Names for girls for months in the church calendar


I always help my friends in choosing the name of their children. I long studied this question when I chose my daughter on the church calendar. Therefore, today I will tell you how to choose the right name for the girl for months and why it is important to pay much attention to this issue.

Why is it difficult to choose a newborn name?

The birth of a child is an important event. And not only future parents are preparing to him, but also the nearest relatives. The only problem is trying to decide, as they say, the whole world is the choice of name. For many, this is a real test. After all, there are so many excellent names that are perfectly suitable for girls.

And choose from such a variety is really not easy. In addition, parents perfectly understand that their shoulders are a huge burden of responsibility. As this name, the child will wear a lifetime. Consequently, it must be suitable for it.

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Names for girls for months in the church calendar 4711_1

It would seem that the choice of name is a simple task. However, only those who have not worked out to become a parent think so. Since those who already have children know how difficult the choice is:

  1. Basically, difficulties are connected with choosing the name that all family members. Of course, many psychologists insist that the choice should be based only on the feelings of the parents themselves. After all, this is their child, and they are not obliged to please their own. That's just in fact everything turns out to be completely different. And the opinion of relatives in this matter plays the last role.
  2. Father and mother is not easy to determine due to the fact that the fashion change. No matter how ridiculous, it may sound, but it really takes place. Now such names like Tamara, Love, Zoya, Galina are a real rarity. For the most part, such names are people who were born in Soviet times. And therefore it is not difficult to assume that parents seriously fear that the name chosen by them ultimately will also be "unwise" and the child will tease at school.
  3. It often happens that parents face a problem that is connected with the desire to name the child in honor of someone from the relatives in the church calendar. This noble desire most often even causes family quarrels. After all, every relative wants to be a small member of the family in his honor. As a rule, because of such quarrels, parents have to completely refuse this idea. Since the world in the family is above all.
  4. Many problems deliver and choose the name, consonant with the surname and patronymic. It is worth noting that there is no such problem only in foreign states. First, there is no such thing as patronymic. Secondly, foreign citizens absolutely does not care for the combination of their name with the surname, because in the future they can change it. Consequently, it is pointless to pick up a name for a specific surname. In particular, when it comes to a girl. After all, women, as you know, after marriage take the surname of the husband.

It is worth mentioning that quite often parents are influenced by fashion and even call children in honor of the favorite heroes of film or books. After the exit of the cash recorder, even on the expanses of the former CIS countries, children are replaced with the names of the loved actors or their cinema prototypes.

The church does not approve of the same and tirelessly reminds Christians about the need to be guided by completely different motives when choosing a baby name.

Why is it unwanted to call a girl with an overseas name?

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Another 20 years ago, teachers were sincerely surprised if a student appeared in their class with the name of Angelina or Stephanie. Since church female names were easier. But now it is not surprising anyone. To date, many parents prefer to call children by foreign names. But this does not approve not only the church, but also psychologists. We will try to figure out why such a prejudice attitude is to foreign names.

Immediately it is worth mentioning that such a similar does not indicate some kind of nervous dislike. Everything is explained quite simple. The fact is that the names of people living in different countries are also completely different. And for indigenous people, for example, Germany, the name of Tamara will seem difficult, and the Koreans are hard to say it. All this is connected with the characteristics of the language.

Names for girls for months in the church calendar 4711_2

If you call the girl born in America, Juliana, it will not create any problems. However, Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians will experience certain difficulties, pronouncing this name. Since the combination of sounds is too unusual.

No need to forget about what a foreign name is, which, no doubt, is beautiful, can make an outcast of the child. It is always necessary to remember that small children are too categorical in relation to what they do not understand. And therefore, the likelihood that the girl with an unusual name will become an outcast in the classroom.

Myths about the correctness of the choice of name

In more ancient times, the names were always chosen very carefully. And at the same time, parents were not just guided by their wishes. They also honored the tradition and remembered for banning. These are now Christians completely refused faith in prejudice. However, in ancient times, people, even truly believers, were exposed to different kinds of prejudices. Consider the most famous beliefs and prohibitions regarding the choice of name for the girl.

The first myth states that the child cannot be called in honor of the relative or any village village. Now it will seem strange, but in those days people sally believed that this is unacceptable. In particular, if the Name Days coincide with the name of those people whose names they wear. And there are two explanations for this:

  1. First, people believed that the name had a certain energy. If you call a newborn by the name of a person with unhappy fate, then his life will be spoiled. Since he will repeat the fate of that person, whose name is wearing.
  2. Secondly, this ban acted in relation to successful people. It was believed that the baby could relocate good luck to himself. In other words, he could simply steal the fate of another person. As a result, the second person was doomed to unhappy life and even ambulance death.

That is why residents of the villages preferred to give girls names for the church calendar. They sally believed that they protect the baby from the devilish forces in this way, because with the name he received and defenders. They were the Guardian Angel and the Holy Patron. It is noteworthy that until certain times, Christians believed that every person had only a keeper. But later the church was able to convince all believers and in the existence of the saints of patrons. And therefore, the name of the name began to relate with even greater trepidation.

It is worth noting that in those years there was another interesting tradition, which, unfortunately, was not preserved. Until a certain age, the parents of the child flatly refused to inform his name. It was known only to parents. This tradition appeared due to the old belief. It reads that the angel of death can pick up the baby to another world if he finds out his name.

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In addition, children then were taken to give two names. The first name was reported to everyone, and the second was kept secret. He was known only by parents and godpa. A similar tradition has a completely logical explanation. As mentioned above, until a certain time, people were extremely superstitious.

They believed that the sorcerer or an evil person could cause damage only if they know the name of their victim. Consequently, if you hide the name of the baby from them, then they will not be able to harm him, because they will be powerless. Of course, hide the name all my life was not possible. But the decision was still found. After all, the clergy suggested using a different name when baptism.

Choice of the Church Calendar - the best solution

Priests recommend believers do not give up the tradition to choose the name according to the Orthodox calendar. This is directly connected with the fact that it is the patron who is the child who has a child who protects it throughout his life. Of course, the guardian angel also illuminates his path in the dark and helps to cope with difficulties. However, the intercession is made to ask for the Saint Patron.

In addition, priests also believe that the intercession of saints can help a person confront all temptations, damage, Schalu. It plays a huge role, if the child was damaged. Since little children do not have the power of the Spirit, they cannot independently cope with the porch. Often they need help not only parents, but also of all relatives. And if the child does not have a patron, then the likelihood that damage still has an action.

How to choose a name for months?

Falling by the idea of ​​choosing a child's name for the church calendar, you must remember some of the following rules:

  • If the girls were born in winter, then you should choose winter names;
  • In case there are several saints on her birthday at her birthday, you can choose any named name;
  • Choosing a name according to the church calendar, it is extremely important to remember that the child will repeat the fate of the Saint Patron. For this reason, it is not recommended to choose the names of the martyrs;
  • You can choose the names of the blessed. Since this is considered a good sign;
  • You should consider the fact that the name will definitely leave the imprint on the character of the girl.

Following this simple rules of choice, each parent will be able to easily choose the appropriate name for his daughter.


  1. If a person does not have a patron name named, he can get into a very difficult situation.
  2. Foreign names can lead to serious psychological injury to a child, which is completely unacceptable and undesirable.
  3. Previously, due to superstition, children were given two names at birth.

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