Conspiracies for attractiveness and sexuality


A woman at any age wishes to be beautiful and charming, causing admiration in the eyes of the men around her and envy in the eyes of other representatives of his sex. What only the tricks do not resort to Eva daughter in pursuit for this purpose: all sorts of cosmetics, expensive beauty salons, reinforced training and fitness, exhausting diets and even surgery. Conspiracies for sexuality and attractiveness are another effective way on the way to female beauty.

Conspiracy to beauty

Features and principle of conspiracies

Conspiracy to attractiveness - This is a magical verbal formula, designed to specially affect the external executive data and strengthen its attractiveness. After applying a conspiracy, any woman, even with the most ordinary appearance (the so-called "gray mouse"), can become an object of attractiveness, attract attention and numerous enthusiastic views. Beauty magic empowers a representative of a weak gender by Harisma, which will block the natural imperfections and put forward personal advantages to the first place.

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What is the secret of the magic conspiracy on beauty and attractiveness? Under its influence:

  • Inner (mental) The beauty of the performer enters the harmonious tandem with its external shell, which allows you to break out to the whole female charm to break;
  • A series of new opportunities opens in front of the performer. She gains happiness, good luck and success. It is easily given obstacles that, before applying the magical impact, could seem simply unattainable;
  • An inner confidence appears in a woman who leaves any of those surrounding indifferent.

The key subject of conspiracy for sexuality is, of course, the appearance of a woman's appearance, but still its influence affects the internal content of the performer. It is determined by the fact that the outer attractiveness of the weak floor representative largely depends on what happens in it inside, on the psychological and emotional level.

Classification of seizures for sexuality and attractiveness

Witchcraft conspiracies on charm and beauty There are countless. Each of them has their own goal, each of them affects some particular component of female appearance. Conditionally conspired for beauty is made to divide on 3 large groups in the following parameters:

  • The purpose of the ritual;
  • conspiracy;
  • Objector.

According to goals Conspiracies for attractiveness are divided into:

  • rituals to eliminate any external flaws;
  • rites for the extension of youth;
  • Spells on preservation of attractiveness.

Depending on the performer The following types of rituals for attractive are distinguished:

  • conspiracies for girls of young and unmarried;
  • rites for women married;
  • Rituals for unmarried and married ladies aged.

Contractor conspiracy

If you take into account subject of conspiracy , Magic rituals are most often directed to:

  • Beauty and sexuality of a female figure;
  • The beauty of the face;
  • Health and beauty of hair;
  • Health and beauty of teeth;
  • Beauty of hands, feet and other parts of the female body.

From the impressive list of conspiracy on the beauty, any woman can choose a suitable rite for himself, focusing on their wishes, needs, weaknesses of their appearance.

Simple and effective conspiracies for sexuality and attractiveness

Strong conspiracy on attractiveness, youth and health

The ritual for which it is necessary to prepare a glass of crystal clear water and a pinch of salt of large grinding, is carried out strictly on the full moon, at midnight.

Exactly 12 nights need to take a glass of water into the left hand, salt - in the right, in complete darkness, with closed curtains to get up in the middle of the room with a whispering of the progress of conspiracy:

"Winter transparent, wizard moon, swallow you, begging you: do so that me, the slave of God (own name) , every day is good and fresh was, in every day people looked at me as looking at the Mother Moon. So that in every day the word was given and talked about me: "As a good moon, the lady's slave (own name) Good, Bela and a round of a round, is young and having fun. "

Shattering the text of the spell, the salt must be pouring into the water, the glass is left to the morning on the windowsill. In the morning, rising from bed, you need to make a small sip from the glass, while saying:

"In me - water, on me - the beauty! Amen Amina releasing! "

Conspiracted water needs to drink all over a little longer during the week, accompanying the ritual described above after waking up.

Conspiracy for milk for beauty and freshness

The words of the conspiracy are pronounced by a glass of fresh cow's milk 3 times:

"Milk-milk pair! Make me beautiful, ruddy yes fresh. To make anyone who watched, admired yes, looked around! "

Speaking milk, you need to make 3 throat from the glass, and the remaining part of it is to wash your face. The rite is desirable to repeat once a week - this will consolidate and extend the result.

Two more severe beauty conspiracy on the water and a milk watch video:



Conspiracy is pronounced on Monday on the growing month. The performer must at the same time sit in the middle of the room with a comb (comb) in his hands and look out the window on the night shining. Spell text:

"The field is to the grain, the light is to the sun, the dark - to the scallop, and the hair is to the hairs. Amen".

The conspiracy must further comb their hair.

Conspiracy on the new moon, attractiveness and beauty

The conspiracy is pronounced in the first minutes of New Moon (accurately determine the lunar calendar). Text Next:

"The new moon was noring, the beauty of his shared with me. My face is now white, the skin is fresh, the hair is long, the belt is thin. Magted - like the sun at sunset, the lountes are like a dawn at sunrise. No on white light of me Mile. "

This is a completely safe conspiracy. You can use every moon month.

Conspiracy on rejuvenation and beauty

Pretty simple, but effective conspiracy. Spelling need to start on the day of its birth. Words are pronounced at sunrise:

"Lord, the Springwater I wash myself, I wipe the sun, he hide the sun, the earth and the sky smile, with you, God, bless a healthy and long. My body, hold on! Amen!"

Conspiracy has been pronounced for 10 days, then a break is made in length in 7 days, and the ritual is renewed (it is held again 10 days in a row). During the use of conspiracy from their menu, you need to completely eliminate meat products..

Naturally, any conspiracy for beauty and attractiveness should be carried out with faith in result, otherwise it will be zero.

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