Prayer seven years of Ephesian: from their insomnia and child sleep


I have been believe in God for a long time and I know that he can help in any difficult situation. If you have problems with sleeping a child, I recommend to parents with a prayer to the Lord and to the rates of Ephesus. Today I will tell you how to properly take prayers for helping the child.

The appearance of insomnia in children

All parents without exception worry about their children. And so when the child begins to sleep restlessly, the father and mother also begin to worry. Since everyone is well aware that children, like adults, must be set off. Otherwise, their body will begin to weaken quickly and will not be able to have effective resistance to various diseases.

Prayer seven years of Ephesian: from their insomnia and child sleep 4699_1

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Of course, at first, parents try to cope with a sudden ailment, which struck the baby with all their might. And first of all, they attend the clinic in the hope that the doctor will be able to put an accurate diagnosis and cure the child. But sometimes it happens that no treatment has a positive effect. And then there is a need to take advantage of the last saving chopstick - pray.

Believers know that God is merciful. In particular, in relation to small children who came to this world to make it better. You can ask for help not only the Lord. Seven Ephesian Excirations can also help.

Reasons for insomnia in children: a mystical explanation

The human body is a complex system, in which failures sometimes occur. That is, a person can suddenly catch some kind of viral disease or subjected to death, which heard independently for years. For example, get sick of the stomach. This happens so often that many, without thinking, immediately appeal to the clinic for medical help.

It is impossible to say that this approach is in the root incorrect. However, it does not always turn out to be effective. And this is quite a logical explanation. The fact is that not all the ailments that affect the body can be cured by medicine. Since their cause is a negative impact of envious people or powerful sorcerers.

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If you think about this topic, then every person, no doubt, will be able to recall the moments when it or acquaintances were struck by strange diseases. And the medicine has helped to recover from them, but a simple prayer, sincerely appeal to the Lord. Most often, small children suffer from such "mystical" diseases. The most common symptom is a restless dream or even insomnia.

It can be said that insomnia is the most ruthless torture. And when a small child undergoes this torture, it is necessary to make appropriate measures as soon as possible. Since he can suffer greatly. But to get rid of this unpleasant symptom, it is necessary to understand what he was called.

Of course, to consider insomnia as one of the symptoms of famous human diseases is needed first. However, if the treatment does not give any results, then parents need to think about the fact that the reason may not be at all disease. Most often, the causes of insomnia in children are:

  • evil eye;
  • damage.

This is explained by the fact that young children have very weak spiritual protection. In particular, if the child is unresolved. In this case, he is completely deprived of heavenly protection. And therefore cannot resist evil people who destroy its aura with their negative energy. However, this does not mean at all that baptized kids are under absolute protection.

Protection of your child

There is no absolute protection. If a person who hates a family wants to harm her, he can do it. In particular, if the members of this family are not righteous Christians who raise the prayers to the Lord every day. Unfortunately, such believers are extremely small. Most recalls the Lord at the moment when trouble comes to life. It is then people and begin to seek help from the Most High. And the case with insomnia in children is no exception.

Prayer seven years of Ephesian: from their insomnia and child sleep 4699_2

Indeed, Orthodox believe that a person with a bad look and thoughts can harm the baby. It was for this reason that grandfather and grandmothers in the old days prohibited their relatives to show strangers of the newborn. However, now, in the age of the Internet, no one stop such a ban. Young mothers gladly share photos of their children. And at the same time, they do not think at all about what the well-being and health of the hotel threaten threatened. After all, they cannot say with absolute confidence that only those people who wish the family of happiness are watching in the photo.

Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to respect special caution and fight with the desire to show the world of the newborn. This is especially important at that time when parents are preparing for the baptism of the child, because at this time it is absolutely defenseless. He has no Guardian Angel, so no one can protect him from a bad look.

But if the bad still happened and the baby suddenly began to suffer from insomnia, and the doctors are only bred by their hands, it's time to turn to faith. After all, only the help of heaven is able to save an unfortunate child from suffering. In this case, it is 7 Efensian detachments to assist the child.

Prayer of seven expenses Efesse: history and value of prayer

When concerned parents are addressed to the council to the church believers, they always hear one recommendation. And this recommendation states that it is necessary to ask for intercession in the seven of the Efensian departments, which can:

  • protect the child from evil eye;
  • prevent evil forces to harm the baby;
  • protect his sleep and health;
  • Return a strong dream, get rid of anxiety.

Only they are able to help cope with this difficult situation. That's just about these saints, almost nothing is known to those who are extremely rarely visiting the church and is not interested in religion in principle.

In fact, these seven nozzles are very famous. It is noteworthy that they are honored not only by Christians. Even the followers of Islam assimilate their prayers. According to legend, 7 unfortunate people were lit alive. For several centuries, they were forced to be in the cage, which unbelievers created for them. Actually, that is why they were counted for the martyrs.

It is not reliably known who these people were. However, it is believed that they were all immigrants from decent families. Moreover, according to some reports, Martyr Maximilian even had to the son of the Gradian, who had great power. The young men were well acquainted with each other, because military service passed together. They were all true Christians who were honored by the commandments of the Lord.

One day to the city in which the young men lived, the emperor DECII itself came to visit. He was a cruel man who did not forgive those who opposed him and faith. Since the decision himself was a pagan, he demanded the same from his subjects. Arriving with a visit to Ephesis, the emperor demanded that his every resident would bring sacrifice to the gods. Refuse to fulfill the will of the monarch was tantamount to death. Everyone who spoke out against the order was waiting for the torture room. But even those who were able to transfer terrible torture, the emperor never dear.

Having learned about the order of the despotic monarch, the seven young men appeared before him and boldly expressed their reluctance to obey. In the punishment, the emperor deprived their military ranks and even expelled from the city. He hoped that over time, the Yunsians are drawn. However, this did not happen. All seven left the city and settled in the cave on the mountain. Every day they raised the prayers to the Lord and continued to follow the sacred commandments.

Prayer seven years of Ephesian: from their insomnia and child sleep 4699_3

One day Iamvlich, changing into rags, returned to the city to buy bread. Having overlapping the conversation of local residents, the young man learned that the emperor wanted them all. Returning to the mountain, he told about the heard, and then the entire seven of the detachments returned to Ephesus and appeared before the ruler. He gave an order to climb them alive in the cave in which they lived before. But, according to the giving, the profits did not die at all. They at the will of the Lord plunged into a deep dream, which lasted about 200 years.

Woke out from Sleep the local builder, who decided to build a house on this grief. At his order was disassembled in the cave. And then people saw a miracle. After all, those seven young men woke up from sleep and did not look tired or disassembled at all. They did not even understand that since their execution there were so much time.

It is noteworthy that this legend is well known not only in Orthodox theology. Even the followers of Islam know her. Like Christians, they raise the prayers of seven years.


  1. If the child began to suffer from insomnia, it is necessary to seek medical attention.
  2. If the medicine is powerless, parents must independently try to help the child. And for this, they should be a prayer of seven years of Efensky.
  3. These martyrs are revered not only in Orthodoxy. Even the followers of Islam know them and honor.
  4. Holy martyrs can protect the child from a bad evil eye, dark forces and return his calm dream.

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