Prayers icon of seven-weeks of God's Mother


The sister has long complained about his immediate boss. This woman, although a single mother, turned out to be a man with a very evil heart. Oh and suffered from her subordinates! Calls at 9 pm or on weekends, work on holidays and just a gross appeal in this company became commonplace. But once my sister boasted: "Everything ended in our cat cargo!"

I decided that the head of the head was dismissed. It turned out that God's Mother intervened. Women at the firm brought by the behavior of the boss before dismissal, decided to rely on the last hope, the icon. And if it does not help, write statements on your own request. But the heavenly mother did not let ...

The strongest prayer of Our Lady of Seven Straightened

It is called "softening evil hearts." Prayer helps not only to establish relations with a man with angrily with angrily, but also calm her own heart, after all, this is also not the most Christian feeling.

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Prayers icon of seven-weeks of God's Mother 4720_1

How else pray to this icon?

You can contact a seven-week icon and more brief prayer. It is easy to learn. Such a prayer can be quickly spoken, going to an angry boss, facing the tram boa, communicating with an angry neighbor and so on.

Prayers icon of seven-weeks of God's Mother 4720_2

And in the church, this icon can be treated with the help of Kondak - a brief laudatory chant.

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Prayers icon of seven-weeks of God's Mother 4720_3

There is also a troparman - a longer temple chamber. It is addressing an icon with prayer in the house of God. You can also hear it on a temple holiday, during which you worship the Virgin Seminist.

Prayers icon of seven-weeks of God's Mother 4720_4

And if there is talent and voice, you can exalted the Virgin of the song. And it does not have to be a church candy or a trophar. It may be a worldly song under the guitar. For example, this:

In what cases should you contact?

  • As I said, the main request for seven-weeks - reconcile someone angry heart, tighten the unkind temper (perhaps even own, because we often regret what they did or said "under the hot hand").
  • Also, the Virgin is asked to bestow health - Too and relatives. Still would! After all, who does not know that almost all diseases are from our nerves?
  • Also this icon can be asked to send Good luck.
  • Finally, she can add prayer On the salvation of the soul . The relatives of the evil atheists are especially registered to her, not just refusing to the Lord, but also aggravating their split position with many demonstrative sins. Also, the Virgin Semi Straightened the relatives and friends of alcoholics, drug addicts, even gambling.

How to pray?

Ideally, to my intercession, you need to contact the temple - there is a march there, besides, if you do it during service, then everyone knows - a collective prayer crashes faster than private. But if you for some reason you can not visit the church, you can pray at home. However, it is desirable:
  • stay alone so that no one distract from prayer (even if the native will become in a room with the most clear intentions, it will be strongly distracting);
  • light in front of the consecrated candle;
  • Contact the icon, reading a prayer or memory, or from a sheet (and it is important not to print words, but to rewrite them manually).

The meaning of this Christian shrine

Icon is considered one of the most powerful Orthodox faiths.

It depicts the Virgin without her son. Her heart pierces seven arrows - sometimes 4 on the one hand and 3 on the other, sometimes - 3 on the left and right, and 1 more below. More raid instead of arrows, swords are depicted.

This icon is a reminder to Christians about the introduction to the Church of the Baby Jesus. According to customs of those times, the baby was introduced into the church when he was 40 days old. So made Maria and Joseph wrap. Seeing his old man Simeon violated that this was the Son of God. And his mother's elder focused: "You will pass the weapon to you, and many hearts will be revealed to you." . That is, he is already predicted mother to see the suffering of her son. But thanks to the experienced chants, her heart will open the misfortune of other people. And therefore, it is the Mother of God that most often pray, hitting in trouble.

There is also an opinion that seven arrows - this is seven mortal sins . We fae them from other people, but we cannot hide their sins from the Blessed Virgin, since they deeply hurt her good soul.

Do you know? In the iconography, the image of the Virgin, whose chest pierce arrows is depicted in several versions. Yes, there is a seven-stroke icon, and there is softening evil hearts. In fact, both images are associated with the prophecy received by the Virgin Mary in the Temple, and therefore many people consider one icon just a list of the other. However, there is still a small difference.

Prayers icon of seven-weeks of God's Mother 4720_5

Where can I bow the strongest image?

The most miraculous icon is located In the Moscow temple of Arkhangel Mikhail (It can be found on the maiden field).

Also an old image is stored in built specifically in honor of this icon John-theological Seven Street Church . She is located near Troops, in the Vologada area.

But there are miraculous seven-stall images in other churches. For example, this film will show you an icon that myself in the Crimea (Bakhchisarai district, Hives):

Wonders of the Vologda Image

  • The Heavenly Queen came in a dream to the peasant of the Vologda province. A man has long suffered chromota. For the treatment, he spent a lot of money, but it did not give results. Heavenly Virgo ordered him to come to the bell tower and find her icon there. It turned out, there really was icon (the rhodes did not find it, counting a simple board). The icon was transferred to church. The peasant fell for a long time to her and finally gained long-awaited health.
  • In the middle of the 19th century in Vologda there was a cholera. The procession with this icon (as well as semigrad) was able to stop the dissemination of the disease.

Church day reverence icons

In all Orthodox churches, the Virgin Mary Seven Straightened August 13 . But it is a new style. And in the old - August, 26th.


Prayers icon of seven-weeks of God's Mother 4720_6

  • The icon of the Virgin Seven Stracene is a reminder of a believer about the flour who suffered the mother of the Savior of our Jesus Christ, seeing the suffering and death of her son.
  • This form most often appeal, asking for reassuring their own swelling heart, suffering from anger, hatred, strong offense. It is also considered that the prayer icon will help soften the soul of a person offending you.
  • Most often, in front of the seven-year-old Virgin, a prayer called "softening evil hearts" is read.
  • In our country there are many miraculous lists of such an image. The strongest - in Moscow and near Vologda.

And if you have a little free time, be sure to look at this short (just 26 minutes) documentary. From it, you will learn about the history of the creation and miracles of this image, and also get acquainted with real people, our contemporaries, offended and evil hearts of which managed to soften the Virgin:

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