I am praying for her husband to Saint Nicholas


I've long been a believer, constantly read religious literature. Me often asked for help for its second half. Today I will discuss some prayers for her husband can offer to help him in life.

How important is prayer for a loved one

Each person can turn to God through prayer. If the spoken words are really sincere and go straight from the heart, please be sure to celebrate the best way for all others.

In order for a person to be happy, it is not enough only their own health and well-being, because each of us is important to close around us people were also completely healthy, wealthy and implemented in all. So do not forget to ask for help, not only for themselves but also for their loved ones, which is very important is your spiritual support.

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I am praying for her husband to Saint Nicholas 4681_1

For any woman it is important to be married with a loved one, and a close relationship with him makes him feel any setbacks and adversity as their own. Help restore lost health or acquire the desired position, and in general to establish and harmonize all aspects of the life of the second half to help pray for her husband to Saint Nicholas. Powerful prayer can work miracles, especially if it is addressed to this important Orthodox patron.

Prayer wife for her husband - it is a special kind of interaction with God and your chosen one, since such an appeal to the Almighty comes from the depths of the heart and is filled with the best of intentions. Sincere prayer will help not only the man but also the woman who asks the heavenly protection for your beloved. This is due to the fact that a sincere interest in the success of the wife of her husband allows her to dissolve all the accumulated grievances against him, which helps to improve their spiritual as well as physical health.

Who is Nicholas

Saint Nicholas is one of the strongest and most powerful patrons in the Orthodox religion. During his lifetime, Nicholas Ugodnik made a lot of good and truly soulful cases, some of which can be called a miracle. The scriptures say that the old man could always try warring people, save lives innocently convicted and eliminate the unfair death.

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Despite the fact that it is considered the patron saint of navigators, traveling, prisoners and children, deprived of parental care, any people regardless of their position and status can be accessed.

I am praying for her husband to Saint Nicholas 4681_2

After the death of parents, the saint received the inheritance, thanks to which he had the opportunity to help the poor and disadvantaged. Saint Nicholas in Western culture became a prototype of all the famous Santa Claus. This is associated with one very famous history from his life when he secretly helped one family, imperceptibly laid down bags with donations, in order to avoid unnecessary commemoration and not embarrassing people in need by such benefactority.

After death, the body of the Saint Elder became peaceful and became of particular importance in our religion as an object of pilgrimage.

How to properly pray to this holy intercession about the patronage of her husband

There are no strict requirements in prayer to this saint. It is not necessary to even use special holy texts, the appeal may be arbitrary.

However, we can bring some tips that will be able to help you when communicating with the patron:

  1. Pay more attention not to the text of the Molba, but your inner sensations, experiences and emotions. It is necessary that requests bring joy and satisfaction. If you ask the raising of raising for your beloved, but at the same time we are afraid that at the same time it will spend more time at work and not pay attention to the family, then such a desire will not be fulfilled.
  2. Speak about your requests because of love for my husband, and not because of the desire to change it. Think well, whether the beloved man really wants this or is just your desire.
  3. Pray regularly, because by this you will show the hardness of your faith and the desire of good changes.
  4. In his appeals to Nikolai, the Wonderworker speaks only good. It is impossible to be desired by other evil and failures, since that you will poison your soul, and such actions will make harm only.
  5. Increase your appeals to God with good deeds and the right things.

How strong is the plenty of nikolai please

Nicholas The Wonderworker is that holy who can help you very quickly change your life situation for the better. However, much depends on you, your sincerity and unshakable faith. Prayers cannot become a panacent and salvation from all the troubles due to the fact that much is determined by actions and actions.

There are many examples when the plea helped to restore the lost health, despite the worst projections of doctors, return work and restore the lost mutual understanding between spouses.

In which cases you need to seek help to the holy patron

There are many heavy life situations when a person needs protection and the patronage of the highest celestial forces. The wife can contact the prayer request to Saint Nicholas, if:
  1. Your husband fell ill, or the course of the long-haired disease has become worse. The prayer for the health of her husband can help to cope even with that ailment who doctors consider incurable. In addition, your beloved will have forces to achieve new affairs.
  2. Your man cannot find a job, and because of this, the family suffers from lack of money.
  3. When the husband is unfair not raised at work, prayers can find the desired advancement of the career ladder.
  4. The man has a long road to the man and you are worried about how it will pass.
  5. Your husband works at dangerous work. In this case, it is necessary to ask as much as possible in the holy patron of protection and guardianship. Also favorably contact the guardian angel.
  6. You have misunderstanding and frequent quarrels in your family. Do not worry about the fact that the family can collapse, and better focus their thoughts on good, and then the Saint Nicholas wonderworker will not refuse to help you and her husband.

Tips of clergy for women who are praying for the well-being of their chosen

The priests devote all their lives to the ministry to the Most High and the study of all his instructions set forth in the scriptures, which reached us from the ancient years. Orthodox mentors have their own rules that will help faster to tune in to prayer and gain spirituality:

  • During the prayer, you should have a native consecrated cross. Of course, it is best that this charm and the faith symbol will always be with you, but if there is no such possibility, then do not forget about it during spiritual practices.
  • It is necessary to pray before the icon of St. Nicholas or before the iconostasis.
  • Before turning to the patron, it is necessary to cross several times (it is best to eat, eat consecrated wiring by writing it with a small amount of holy water.
  • If you are hard to understand the words of prayer taken from Prayer, then replace it with your speech, which will best reflect the desires and aspirations.
  • During communication with God you should not distract anything. Return and ask that no one touched you for ten-fifteen minutes.
  • Read prayers daily forty days in a row. If there is a desire, then continue reading the holy texts can be unlimited by duration time.

What else must be remembered when contacting the holy

Do not forget that prayers should not be limited to the list of what you need. Be sure to thank Nicholas the Wonderworker for his help. Gratitude is healing, extraordinary emotion that helps customize his soul to the desired way. Even if, after a long prayer, you do not see the visible changes in your life or life of your husband, still say sincerely thanks to the holy intercession, since it is impossible to know exactly what God has prepared for you and what the changes are already invisible at first glance already occur in your world.

I am praying for her husband to Saint Nicholas 4681_3

You can thank Saint Nicholas every time during the appeal to it. And it is possible to allocate a single time when your plea will contain only sincere, coming from the heart of gratitude. It is especially important to thank the ashes when the desire was fulfilled, so do not hurry to rejoice in the recovery of your husband or enhance it, but send the wonderworker thanksgiving.

Positively express your gratitude in addition in the form of donations to the temple, the poor or needing your help. Even if you at some point have consciously changed your anger or discontent with compassion and kindness, it will become your gift to the surrounding and peace and an excellent equivalent of gratitude to the Holy Starta, who will definitely be happy for you and your spiritual growth.


  1. Do not forget that your man needs to be supported not only by prayers, but good words and pious deeds.
  2. If you sincerely believe in the power of pronounced words, then real miracles will begin to happen in life and you will see your beloved husband the most successful, healthy and happy.
  3. Periodically read thanksgiving prayer. This will configure you to the right way and strengthen faith in a miracle.

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