Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker to change fate


For many years I will fall as a clergyman and meet people with severe destinies. You can affect your life with the help of prayer. Today I will tell you how to ask for a good fate of Nicholas the Wonderworker.

How to deal with bad fate

Each person has its own fate. But sometimes this fate becomes so unbearable that a person even begins to think about to deprive himself. And at the same time few people think that it is a great sin. More precisely, according to the Christian faith, this mortal sin, for which a man after death will be paid forever. After all, he decided to delete himself from Muk, swaying with life. Thus, he broke the idea of ​​the Creator, and for it will have to pay.

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But why deprive yourself of life if you can try to change your destiny? Of course, for many people, such a simple call may sound like a mion. Since not every person is capable of independently, without any assistance to cope with the bodies that came to his life. But no one did not say that the believer will have to fight fate in complete loneliness. This can help Nikolai Wonderworker and his prayer.

Fate: inevitability or the ability to change something?

Currently, the expression is very popular, according to which every person is the Creator of his fate. Immediately it should be noted that the priests do not categorically agree with this. In their opinion, everything that happens in a person's life is only a manifestation of the will of heaven. In other words, only the Lord and Nobody are managed by the fate of man. His creation is not given to the future for himself. However, this does not mean that a person has no choice at all.

The creation of the Most High can independently choose to live on the canons of the Church or become a loan. If a Christian chooses the first option, then his fate will be happy. Having giving all over himself to the Lord, the Christian will receive a divine blessing. All his undertakings will be successful. After all, he will receive the highest good - the mercy of heaven. But the people who led the righteous lifestyle can expect for the favor of the Most High.

Sinners who did not even repent in their sins would never be able to live their lives calmly. After all, heaven will send a huge number of tests. And they will all be very complicated. This may seem cruel. However, such measures are needed so that the person can confess to herself that he is sinful, and repent. No wonder because the priests say that the disease sent over, sometimes needed in order to stop the sin of man.

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And although the priests themselves are confident that to change the fate, which was prepared by the Almighty, not easy, they cannot deny the existence of such an opportunity. It is believed that God can pour a chance to fix their missions and change fate for the better.

Who can ask for intercession?

As you know, each person has an angel keeper. But not only he can protect a person. There are also other saints that patronize people. After all, they were also simple mortals. And therefore nothing human is alien to them. This is extremely important clarification. Because those who were born by a person are perfectly known how difficult it is sometimes to resist temptations and fight with harness and deprivation. It is for this reason that priests in the emergence of a problem first of all recommend asking the saint about intercession.

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However, sometimes it happens that it is not so easy to understand how it is that the saint should seek help. The reason for the fact that in Orthodoxy is honored by many of many saints. And a person who has been far from faith until certain time, it is very difficult to understand who should be prayer.

Immediately it should be noted that there is a lot of options to whom it is to pray for the change of fate for the better. But it is believed that the most powerful patron, who is able to give a person such an opportunity, is Nicholas Wonderworker.

The strongest prayer addressed to him can help in many respects. People raise his prayers and ask for different things:

  • On the recovery of loved ones, the bodies of which were amazed by a birth, and medicine was powerless;
  • about the tranquility of the Spirit, when changes are taking place in a person in life, which begin to disturb him strongly;
  • about good luck in all endeavors;
  • About happiness in personal life.

It is with such requests most often and refer to the saint. This is explained by the fact that during the lifetime Nicholas, the wonderworker made a lot of miracles. Actually, it was for this reason that he was nicknamed the Wonderworker. Many Christians believe that there is no such thing with whom the saint would not help. In addition, he is extremely favorable to sinners who were able to find mental strength to repent.

History of wonders created by St.

To realize how powerful Saint is Nicholas, the Wonderworker must first get acquainted with the history of his life. Oddly enough, but not many are familiar not only with the lives of this saint, but also with the wonders that he created. Therefore, before turning to him with a request, it will not be superfluous to learn a little about how he lived his life.

The future saint was born in the family of poor, but pious Christians. Even before the birth of the child, the parents considered him the blessing of the Lord. And the reason was simple. Over the years, Nonna and Feofan could not conceive a child. However, they continued to silently pray to the Lord and ask him about mercy. When Nonna became pregnant, she immediately realized that this is a gift of the Lord. After all, all local historians were confident that she would never be able to feel the joy of motherhood.

Being a baby, Nikolai began to show real miracles to the world. Immediately after his birth, the first miracle happened. His mother was seriously ill. Many were confident that the woman would not even be able to survive the childbirth as hard was its illness. However, surprisingly, she not only survived, but also completely healed. The second miracle happened at that moment when the baby was baptized. After all, he stood in the fastened three hours. At the same time, none of the adults kept him. The newborn was independently able to breathe in the font and thus give to give respect to the Holy Trinity.

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From the early years, Nikolai was diligently prayed to the Lord and studied Divine Scripture. He tried her good deeds in every way to hide because he was not looking for gratitude. Once he learned about how much the ruined merchant suffers. His family, having lost everything, slowly died of hunger. Desperate, a man knew a big sin. Being a father of three daughters, he decided to give them to the crop.

After all, he could get money to escape from hunger. Upon learning of how terrible act an unfortunate sinner was found, Nikolai hurried him to help. Under the cover of the night, he snuck into the courtyard of his house and left there exactly three bag of gold. Finding gold, the sinner believed in the Lord and His mercy. That is, the saint did not just save people from hunger, but also turned them into faith.

How to read prayer to change fate?

So we came to the main issue. But before you familiarize yourself with the text of the prayer, you need to learn about the subtleties of its reading. No wonder because the priests insist that any prayer, including changing fate, must necessarily be ascended by church canons. Since this will clearly demonstrate the seriousness of the intentions of the one who is going to be a prayer. In addition, following the rules will allow a person to fully focus on the ascension process of the prayer:
  1. While reading a prayer is not necessary to observe the post. However, it is recommended to at least limit yourself a little. For example, refuse smoking and drinking alcohol, and also try not to overeat.
  2. To change fate, the prayer needs to read 40 days in a row. If for any reason one day was missed, it will be necessary to start all over again.
  3. Read prayer from the sheet is not prohibited. However, it will be much better if a person tries to remember its text.
  4. Contact the saint with a prayer is necessary three times. The first time the prayer is read by a calm voice out loud, the second time you need to do it in a low voice, and in the third and mentally mentally.
  5. Praying is recommended before the icon of the saint. Please note that it cannot be removed until 40-day reading prayers will not be completely completed.
  6. Before the icon, it is necessary to light the lamp. But to do this, you should first get the resolution of the priest.

All these rules seem to be strict. They are more than fulfilled. Therefore, having decided to change fate, it is necessary to stop looking for excuses, and just start listening to 40 days prayer and pray yourself.


  1. Change fate is real. But this will have to make certain efforts.
  2. The strongest and effective prayer for the change of fate is the one that is addressed to Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  3. Read prayer is necessary 3 times 40 days in a row.
  4. In the case of skipping, at least one day will have to start all over again.
  5. While reading the prayer, it is recommended to introduce some limitations. The post is not necessary, but adhere to certain restrictions is necessary.

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