purely individually, so listen to the inner sensations and the destruction of the soul. Gratitude, of course, should go from the heart. No need to say "Thank you" hoping to get for it any award from angels.


  • Always remember that those thoughts that are in your head during the day form your world around and predetermine what personality relationships with the surrounding people will be.
  • Good learn a short prayer that you will pronounce every time, feeling that negative emotions begin to take over common sense.
  • Reinforce your words by actions, it will show the celestial to your dedication and hardness of intentions to change for the better. Positively engage in charity and volunteering. Make donations for the poor, let's lay out. If you do not have the opportunity to materially assist, then you can always help others. You can take care of the elderly in the nursing homes, to help mortally ill people in hospice or other similar institutions.
  • During the day, track, thoughts of which nature you prevail. Try to think more often about pleasant and kind.
  • Detach the time of religion and God. Visit church services, go to holy places.
  • Try to engage in your thoughts regularly, because single changes will not give global and stable progress.

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