How much is usually started service in the church and how much lasts


I attend church several times a week and try not to miss Sunday services. Even if you rarely go to the temple, you can rectify this situation and to join the faith at any time. And I'll tell you how much usually lasts for service in the church and when it starts.

circle of worship

Worship - it is the main purpose of all the temples, where they are committed on a daily basis, and they can visit every believer. Not everyone knows how much it begins service in the church, and that there is a daily cycle of services, which just includes all three of the above services.

How much is usually started service in the church and how much lasts 4701_1

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Of a general rule there, especially for weekdays. Temples are open early in the morning, so the time of service, most of all, the priest is set taking into account the wishes of the people visiting these temple. However, there are some rules that make up the daily cycle of services:

  1. Morning liturgy or vigil, conducted at any period from midnight or 1 o'clock. On Sundays during postponed until 7-8 o'clock in the morning - this is the standard time for the Sunday morning service. This early, it can be said, the night is not chosen by chance. Not everyone knows that a new day is considered to be not midnight and 6 pm - so it was led since Old Testament times.
  2. Full service - Mass. It can begin in 15 to 18 hours of the day.
  3. Evening liturgy or evening. By the time it is 19-20 hours.

morning service

That morning service given in the Orthodox Church the most attention. For this reason, it is a morning liturgy longest time. This service is dedicated to the life of God on earth, so in this liturgy includes many prayers - thank-you, repent.

However, morning service includes a few more. For example, the first begins at 7 am and takes approximately one hour of time. This is the service of short duration. It is dedicated to the time when the Creator is on the high priest's court.

How much is usually started service in the church and how much lasts 4701_2

By numerous requests of readers, we have prepared an application "Orthodox calendar" for a smartphone. Every morning you will receive information about the current day: Holidays, posts, commemoration days, prayers, parables.

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Third hour of the service occurs at approximately 9 am. The main theme - the events in the Upper Room, the Holy Spirit the message of the Apostles, a death sentence to Jesus Pretoria Pilate.

At midday, the sixth hour of Matins begins with the mention of the crucifixion of Christ. Finally, in 3 days - the final service of Matins - 9 th hour. He is dedicated to direct the death of Jesus Christ.

Day worship

This worship consists of the 3rd, 6th hour and liturgy. These are the most important hours, because this is the most significant events in the life of Christ - the court, the crucifix, his torment and the crusal suffering.

The third and sixth hour are performed directly in the temple or in the focus. Sometimes the 3rd, 6th and 9th hours can be performed together, but always separately from Divine Liturgy.

Evening worship

This worship includes the 9th hour, the Village and Evening. The 9th hour is, as already mentioned, the deaths of Christ and his death. Therefore, at this time it is very important to hurt prayer, it was mentioned in the apostolic decisions. For no accident, the 9th hour can be attached both to dinner and to the evening. As a rule, he is committed before the evening, but it is customary to spend with the worst of the past day.

Village is the evening worship service made after evening food. It is not always done, but only in the days of the Great Post, for Christmas and Epiphany. In other days, they are bypass with a small vortex, including "Our Father", Psalms, Great Slavora, Canon (but not always).

The evening service in the church can be daily (held on weekdays), small (committed before all-night vigil) and the Great (the one that goes under the holidays or on Sunday). The great evening is the most extensive, it includes many prayers, psalms, poems and other things. A small evening is a reduced version of the daily. It was she who, together with the Great Evening, Morning and the first hour called the All-Night Walk.

For what you need worship in the temple

There are many places in the Bible, which is mentioned that a believer should attend worship. It is not necessary so much God as the most person. God does not need anything, he gives life and breathing. The main meaning of the church is to fulfill the great idea of ​​the Creator, that is, fill everything around the knowledge of the glory of God. And only if all believers will unite, this idea can come true. In exchange, this Christians receive support, joy and encouragement - both from God and from each other. Worship brings people, they are strengthened by faith in each other. Briefly targets to visit worship services:
  1. Communication. And this is quite specific communication, when all people present feel brothers and sisters.
  2. Prayer, especially joint, very productive and has a huge force.
  3. Served read in the temple. This is an inexhaustible source of spiritual food for a person.
  4. Singing prayers and psalms, again, especially joint. This is a kind of cleansing.

Rules of behavior

Going to the church in general and for worship in particular, it should be remembered that the temple is a special world with its charter and rules. The norms of behavior there are quite strict, which can be somewhat frightening people who have not previously visited this place or did it very rarely.

  1. Before visiting worship, it is better to abandon meals, because every church sacrament is performed on an empty stomach.
  2. The most important thing even with a simple visit to the church, not to mention worship, it is a tidy in clothes. No need to confuse this concept with a high cost from a material point of view. All existing decorations should not attract foreign attention. Accuracy and only it is important - this is a kind of tribute to the Lord. And this applies to both women and men. The most welcome clothing of bright tones, except, of course, sorrowful events - in this case, only dark.
  3. Men are desirable to refuse clothing, which shaves the limbs - T-shirts and shorts, it is desirable that these parts are covered. When visiting the temple, men are better to avoid bright colors, inscriptions, holes on clothes. The head of the man in the church is always not covered.
  4. Approximately the same rules concern and women. It is also important that the clothes have not been too tight. Women's head, on the contrary, is covered - this is also considered a sign of respect for God.
  5. Before entering the entrance, it is necessary to look at the cross, located on the doors, and turn it around three times, accompanying this action by boncons. In a focus, which is located behind the door of the temple, you need to do this procedure again, and then you can go to the temple itself.
  6. You can choose a place for anything with one with the rule: women stand on the left, men on the right. In addition, you should not block the main passage. If there are benches, then you need to understand that they are created for those who will not be able to survive the service - disabled, children, the elderly. Sitting on a bench need modestly, not to scatter and occupy as little as possible. It is impossible to stand or sit back to the altar. It is not allowed to have included mobile devices, so you need to take care of this in advance.
  7. No need to keep hands in your pockets in the temple, cross on the chest or behind the back. It is impossible to push, talk loudly - it is generally better to observe the utter silence.
  8. It is better to come to the service in advance, this time will leave to put candles, make it up for icons, submit notes.
  9. If a small child and parents are present in the church and the parents cannot achieve proper behavior from him, it will be better to withdraw him in order to not violate the sacrament and not to create problems for other parishioners.
  10. Should not leave the temple before the service will end. It's not too easy to stand it all, because the evening service in the church can take up to 3 hours, but it is worth the patience. If there are good reasons to leave the church before the end of the worship, then it is necessary to make as soon as possible. How many of the sacrament lasts, tell me the priest if you ask him in advance.
  11. Sometimes there is nowhere to install a candle. In this case, you can simply put a candle near, it will definitely be delivered as soon as a place will appear in the candlestick.

A lot of questions arise about whether women can visit the church in critical days. The prohibition does not exist, it is recommended only if possible refuse to participate in the sacraments, but simply come to pray, put candles.

How much is usually started service in the church and how much lasts 4701_3

Not everyone knows where what candles are put, and this is very important. There is no doubt, they put them in front of the saints. For candles, there is a memorial table, which is a crucifix candlestick. Many wish to submit notes - they are transferred to the services, which, in turn, cast them to the priest.

When leaving the temple, it is also embarked as 3 times, standing face to the facade. All of the same rules must be observed when visiting the monasteries.


  1. Morning worship must necessarily be held before sunrise.
  2. Evening is a worship service that takes place in the evening. On holidays, it is combined with night vigors or morning.
  3. If a person does not know all prayers and psalms, it is not forbidden to take the prayer church.

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