Prayer for three angels - a strong wubble from problems and trouble


For many years I am the abbot of the church and know how important it is to take prayers every day. You need to handle not only to the Lord, but also to the saints. Today I will tell about prayer for three angels, I will explain how to rely on it.

Miracles of prayer

Many people believe that the word has a certain force. And therefore it is necessary to exercise special caution, expressing good or bad about any person. In addition, caution should also be taken, wanting something. After all, as you know, desires are especially dangerous because they have a property come true.

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The ministers of the Church adhere to the same opinion. This is explained by the fact that the word of the man with whom he turns to the Almighty, gains great power. It is prayer that is rightfully considered the strongest faith, which is available to every person. Prayer for three angels can create real wonders. And it is recommended to use the rebels of churches when a person feels what needs help.

Why is a person pursue failures and problems?

As you know, sinless people do not happen. But there are those who are trying to fight temptations and worst sins perfect. However, many people refuse from it. They can easily be tempted and even creating evil, forgetting that they are waiting at the vessel.

Many agree that there is nothing more unpleasant than the observation of how a friend or acquaintance begins to give in envy. Feel on ourselves all this negative is also very unpleasant. That's just many forget that this negative is not just unpleasant to feel, he also pays a huge danger. Surely most people faced the difficulties that come to life as soon as someone begins to envy them. After all, then the life of a successful person actually turns into hell:

  • Problems are beginning to work - business or work, which before that brought good profits, become unprofitable;
  • Relations are spoiled with colleagues - a team that is distinguished by unusual friendliness, suddenly begins to resemble a flock of sharks;
  • In the family begins turmoil - relationships with loved ones are spoiled due to the constant quarrels and conflicts. And the like eventually ends with a divorce.

These and other problems do not come into life just like that. Everything has its reason. And it must be remembered. In scientific literature, there is even a concept as "energy vampire". Scientists are confident that some people, being energetic vampires, are able to "steal" alien vitality. When this happens, problems necessarily come to life. After all, he is deprived of protection and simply turns out to be not able to defend himself from the negative, which is directed by the enviousness.

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It is noteworthy that sometimes the influence of such vampires is particularly destructive. For example, if the person in itself, on whom the negative is directed, is rather weak or deprived of heavenly protection.

Weak protection of man

Orthodox believe that it is precisely such people who are most often suffering from the evil eye and damage, since they do not have a patron who can support and protect. For this reason, spiritual mentors insist that parents be sure to baptize their children. However, this does not mean at all that those believers who have a heavenly defender cannot suffer, for example, from the evil eye. Unfortunately, it's not quite so. After all, much in this case depends on how strong negative emotions is experiencing a person in relation to another. In addition, it is impossible to forget that not all believers lead a righteous lifestyle. As a result, the heavenly defense, given by him for a righteous life, weakens little.

To protect yourself from a bad look and envious, you need to use prayer-overlap. The strongest guard of all the existing existing are considered to be a prayer for three angels. It is its spiritual mentors that recommend using a great need for an hour.

With its help, every believer will be able to gain power to cope with the consequences of the invisible damage or the evil eye. It is believed that after reading such a prayer, everything is bad "bounces" from a person, since prayer serves as a kind of shield. This charm is able to become a reliable protection for any person.

How to get rid of all problems and trouble?

It is necessary to immediately note that avoiding all difficulties never managed to anyone. And this is explained by the fact that people are catastrophically needed sometimes collapsed with certain problems. Since sometimes it happens that only difficulties make a person realize how incorrectly he acted and what it could lead to the future. In addition, it is quite often difficult to help rethink life and even put new goals.

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That's just this is absolutely impossible if the life began to collapse due to the negative impact of another person. In this case, only prayer-charm can help. But you need to remember about one thing: the charm is not a panacea. Unfortunately, many about it forget about it, believing that after reading the prayer, they become almost invulnerable. In fact, it is not at all. However, at an early stage of the formation of a particular problem, such a prayer can really help. Reading prayer, which is a faithful will help a person:

  • To fully realize that the problem really exists;
  • find a way to solve this or that problem that appeared in life;
  • Reflect all the negative, which was sent by envious.

It is noteworthy that some believers believe that the ascension of such prayers is extremely unacceptable. This is explained by the fact that Orthodox faces are suspicious. And this is quite understandable, because the aunts use most of them who are far from faith. For example, different launches and witch. However, in this case it is very important to understand the difference. After all, under the guard, they understand the prayer, and not some conspiracy.

Please note that the three archangels should be prayer only with sincerity. Merry for help, first of all, should believe that heaven will help him. If, having a prayer, the believer will not experience any positive emotions and hope for help, he will not hear her and simply will not send him a blessing. It is for this reason that all the servants of the Church insist that it is necessary to pray hard and at the same time be sure to believe in the power of the Most High. This can only be hoped that prayer will be heard.

Prayer addressed to three angels

Every person who is at least a little interested in religion knows who are angels. These are heavenly defenders who represent the Heavenly Hobs, serving the Lord. They protect the world from creatures that are generating hell, and rightly serve the Creator. According to his will, they also protect the creations created by him once a long time ago. And so an angel is attached from birth to each person. Throughout his life, he is taking a person and helps him in a life path.

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However, not everyone knows that believers protects not one angel, but three. According to some legends, one of them is earthly, and two others are heavenly. Two angels direct the believer at the time of his birth and death, the earthly defender has a completely different purpose. He must follow the person throughout his life and do everything to protect the unfortunate from all troubles. That is why it is believed that it is necessary to pray at once with three angels.

Rules of prayer

It should be praying according to certain canons, that is, according to the rules:
  1. First, you should prepare three candles in advance and use them during the ascension of prayer.
  2. Secondly, praying, you need to try to get rid of extraneous thoughts and fully focus on the process of the ascension of prayer.
  3. Thirdly, during prayer it is necessary to be in the room in full solitude, so as not to be distracted.
  4. Fourth, asking for anything from heaven, it is impossible to desire an evil to another person. It must be remembered that the mating is also a slave of God and not to judge him who and what punishment deserves.

To read a prayer that is addressed to the three angels is permitted at the moment when it was necessary. In other words, the church does not limit people in time and does not indicate what situations should be used by the text of the prayer. As soon as a person feel that he needs heavenly patronage, he can rendered a prayer for three guardian angels


  1. No need to confuse charms, which are created by sorcerers, and prayer-overlap. Their use is approved by the Church.
  2. According to the ancient legends, three angels protect the person at once. And therefore, it should be a prayer, asking for intercession.
  3. Such a prayer is very powerful, so it is recommended to be used in those moments when troubles come into human life. In particular, if the cause of sudden difficulties is the envy of other people.
  4. It should be prayer for certain canons that cannot be disrupted.
  5. You can read prayers at the moment when a person will feel that he needs a patronage.

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