Holy Tatyana Great Martyr: her life, torment and help


Surely you had to hear about the Great Martyr Tatiana. Who is this woman and so that it entered the history of Christianity? This article tells about this, dedicated to St. Tatyana Velikomarty.

Holy Tatyana Icon.

Life of the martyr Tatiana

Tatiana was born in the Secured Roman Consul family. The father of his holy secret adhered to Christianity and instilled his daughter's love for the Most High, Church. When Tatyana became an adult, she decided not to associate himself with the Uzami marriage, but to devote the life to the ministry to the Lord.

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She was given a place for Diakonisa in one of the Roman churches. There she was engaged in the ministries, and also adhered to Christian posts, cared for patients and provided his help with a beggar. Although Tatiana made a lot of good peace, unfortunately, fate prepared her the role of martyr for her faith.

Tatiana torment

As soon as the ruler of Rome appointed 16-year-old Alexander the North, in fact, power got the evil enemy of Christian faith - Ulpian. The latter became famous for mass persecutions of the followers of Jesus, so the blood literally began to pour the river. Grabbed the holy Tatiana.

She was taken to the temple of Apollon (in the ancient Greek myths, this is God-striker, a dozen and patron of art) and forced to leave the victim the statue of the Divine. Tatiana began to pray to her God, and here the land unexpectedly opened, the statue was separated into small pieces, and the temple was half collapsed. As a result, priests were killed and many pagans.

Also in the chronicles it is said that allegedly, during this action, an idol jumped out, who published a deafening cry and escaped. Witnesses argued that they saw how dark shadow swept through the air.

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After that, Tatyana began to be beaten, her eyes were scrubble, but she squeezed all torture with unprecedented courage. At the same time, without ceasing prayed for their cats, so God revealed their spiritual vision. And her prayers were heard - 4 Angelic entities appeared before the executioners, which became holy behind his back and the strikes from her.

The executioners immediately believed in Jesus, fell to the ground, bowed to the feet of Holy Tatiana and asked for his abuse of sin for causing her harm. For the fact that they accepted Christianity, they were also tortured and subsequently executed.

The next day of torment Tatiana continued. With her, the clothes were pulled, began to beat, cut her body with the help of the blades. But wounds are surprisingly not bleeding, but milk, in the air, a very pleasant smell was broken.

The tormentors disappeared to mock the saint, they said that some invisible inflicts them with the shocks by iron clocks. Some of them died after these words.

Tatyana was thrown into the dungeon, in which he spent the whole night in the zealous prayers and praise God. The next morning the executioners came again behind her. They were shocked by the fact that so serious and long-term torture did not affect the appearance of a woman: on the contrary, she was like healthy, shine from her.

Tatiana was offered to sacrifice Diana (the ancient Roman deity of hunting and nature). Virgo preferred, as if she agreed, and was shown in the temple. There she crossed out and began to read prayers.

Suddenly sounded a terrifying grumble, and a flash of lightning destroyed the statue along with the victim and priests. The martyr reincarnated the cruel punishment, and at night, he was in the dungeon, but the angelic creatures were revealed to her, who cured her damage.

At the next day, Tatiana leads to the circus and descend on it not focused several days of lion. But the beast was not even touched against the saint, but timidly licked her feet.

Holy Tatiana and Lion

Then he was tried to return to the cage, and here he attacked one of the rods, confused him. Then the Great Martyr was a subject to fire, but he did not cause physical harm to her.

Considering that Tatyana is a sorceress, her hair was touched (it was believed that it was in them a magic force) and closed it in a zea temple. However, it is impossible to select the power of God. Therefore, when the priests and the crowd of the people after 3 days came to the temple with the intention to bury the martyr, they found her lively and reading prayers to Christ. But the idol was defeated in the dust.

On this arsenal of the torture of the pagans was exhausted. Tatiana was sentenced to death and killed with a sword. Together with her for the attitude towards the Christian religion, Her Father was executed.

What kind of help is Holy Tatiana

Starting from the 18th century in the territory of modern Russia, Holy Tatiana is the main patronage of students. And all those who wish to receive knowledge. In some educational institutions, prayers are even conducted using the Holy Akathist.

All students know about the Great Martyr Tatiana, because they regularly ask her help when they come to the university, pass exams or perform other responsible tasks. The holy adds faith in itself, attracts good luck that students are incredibly important.

For his life, this woman was able to help solve various problems, so after death she is asked to support in many situations:

  • Tatiana can be applied if you have health pathology;
  • If it is necessary to make a difficult choice;
  • If a person has lost faith in his strength, it seems to him that life circumstances are stronger than he.

Tatiana helps to become more confident

Holy Tatiana

Initially, this event was noted only in the Church of St. Tatiana. And he receives the status of the general holiday in the 19th century.

So, on January 25, a traditional prayer was appointed. After him, the rector of Moscow University (Tatiana consider the patronage of this educational institution) Speech. Then organized a festive lunch.

Holy Tatiana patronized students, so the latter arranged evening festivities on the tubular area. Many of them were abused by alcoholic beverages, but on this day they all forgred.

The revolution of 1917 canceled Tatyanino celebration, he was given the rank of "violent". Subsequently, the custom returned, and practice him to the present.

Outcome Articles:

  • Holy Great Martyr Tatiana was Diaconisa, believed in Jesus Christ and helped people.
  • Suffered for his faith, subjected to cruel torture.
  • Tatiana's memory is celebrated on January 25th - this is the day of student.

And if you want to see the icon of Tatiana Great Martyr, then I recommend you view a video for an article:

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