The prayers of Andrei Cretsky during the Great Post


If you have a desire to know the church traditions better, then you can not bypass the Great Conquained Canon Andrei Cretan. This is a rather volumetric work written in the 8th century AD. Thus, this amazing canon has been more than 12 centuries. By tradition, he is read during the Great Post.

I observe the post and fulfill all the necessary regulations not so long ago - just a few years. But I can say that during the time while you read the repentance of Andrei Cretan prayers, it becomes lighter in the soul, you feel closer to God, it is better aware of the idea of ​​repentance.

I feel much better and calmer, comes an understanding of all the perfect sins and the justice of all the events that took place in my life. I can say that the canon of Andrei Cretsky is not always simple - it is difficult to understand the church Slavonic language, the images that the author uses in its work is not understood.

But then calm and confidence in the love of God to me, who come as a result of reading the canon are very important to me. Canon is a big work, he is reading without hurrying, with the awareness of all the seriousness of the task - to, repeating the penetrated words of St. Andrew, feel closer to God.

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Life of Andrei Cret

Andrey Cretsky was born at the end of the 7th century AD. It is known that his parents were Christians and brought up Andrei in a deep faith. But in the family there was a big misfortune - the child was gone. Little Andrei did not utter a single word! Everything changed after the first communion - the boy began to speak, and later even became one of the most famous and eloquent speakers of his time.

After a miracle that happened to the boy, he began to study theological sciences very seriously. His future was predetermined - he decided to tie his life with God. At the age of 14, he goes to the monastery, leads a very strict life, constantly prays.

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Andrey deserved great respect and love from the side of his brethren, later became an archigitalon. For his life, the saint wrote a large number of works of church literature - about 70 canons, of which the most famous and volume is the Great Removal Canon.

The author of the canon eventually received the San Archbishop of one of the cities on the island of Crete, therefore remained in history as Andrei Cretan.

Features of reading repentant prayer

The Great Requained Canon is a special work. He relates rather, to the genre of philosophical reflections on the meaning of life, the meaning of sin and the possibility of its overcoming.

In Canon, Andrei Cretan reminds us of sinners, which are known from the history and from the Bible. He also argues about the lives of famous righteous, about the example of their fate for all now living.

Reading or listening to these characters, we intend to think about: what is our role in life? What good did we do? I remember all misconduct, sins are realized.

Canon is a real cry to God about grace. And during the Great Post, these words are very consonant with the mood of believers. Thanks to the emotionality of the canon, the readers are also configured on the manifestation of emotions - love for God, repentance, manifestations of grief due to the severity of their own sins.

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Reading time canona

Since the recovery canon is a special work, there are strictly defined services for its reading in the church. The work is read twice:
  • From Monday to Thursday of the first week of the post (at the beginning of the evening services);
  • On Thursday of the fifth of the week (in the morning service).

In the first week, the priest reads the canon, standing in the center of the temple, at the very beginning of the service. During reading it is necessary to make earthly bows (for them the time is distinguished between the main parts of the work). During this period, the canon is read in parts (the text is divided into 4 parts, for services from Monday to Thursday).

On Thursday, on the fifth week (on the morning), the text of the canon is fully read.

Why should Konon Andrei Crytsky read during the Great Post

Many believe that the great post is the main thing - this is not meat and fatty food. But this is not so! Many people who have health problems, priests allow you to eat exactly that food that will be useful for patients. The main thing during the Great Post is not a diet at all.

The Great Post is a period when we collect all our spiritual forces when we mobilize all the thoughts for spiritual work. At this time, there is a refusal from everyday habits and household worries, we appeal to eternity, we think about the future eternal life.

During the seven weeks of tense inner work, a person is involved in communication with God, and this comes precisely thanks to prayer. Including thanks to the repentant prayer of Andrei Cretsky.

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Thus, the Great Requained Canon Andrei Cretan:

  • helps to realize their sins;
  • gives hope for eternal life in God;
  • teaches us a heartfelt conversation with God;
  • Helps not commit sins in the future.


The Great Reculting Canon is read during the Great Post twice - from Monday to Thursday in the first week (in the evenings) and on Thursday the fifth week in the morning. True believing is desirable to visit worship these days, because these are really special moments in our lives.

If you do not have the opportunity to visit worship, during which the repeated canon Andrei Crytsky is read, you can read the text of the canon at home.

Do not forget that reading the repentance of prayers during the post is very important and useful for the rescue of the soul.

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