Thanksgiving prayers to the Lord God for all


I have long been a believer, constantly studying biblical literature. From the books, I learned that I was very important to give gratitude to the Lord. Therefore, today I will tell you how to learn to thank God for everything and what thankful prayers to use.

Faith and ascension of prayers

Vera is the salvation of the soul. This wisdom read all believers. They perfectly understand that the Lord is merciful and never punishes a person just like that. That is why spiritual mentors insist on the fact that all people must learn to thank God for everything. However, not all people just do it. And this is explained not only to the fact that people simply do not believe in the existence of the Most High.

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Difficulties with the Ascension of the Thankful Prayers arise for other reasons. In particular, some Christians are hard to accept the fact that sometimes the Lord sends the tests to his slaves. For some tests, they become so complicated that their faith simply loosens.

Tests and grief: What are they sending to a person?

In order for a person to easily believe in the justice of the Lord, you must first understand one important issue. Namely try to understand why Christians suffer. When the grief comes in their life, they are in a hurry for help in church. After all, they believe that heaven will definitely hurt prayer and then life will return to the usual channel.

In most cases, this is exactly what happens. But only provided that the helpful of his life lived as the Lord taught. If he was a sinner who did not even repent, then the hopes for the fact that God would respond to Molub, very little.

Getting the desired, a man happily thanks heaven. Although sometimes people forget to raise thanksgiving prayer even if they got the desired help. Similarly, they explain very simple, referring to:

  • employment;
  • the need to solve other problems;
  • Excessive fatigue.

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Of course, none of the above excuses cannot be called decent and understandable. In fact, the cause of such "black" ungratefulness is the usual laziness. Some believers so lazy once again pray that they consider such a waste of time. After all, they have already got the desired. Therefore, it is not necessary to refer to gratitude. At least this is how most believers think, the faith of which is weak and imperfect.

However, sometimes it happens that a person's prayer remains unanswered, who lived through the commandments of the Lord all his life. And he, sincerely prayer, hoped to get help from heaven, but they remained indifferent. This is the most difficult moment that carries the test for faith. After all, at such moments, it is very difficult not to lose faith and continue to serve the Lord.

It is indifference that God often becomes the reason that gradually faith weakens in the people who are weak soul themselves. They cannot accept one simple truth: God does not send those tests that his creation is not able to withstand. It is about this that spiritual mentors relentlessly resemble. After all, when a person comes to the church, who fell into a difficult life situation, only three simple outputs can recommend:

  • I sincerely pray to God every day and ask him for help;
  • repent of all his sins;
  • Complete with the will of heaven.

The last for many sounds like a sentence. Because heavens do not always turn out to be favorable to the helpful of help. And then in the head of some people the question arises: is God really so favorable to people, as others think, those who are lucky enough to get the desired? It must be immediately noted that such thoughts themselves are sinful. To understand why the Lord sends the tests to his creations, it is necessary to remember the very history of mankind.

History of creating people

As is known, the progenitors of all mankind were two - Adam and Eve. The grace of the Lord, they were given a chance to live her life in paradise. That is, in the place in which all believers seek to get. However, the first people could not find in their soul to consolidate sin. It is their sin and become the reason that human life filled with tests.

Under the tests in this case, it is necessary to understand not only different diseases, but also suffering. All these grief and suffering are negatively reflected not only on the physical, but also in the mental state of the person.

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Of course, there are many reasons why the Lord sends the test to their slaves. However, the main reason is sinfulness. Few people think about the fact that in reality suffering are a means opposing that harm that inflicts the sin.

Spiritual mentors believe that it is the disease that is capable of suspending the action provided by sin. Moreover, precisely about this and the Scriptures of the Apostle Peter said. In other words, most often any tests affect people who are sinful. For this reason, the servants of the Church insist that it is necessary to repent in perfect sins. After all, it is possible to deserve forgiveness. Moreover, the prayer of God should always be sincere.

Is there any tests to make a person?

Perhaps this is the main question that the believers ask themselves. After all, sometimes it seems to them that those tests that Lord sent are too harsh. Of course, sometimes really sent tests seem so heavy that a person immediately lowers his hands.

Such serious tests include not only the disease, but also the death of a loved one. It is not possible to cope with such a blow. People experiencing attachment towards relatives cannot accept the fact that they leave this world.

However, it cannot be said that death is the most terrible punishment. In fact, it is not quite so. After all, the Lord calls his slave and grants him the opportunity to become a resident of Paradise. Of course, if he led the righteous life and deserved the right to stay in the house of the Lord. Therefore, people need to learn to put up with those adversities that come into their life by the will of heaven. No wonder there is a saying, which states that the paths of the Lord are non-defined. Unfortunately, or, perhaps, fortunately, but a person is not given to know the plans of the Most High and their destiny. And therefore no one can say with confidence that the sent test was not good.

How to correctly thank the Lord?

Spiritual mentors teach that it is always necessary to thank the Most High. And this is not only if the person received an answer to his prayer. It is imperative that every believer has found the strength to raise thanks and for the sent tests. Since this will be evidence of the highest humility. But it is the humility that is the way to the Lord God. And it must be remembered.

Now let's try to understand exactly how you can thank the heavens:

  1. The first is the gratitude prayers. It is noteworthy that few people know about the existence of such prayers. And this is easy to explain. After all, the nature of people is such that they are ready to ask how much please, but at the same time not to thank when fate turns out to be favorable. After all, if you think about it, most often, addressing advice to the confessor, people ask to tell them about prayers for recovery, cure from the evil eye and other things. In other words, they always ask for something and extremely rarely thank.
  2. Thank the Lord, or rather, you can tell him thanks for your help not only with the help of prayer. It must be remembered that the Lord appreciates not only sincere prayers that he brings the flock. He also appreciates and desire to show gratitude in a different way. For example, action. Of course, this does not mean that it is necessary to create only good deeds and not pray. However, the case is always better than words. That is why, asking thankful prayers, you need to think about what kind of deed should be made to show your gratitude. Of course, in this case, we are not talking about some kind of exploits. There is one good saying, which states that the best is a good enemy. No need to try to jump above your own head. It is enough just to start with a small one. For example, to file alms to someone who asks. This is also a good deed. In particular, if a person feeding a thief, does not think at all about the fact that it will definitely begin. It is necessary to create good free.

The text of the Thanksgiving Prayer

You can use prayer for gratitude at any time. It is recommended to take a prayer on different days within a week, it is better to do this in the church in the service.

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  1. Thanksgiving prayers for all exist in order for a person to have the opportunity to express his gratitude to the heavens for the assistance rendered.
  2. A true Christian must thank God not only for the help, but also for the tests that fell on his share.
  3. You can never doubt that a person's noslane is capable of rendering.
  4. It is extremely important to prove the Lord that faith is really strong. And this can be done only with the help of suffering. To clear your soul and strengthen faith, each believer should withstand the test that heaven will send him.

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