Fortune telling for baptism - at wishes, for love, for children


Every year, before baptism, we are going with me and we guess for love, fate and money. Then during the year we observe whether predictions come true. Surprisingly, they almost always come true! Especially for love. In this article, I will list the various ancient bachers in divisions, which still come true.

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For divination brought the desired result, it is necessary to carefully prepare. If it is not true to this, the answers may be unturious. Only true faith in magic will be able to help open the veil into your future. Despite the fact that there are many ways to divine, everyone has the same requirements.
  • If it is assumed to use any objects, then for some time you need to hold in your hands or displacing to recharge your energy.
  • Before rite, it is recommended to turn off the TV, computer and other electronics, including a mobile phone in the apartment. The refrigerator and other required household techniques do not need to be disconnected.
  • The room should be muted light, well, if it is a lit candle.
  • During the rite of hands and legs should not be crosed.
  • Hair must be loose.
  • Belt, clock and other conjunctioning items are removed, especially a native cross.
  • From the room for a while they remove all the icons.
  • The rites are carried out from January 6 to January 18, as soon as the window is temperate. The last day is considered the most efficient for the ritual. January 19 no longer conduct rituals.
  • After the rite, be sure to wash off the negative energy.

Fortune telling on love

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Many lonely girls are waiting for the Christmas tree every year, so that with the help of one of the many rituals to love with one of the numerous rituals, when they meet their beloved and marry him. Some options are suitable for those who are already in a pair, but have not yet led their relationships.


On any leaf, the male name is written, throw on the iron bowl and immediately ignite. If the leaf is not completely burned, then the girl marries this man.

There is a second option. Take 12 identical strips of paper, male names are written on each of them. Well mixed and put under the pillow. In the morning, the touch takes one piece of paper. With a person who is wearing this name is to be a meeting this year.


This is the most common and favorite fortune telling among young girls. For this, a large pelvis is taken, where the necessary things are thrown. All this is covered with a large towel and thoroughly mixed. After that, the unmarried girl should quickly get one of the things. According to what she was delivered, her fate was decrypted for this year:

  • A handkerchief or hat - the wedding is this year, and family life will be successful.
  • Bun - the girl will remain unmarried.
  • A spoon - the wedding will be, but family life will be unsuccessful.
  • Wallet - marriage will be calculated and will be happy.
  • A glove or mitten - a man will be secured, but will not marry.


The most ancient and truthful ritual. Opposite each other put two mirrors, and one must be more than the other. The unmarried maiden sits closer to the small mirror. Each mirror put on one lit candle. All this is done in such a way that a long corridor has turned out in the mirrors, in whose depths you need to peer for a long time until you see a man or his silhouette. Before this procedure, it is necessary to say: "Daughty-rude, come to me for dinner." After they saw the fate in the mirror, immediately say: "Chur me!"

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This ritual is carried out on January 6th. You need to take a few bulbs and an immentable marker to write popular male names on them. Then they are placed in any container filled with water. From which bulb will grow faster, and there will be a half of the gadget.


Cut off the same length of the thread from one tangle. Then with unmarried girls simultaneously ignite them. Whose thread will burn faster than everyone, this year will marry this year. Who walked, not doing to the end, that for a long time will not be able to meet his half.


Our grandmothers in the villages to learn fate, throwing the boots. Nowadays it can be replaced with any shoes that are often worn. To do this, get back to the open window or to the doors going outside, remove the shoes from the left leg and throw it over the shoulder. Then look like it lies. If you are to the building, then this year there will be no wedding.


Exactly at midnight, the windows open, and the unmarried maiders are shouting in turn: "Durable, pass by the window!" Which after his words will hear any question outside the window, she will play the first wedding.


Carefully post your towel and hang it outside the window. If in the morning it remains wet, then the girl will soon marry if it remains dry, then this year no marriage is foreseen.


Suitable for those who already have a young man. Take two matches, at the same time set them down. Then watching the burnt heads of matches to each other. If so, then the couple will be together, if not, then this year will break up or will not be able to marry.


The girl buys one apple every variety. At home, each of them cuts the initials of their fans. Then with closed eyes bite off from each apple on a piece. Then chooses the most delicious. Whose initials on it, he wants to marry a girl.

Divination for children

Many, both married and unmarried, are interested in one question as they have children. To get an answer to this question, you need to pour water before bedtime to a glass and add a ring that regularly wear. Then carefully put on the windowsill going outside.

In the morning carefully consider frozen water. If the surface is smooth, then there will be no children this year. If there are tubercles on the surface of the ice, then the woman will have a son, and the depressions are a daughter. How many depressions or a tubercle, so much and there will be children.

Fortune telling at desire

Almost every person has its own desires, thanks to which he can seek heights in life. With the help of fortunes, you can find out whether the cherished dreams will be fulfilled and what you need to do so that they come true.


Take the usual deck of playing cards. Stir them, makes a desire, then with your left hand to remove the card. Red - will come true, black - no. The larger the map, the faster and easier will come true.


For this you need to prepare seven buttons of the same size, each must be painted into one of the colors of the rainbow. Colors should not be repeated. At night they are put on the outer window sill window or on the balcony. In the morning, take away, after which the buttons are hidden from a compressed cam, they are thrown onto the table one by one. According to the last button, the remaining in the cam decipher the fortune telling:
  • Red - will soon turn.
  • Orange - if nothing hurts, it will come true.
  • Yellow - turn, but not very soon.
  • Green - will come true, but with obstacles.
  • Blue - it is already coming true.
  • Blue - if not chatting about this dream to the right left, it will come true.
  • Violet - about this dream is better forget, it will not come true.

Fortune telling on fate

During the baptism, you can learn fate for this year, the most common option - through dreams. To do this, before bedtime, loud questions about their future. After that, they immediately fall asleep, even at night it is not recommended to drink water. If you still got into the toilet, for example, then the rite repeat the next night. In the morning for dreams with dream interpretation decrypt answers.

Fortune telling for the future

It is difficult to find a person who would not like to know his future to prepare on all sorts of obstacles in time. And all this rite is held at 12 o'clock in the morning.

Prophetic dream

On the evening of January 18, I lay down to bed, pronounce: "Saint Samson, show me a weak dream." After that, they immediately fall asleep, and in the morning they try to remember sleep and decipher it.


This is the most popular way to find out your future. For this you need a candle and your own fantasy. In the circle poured hot water. A little wax is cut with a knife and melts it in a tablespoon with a lit candle. After that, the wax is immediately poured into hot water. The wax figure formed in the cup decrypt the future:

  • Drops - financial well-being.
  • One or more fungi is good health.
  • Church bell - get important information.
  • Flower - year will be happy.
  • Star - good luck will accompany the whole year.
  • Stripes or waves - an interesting journey.
  • Man is a profitable and interesting acquaintance.
  • Briefcase - success in work.
  • The incomprehensible figure - the decoding of the future failed, the rite can be repeated the next day.

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Everyone in the house must have books. It is necessary to choose any book what will want to take into hand. Without opening it, hold a little in your hand, mentally saying the question: "What awaits me in the future?" After that, immediately set two any numbers. The first number means the page number, and the second number is the rows from above. By text you can decipher how about it will be a year.

Fortune telling for wealth

Those rites are resorted to those who have had serious money problems, as well as those who wish to attach their money, but doubting whether it should be done. For this, the ritual prepares three opaque soup bowls and one coin, just not a penny. One person turns the plates and hides under one of them a coin.

And gone at this time waiting outside the door. After that, he comes and chooses a bowl. If there was a money under it, then the year will be rich. If the bowl turned out to be empty, then choose the second. If under it is a coin, then the money will be given the whole year with difficulty. If the coin managed to find only under the third plate, then this year you will have to tighten the belt and save on everything.


These rituals exist in order to make it easier for a person to determine the future. The most effective are rituals from:

  • Book.
  • Wax.
  • Cards.
  • Apples.
  • Buttons.
  • Mirrors.
  • Paper.

If the answer was not the same as you wanted to find out, then you should not get upset hard, just try to ask the same question during another ritual, which can reveal the answer in more detail.

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