Prayer for the adoption of holy water and prosphora


The life of each Orthodox is impossible to imagine without shrines, which are accompanied in many rituals. They include holy water and prosfora. It is believed that the first is the grace of God. It helps to purify the soul from the bad, and the most believer strengthens in the desire to the feet of salvation.

Prayer for the adoption of holy water and prosphora 4724_1

These terms are iconic. There is even Prayer for the adoption of holy water and prosphora For Orthodox Tradition. What do they call them? One is used for the Holy Communion, liturgical bread. Another - consecrated water in the church. It is used with antiquity, even in the Old Testament describes the sacrament with holy water. In addition, it is closely intertwined with the baptism of Jesus Christ.

In what cases and why take holy water and prosfora

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Prayer for the adoption of holy water and prosphora 4724_2

Water, or, as it is also called, Agama, together with church bread should be used in the morning, before eating. Thus, the spirituality of his spirituality is exalted, and the body cleans. This is read by prayer. Her power is so much so that the Christian is not only cleared, but also involuntarily inclined to virtue, freeing from negative energy. Products are symbolic the simplest: bread enough to live, strengthen the strength, and the water easily quenches thirst. Both elements, consecrated in the temple, give the believer of the spiritual strength.

The unity of the church corresponds to the countless grains, from which molts of flour for bread. Return to primary cleanliness occurs through holy water, which is still considered a conductor to the Lord. There is nothing complicated in the use of agamas and prosphora. As mentioned, they take them at dawn, an empty stomach so that there is no subsequent mixing with ordinary food.

What is a prosfora?

Prayer for the adoption of holy water and prosphora 4724_3

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Often, liturgical bread is used during worship. During a certain ritual, pieces and crumbs as a sign of remembering for health or rest are disclaimed. In the past, these little loaves were made by the parishioners themselves, bringing them to the service. The Word itself came from the Greek language and has the importance of offering. Servants during praying, taking out pieces, asked God for those who pked them and brought.

Today, prosphoras are prepared for churches or monasteries from wheat flour on yeast. I do not need to carry them out of the house. The centuries-old tradition of using bread during the liturgy remained. The pieces also commemorate Christians specified in the notes. After the prosfora is sanctified, it can hand out when kissing the cross. In some temples, they are placed behind a candle box, where anyone can simply take them. In other cases, they are given to those who surrendered their notes to prosomide. It happens for the sacred breads left flour or other donations. At the end of the readings, the particle of such bread (antidora) is carried with them.

Reformer acceptance

There is a certain ritual.

  • It is necessary to fold the palm of the cross, so that the right is on top.
  • Take a prosfora.
  • Kiss the hand of Batyushki, some at the same time it comes to overcome their pride.
  • Eat an antidor and drink the holy water right in the church.

Bringing your food from the temple to the house, it is put under the iconostasis on clean tissue. Before you grow bread, prayer reads.

Prayer for the adoption of holy water and prosphora 4724_4

It transmits a person to the Lord to the Lord so that he strengthened his spirit and body, delivered the harmful habits. Biting the backup, you need to follow, so as not to drop a single crumb. Luha substitute a plate or napkin. It is not allowed to hit the sacred pieces to the floor. After all, they are a full-fledged faith. If a person is unbelieving or unresolved, atheist, then he doesn't need a prosfora. Not worth it. That which bread was wrapped, burned beyond the house.

The sacred bread consists of certain parts. First, it is chosen each separately, then they are connected. One is the symbol of the nature of the Savior, and the other, the upper, is the image of the Virgin or the Christian cross. As a rule, the drawing is done using a special print. Such a division of bread is a sign of separation of each of us on the soul and body. Both parts constituting the integrity of people.

Views of Disformation

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Many believe that all cases are preparing the same loaf. In fact, there are as many as 5 species. Everyone has its own purpose.

  1. The Mother of God resembles a triangle, depicting the Mother of God or the inscription about her. Laid out on the dish. Served for holidays in the temple.
  2. Stitched has a cubic form. Symbolizes the body. Images can be in the form of a cross and a lamb.
  3. Nine symbolizes the commemoration of the saints and prophets. It takes only 9 pieces from it.
  4. Constracted - the name itself speaks for himself. It is divided between all those present in the service.
  5. Suffoon - eat the top only in the walls of the temple for the dead. It is impossible to crumble and eat it at the grave.

Agiasma - Holy Water

Prayer for the adoption of holy water and prosphora 4724_6

Everyone is well known holiday - baptism. For special resolution, the water brought by Christians into the temple or the source directly. Many believe that it is intended from all diseases. With this you can argue, but the fact that consecrated water is worth the years and does not deteriorate, is a fact. It must be required in the house and drink an empty stomach.

It is necessary to keep near the iconostasis. Use Christians this shrine to consecrate their homes, anointing, indoor cleansing.

What can not be done with the scoring and holy water

There are certain bans about which every Christian should know and try not to break them.
  • It is impossible to eat a prosfora, biting anything or drinking not holy water.
  • Before proceeding, it should be prayed.
  • It is impossible to drop crumbs.
  • Do not use good Friday.
  • It is impossible to eat women in the period of menstruation.
  • Store without a mold or bag.
  • It is impossible to throw away.

If the bread deteriorated, it is better to burn it or send to flow water. Just throwing it to the ground, and even more so in the trash can not.

How to read prayer

A certain prayer is read on the adoption of prosphirt and holy water, its text is given above. However, it is not enough just to read or speak the words, even if you are by heart. When sampling should be strong faith in the Lord and that everything will be given to them in full swing.

Drinking holy water, a person not only commits, but also gets closer to God, coming to his grace. If there is a consecrated bread, the same thing happens, because both products were consecrated at the time of worship.

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