Prayers Jesus Christ for help for every day


I felt the ascension of prayers special attention. Every day I speak all my parishioners that it is prayer that allows them to dialogue with the Lord. Turning to him, they may hope that heaven will hear the request for help and will not refuse mercy. Today I will tell you what prayers need to read Jesus Christ every day.

Why you need to pray every day

It is often possible to hear from the mouth of priests that it is necessary to pray every day, and not only in those moments when a person is experiencing certain difficulties. This is a fair assertion. After all, in front of the face of danger, many begin to believe in God, because they want to protect themselves from difficulties with any ways.

Prayers Jesus Christ for help for every day 4714_1

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Of course, the Church cannot prohibit people to take prayers at the moments of danger. However, if a person is a sinner who never repented about his life, the chances of helping him will be rendered is negligible. It is for this reason that the priests insist that prayers need to read every day. And at the same time it is necessary to pray not only to God, but the son of His Jesus Christ.

That's just many criticize the Orthodox Church for promoting the ascension of prayers in front of man-made icons, and for prayers addressed to Jesus Christ. We will try to understand whether these reproaches may indeed make sense, as well as consider the most famous and powerful prayers to Jesus Christ about help.

Do not create a cumier: Why are Orthodox pray, looking at the image?

In the modern world there are many people who are atheists. However, most of them abandoned faith intentionally, since they were subject to certain rumors. It is these rumors that showed faith. And therefore, people, weak spirit, decided to completely abandon the faith, which, in their opinion, is pure water idolatry.

The representatives of two churches were enormous on the minds of people:

  • Protestant;
  • Lutheran.

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In the Holy Scripture, which is the main book of all believers, there are very important lines. These lines say that believing is forbidden to create a cumier. This truth is well known not only to people who are often visited by the Church. Many people who are far from faith also know this statement perfectly. Now it is actively used in everyday life by the oldest generation, which completely does not approve of the fact that modern youth tend to extol artists, actors and other publicants.

However, for many years, this line from the Bible served as an reproach to all Christians who entered the Orthodox Church. The reason for this was the fact that Orthodox worshiped holy icons and the Lord Jesus Christ. Basically, such an accusation could be heard from Lutheranians or Baptists. They even compared it with idolatry, which were famous for pagans. But in reality between the holy icons and idolatry there is absolutely no connection. In addition, it is impossible to carry out a parallel between these two concepts.

Why you can pray icon

Icons, first of all, revered for the reason that they are the symbol of the Lord. As you know, the symbols of God are mentioned in the Bible itself. And this is not proof that Orthodox Christians do something wrong. Consequently, a similar one cannot unparage God.

Allegory with pagans and seems ridiculous at all. No one is secret that the pagans worshiped idols, because they considered them the personification of one of those divine creatures in which they believed. A true Christian will never accept the man-made icon of Jesus Christ for him himself. Since for believers is just the image of the Lord.

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Based on this, one can make one very simple, but extremely important conclusion. Protestants and sectarians tend to interpret the sacred writing as they please. They do not notice the elementary things, but at the same time they hurry to put into reproach Orthodox what they themselves do not understand.

It is also necessary to mention that people who preach Lutheranism are extremely unhappy with the honors of the saints. Because they are also ranked with idolatry. However, it is extremely difficult to agree with this. Since even in the Bible there are rows dedicated to subjects with fertile strength. Therefore, it is necessary to read such items. It is they who can give people the strength to overcome difficulties and cope with various ailments.

Is it possible to pray to Jesus Christ?

For any minister of the Church, such a question will seem at least strange. More precisely, it can even be perceived incorrectly. As Orthodox believe that the Lord does not forbid to pray to Jesus Christ, the Mother of God. In addition, it is allowed to take prayers:
  • holy patrons;
  • boots;
  • Guardian angels.

In the appeal to the Holy Church also does not see anything bad. But precisely because of such "loyalty", Protestants and began to reproach the Orthodox, because they considered such a bold breath.

As a significant argument, Protestants tend to use one phrase attributed to Jesus Christ. She says that Jesus Christ asked to pray not to him, but the Lord. However, it is impossible to agree with the like. Since the gospel has many examples of how the laity was raised by Jesus. In addition, students and lepers also raised the prayers to Jesus Christ and asked for intercession. Therefore, representatives of the Orthodox Church are inclined to consider such a ban of heresy.

Of course, they do not encourage prayers who are faithful to other gods that are not true. However, it is impossible to deny the fact that the Son of God to their number simply cannot treat. After all, he sacrificed his own life to save people.

It was Jesus Christ who stood up for sinners and gave them mercy to be farewell. Consequently, there is nothing surprising that people wish to prayer to their Savior, who is the son of the Creator. And this can not be interpreted in a negative key. In particular, considering the fact of how many mentions of prayers addressed to Jesus, in the Bible itself.

Thus, it can be concluded that in your own words the Protestants themselves refute the will of the Lord or try to interpret it as the soul, and this is a great sin.

Prayers About me: Is this permissible?

Perhaps this is the main controversial question that forces many Orthodox people to doubt whether this is really allowed. For the same reason, most believers try to abandon the ascension of prayers to Jesus Christ about the help that you can read every day, because it is believed that this will be equated to sin.

But none of believers want to be a sinner. Everyone is well known, what a harsh punishment is waiting for all those who sin in life and does not honor the Lord. And since people do not want to get to hell, they try to make as few errors as possible.

Similar caution and prudency, of course, are correct, but not in this case. If you contact the Bible, you can find very important lines in it, which will answer this question. If you remember, it was the Son of God who made people who are perfect from prayers. And this is the prayer of ours "Father".

People who at least once in their lives have attracted this prayer, know perfectly well that there are lines of petitions about themselves. And if the Savior gave such a prayer to his flock, it means that there can be no question of banning people to pray for their salvation.

But at the same time it is necessary to try to remember one important thing. The fact is that many people, praying for helping Jesus Christ and using prayer for every day, make one common mistake. They ask for what should not. We give a few examples of the most common "wrong" requests addressed to the Son of the Lord and the Creator himself:

  • Forgetting about wealth;
  • Prayer for the punishment of the sinner;
  • Finding on the performance of cherished desire in exchange for repentance.

Oddly enough, but some people are really inclined to try to conclude transactions with the Almighty and offer him something in return, which is completely unacceptable. It is also impossible to ask for both enrichment or punishment for a person. It is imperative to remember that only the Lord is known what his creation needs.

In addition, the decision to punish one or another person, he also accepts independently. If such thoughts are tormented by a person, he can simply share his experiences and ask for enlightenment, but no more. Otherwise, his request will not be heard, or he will simplify God altogether, and heaven will turn away from him.

Prayer options for every day

We present to your attention the variants of the texts of the prayers that can be made by Jesus Christ every day. Each prayer to the Savior has a huge force and is able to help a person find the right path and cope with possible problems.

Prayers Jesus Christ for help for every day 4714_3

"Oh, Lord, Jesus Christ! Do not turn your face from us, the slaves of your (names), and decide on the anger from the slaves of yours: the assistant to us worship, do not leave us and leave us. "


  1. The ascension of prayers is a sacrament that is sacred for every Christian.
  2. It is not only possible to take prayers to Jesus Christ, but also need. At the same time, it is impossible to pay attention to various rumors and knuckles released to the Orthodox Church.
  3. If doubts fall in the heart of a person, he should dispel them independently. For this, it is enough just to re-read the Bible again.
  4. Read the prayer, addressed to Jesus Christ, can be at home and in the church. The church does not introduce any restrictions on where you can pray, and where it is impossible.
  5. It is necessary to pray before the saints. It is believed that, referring to God, Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and the other saints, a person needs to see their image in front of him. This is necessary for the fact that the person was easier to tune in to a certain way. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the fact that getting up with these icons.

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