How to share the signs of the zodiac on the elements - love compatibility


In astrology, there is a division of all signs of the zodiac into four elements - earth, air, fire and water. Depending on how other constellations are related to which natural element, there are certain characteristic features of individuals inherent in a certain element. In this material I suggest you consider the signs of the zodiac on the elements - what are the features of each of them, as well as talk about love compatibility.

How the signs of the zodiac on the elements are divided

Each of the spontaneous elements are among three zodiacal constellations. The latter in astrology is also otherwise called trigons.

  • The trigon of fire is represented by the constellations of Aries, Lviv and Sagittarov.
  • The land trigon included Tales, virgins and Capricors.
  • The air trigon is created from the constellations of twins, scales and water.
  • The water trigon included crayfish, scorpions and fish.

At the same time, fiery and air elements are found active, and earth and water - refer to passive.

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4 elements in astrology

When in the natal map of most planets in the signs of active elements of a person, it is possible to characterize as a reformer, revolutionary, a manager who is able to make global changes at the world level, copes with any obstacles on its path.

If, in the horoscope, the main positions are represented by passive constellations, then native is more by the Contractor than the boss. A very small probability that they will be held significant changes, but it may well be implemented in the practical implementation of certain tasks.

Characteristics of each element of the signs of the zodiac (by S.Vronsky)

I propose to talk a little more detailed about the distinctive features of each of the triggers.

Element of fire

The fire is manifested by such qualities as:

  • ambition;
  • zeal;
  • impatience;
  • self-confidence;
  • hot temper;
  • impulsiveness;
  • courage;
  • unceremonia;
  • aggressiveness.

Fire personities have a choler's temperament. They always attract the attention of others through their strong energy and personal charisma. They are also endowed with creative abilities, a huge power of will, the incredible potential of vital energy and the ability to "go on heads", if necessary. These are wonderful organizers and entrepreneurs.

They easily light up with new ideas, refer to loyalty and devotion to people and affairs bordering with self-sacrifice. They can be called inborn leaders, leaders who love and know how to manage, give orders. In their blood, as if there is an electric current, which they transmit to others, inspiring them and motivating to action.

They strive to be independent, free and independent since infant years. At the same time, they fail to endure to anyone, but perfectly adapt to new environmental conditions. Relax them, make it come differently - something from the category of fiction, because they invariably adhere to their opinions.

People of the Fire Trigon act with jerks, gust, the worst for them - passivity and wait. The fire is the very creative energy that either "raises the heavens", or "throws to Tartars" - depending on how this power will be used.

What should work on?

  1. First of all, they should be learned to cope with the main negative qualities of character - aggressiveness, quick-temperedness and conflict.
  2. It is important for them to learn to solve any problems with peaceful ways.

Earth element

The earth exhibits itself with such qualities as:

  • confidence;
  • inertness;
  • reliability;
  • thoroughness;
  • practicality;
  • patience;
  • Site.

Earth people have a temperament melancholic. They have a sober mind, the calculation and a pronounced business veil. They set themselves extremely realistic practical goals. Success and well-being helps enviable perseverance, endurance, perseverance, unshakable and purposefulness.

Earth element

Representatives of the Earth Trigon are material personalities who like to extract the matter. For example, do it yourself to make certain items. This process gives them a huge pleasure.

At the same time, they may have mercantility in matters of personal relationship, the desire to conclude a profitable marriage union. On the other hand, if they have a serious relationship, they are faithful to their chosen one, they are reliable in this regard.

Those who relate to the earthly elements are likely to be steadily standing on their feet, making a choice in favor of moderation and sequences. Strongly tied to the region where they live, to their hometown. At times they suffer because of their passivity and laziness, which prevent them from acting quickly, switch from one activity to another.

They can not be called religious people at all - on the contrary, the short-swelled materialists refuse to believe that they cannot see with their own eyes and touch the touch.

What should work on?

  1. Try to die your egoism, get rid of excessive calculation, desire to look for a care and misfortune.

Element of air

Air manifests itself as qualities as:

  • mobility;
  • activity;
  • intuitiveness;
  • the ability to perceive and recycle large amounts of information;
  • emotionality;
  • variability;
  • flexibility;
  • agility;
  • susceptibility;
  • omnipresent;
  • curiosity;
  • Infinity.

Aerial personalities are independent and very freedomly. Have a sanguine temperature. They know how to create a winning image. They think and act quickly, in the summer grasping new information, perceiving it and transmitting others in a modified form.

It is not difficult to adapt to any vital changes. They are distinguished by spiritual flexibility, a moving mind, a labile psyche, if something is fascinated by something, become truly tireless. Strongly suffer from boredom and monotony.

From their main drawbacks can be allocated:

  • insufficient foundation in thinking, feelings and activities;
  • unworthy;
  • superficiality;
  • indecision;
  • nervousness;
  • variability;
  • frivolity.

But no one can compare with them on the qualities of diplomat, communicability, the ability to make the necessary dating, erudition. They are ideal professions related to the constant change of impressions, such as a journalist, reporter.

As a rule, people of the air element are common to the generally installed framework, their obligations are reproached. They love nobody to have attempted their precious freedom. In some way, they resemble representatives of the fiery trigon - possess the same sublime objectives, as much as they seek the truth and ideals, and in the lives of people from both elements there are constantly various changes.

Element of air

Important moment. Parents of the elements of the elements of air should very closely monitor their children, because they are easily falling under someone else's influence and can "block firewood."

Element of water

Water manifests itself with such qualities as:
  • plastic;
  • variability;
  • secrecy;
  • dreaminess;
  • uncertainty;
  • creative thinking;
  • delicacy.

Water identities have a temperament of phlegmatics. They are incredibly sensitive, impressionable, susceptible, introverts, which most of their lives live internal emotions and experiences than external. They also show compassion, although sometimes negative qualities of their character can occur - lethargy, laziness, indifference (except for the constellation of Scorpio).

They may suffer from psychological complexes, it is very difficult for them to openly demonstrate their feelings and emotions. But inside them can reign a whole emotional storm. In addition, the people of the water trigon are not very practical, it is difficult for them to think objectively, but their developed imagination and a huge inner force are an envy of all other elements.

The mood of water signs changes very often and strongly affects how they behave with others, in particular, with a loved one. They perform empathy, sophisticated this material world. Therefore, professionally often implemented in art or in service, nutrition, psychology.

Such people are inherent courtesy, softness, politeness, attractiveness, they practically do not show aggression (except for the constellation of Scorpio). The latter should be noted as the strongest and physically and spiritually, the conflict, meaningful and non-self-influence, with whom he disagrees.

The characteristic feature of the people of the trigon of water - the feelings have always overshadow the mind. And they will readily donate for their loved ones. We strive to make relationships only on love, and not for considerations of augment and calculation.

What should work on?

  1. Do not allow their colorful dreams and fantasies to interfere with living in the real world.
  2. Fight with the desire to use alcoholic beverages, narcotic substances (which are used to return to the illusory world).

Signs of the zodiac on the elements compatibility

Having understood with the characteristic of each of the elements, let's talk about compatibility in love.

Fire + fire

Aries, firing and lion very easily ignorant with a sense of love. However, with the same rapid speed, this feeling can and fade. Love plays a crucial role in the life of people of the elements of fire, and the lion is the most faithful and constant constellation in it.

As for the love compatibility of both fiery partners, it is simply delightful in bed: they have enough sweetness and ingenuity with their head. But there is a risk of married infidelity and change - too, fermented temperament in such specials.

Fire + fire = passion

They can also miss healthy practicism in financial matters, and constantly there is a struggle for leadership. One partner is forced to occupy a humiliating position of the subordinate, which one day risks to end the rapid rupture of relations.

Earth + Earth

There are no dramatic disagreements and conflicts, as in the previous case, plus earth partners are able to harmoniously solve emotional and material problems. They both make focus on stability and security, may well do without cineural passions. But deeply respect each other, appreciate the best qualities of your loved one and care about it.

If any difficult questions occur, they will be able to find a mutual compromise. They also have excellent sexual compatibility. And, unlike the trigon of fire, they will store loyalty to the second half, even if there are no hot feelings for it. The relations of earthly couples are usually long and happy.

Air + air

Here the main problem of both partners lies in their impracticality and desire to "turn in the clouds" all the time. At the soil, family quarrels and disagreements arise.

On the other hand, twins, scales and water distinguishes great romanticism. They exalted the love and all that is connected with it. For them, in the first place are not carnal ucenes, but erotic fantasies and love experiences.

Two partners of the element of the air will be together mischievously. And although they both love to argue, but will always be able to achieve mutual understanding. Plus, even a long-term separation can be easily worried enough if they trust each other.

Water + Water

Water identities will always give one another enough of them to both emotions. Here many times multiplied their sensitivity and attentiveness. On the other hand, they feel the fear of new, change, which can make their pair of two hermals.

Sometimes in any way it is important to abandon offend and personal emotions. However, if we are talking about aquatic pair, then this mission becomes almost impracticable. And although they intuitively feel each other, provide mutual support, but if serious problems suddenly arise, choose a passive, expectant position. What, of course, does not contribute to their decision. In addition, they can develop different fears, phobias, nervas.

Water + Water = Emotional Relationship

Fire + air

In this pair, you can talk about excellent compatibility in love. Both partners are optimistic, have developed intelligence and strive for everything new. Air it is possible to intuitively understand what is thinking and feeling their chosen, and the fire is delivered to the air from indecision and helps to make the right choice.

They are also both distinguished by kindly, quickly forget mutual resentment, have similar intimate preferences in bed. The main problem of such a union is a shortage of depth and common practicism, because the mind constantly stunned with stormy emotions.

Earth + Water

High compatibility option. Reliable, faithful and permanent land gets well with defenseless, vulnerable and touching water. Partners feel comfortable in this tandem psychologically and physically. But it does not work out without difficulties - for example, in this case, indecision and pessimism inherent in both participants in relations are doubly increasing.

And when the land is worried with material, practical questions, and water is experiencing due to personal security, they begin serious disagreements and conflicts. Partners can plunge into senses, confidence in them.

Fire + Earth

Fire antagonistic (i.e. hostile) land. After all, the latter is able to put out the fire, and the fire - begins to devour the land. Sometimes you can meet such pairs, but their participants have fundamentally different values ​​and interests.

Fire seeks to live today, he is volitional and unrestrained, the Earth thinks about the future, she sober and practical. It is unrealistic to find mutual understanding.

This is also worth adding problems in sex: And although at the beginning of the relationship they feel a strong attraction, but over time the fire begins to act in oppressing, because it is too aggressive and extravagant. And he also finds his chosen one and unbeatable.

In general, achieving harmony is very difficult. Of course, if desired, everything is real, but then you will have to go on a lot of compromises and learn to adapt to each other.

Fire + water

Elements of fire and water are hostile for each other. Both of both are distinguished by great excitability, but completely different: fire is hot-tempered and impulsive, directed by their emotions, and water is passive, pussy, concentrated on himself. The fire quickly forgets the resentment, and water can wear them for a long time. The fire is angry due to constant changes in water emotions, and water, in turn, finds a partner egoistically and soulless. Eternal disputes and conflicts - this is what is waiting for such a couple in relationships.

Conflicts in relations

In addition, they are not very compatible in sex: sex is required regularly, and water is less sexy, but can manipulate sex when offended by the chosen.

If representatives of these elements have a desire to create long-term relationships, they will need to be very tried for this, having learned to humble with mutual differences.

Earth + air

The relations of these elements are very problematic, similar to the previous pair. The Earth finds the air too superficial, plus begins to put pressure on it using its conservatism and pragmatism. It does not do without emotional and sexual problems: the air finds the land is not romantic, and that, in turn, is angry due to the fact that the partner reacts more to erotic fantasies than physical influences.

The only thing they have a common - logical thinking. But at the same time, the air is highly intellectually, preferences the theory, and the land, arguing, always retains a sober mind, realism and focus on practice. Despite this, they can create a productive tandem if they learn to respect each other's opinion.

Air + water

Not a very harmonious version of the Union. For water personalities in the first place there are feelings, and for air - no. Nevertheless, they can blame if the circumstances are harmonious.

In bed and air, and both water need romantics and elevation, which becomes an additional bonus.

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