Conspiracies for the new moon for love men


Queen of the Night Sky - the Moon - beautiful and mysterious in all of its phases. And during the whole cycle, it has a direct impact on all living on Earth. Magic over the centuries uses this ability to night.

new Moon

For example, in the new moon phase, various rituals are held, helping to attract the performer what is most necessary for this moment - health, wealth, love, good luck, luck, etc. One of the most popular rites to the new moon are conspiracies for the love of men, read by representatives of the beautiful half, - so it happened that women are mostly treated for different witchcraft.

The purpose and specificity of conspiracies for the love of men reading in the new moon

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Love in the life of any woman is of great importance. Unfortunately, not rare cases when the lady everything seems to eat, but for complete happiness lacks just a reliable shoulder, of the very only man with whom you can go through the whole life hand in hand. Or there is a suitable candidate on the horizon, but no initiative manifests the initiative. The most important thing in such cases is not to lose hope and do not pick yourself prematurely to lonely old devices.

To win the favor of the desired man, push it to the first step, using a plot of men, pronounced by a new moon. In the same period, rituals are obtained to attract love, helping bringing approaching a fateful meeting with the second half.

Phase New Moon is characterized by special energy. It seems to be created to revive the feelings and the birth of something good and joyful. Conspiracies for love pronounced in the new moon contribute to the creation of strong and long relations between a man and a woman. Under the condition of errorless execution, such rituals are completely changed for the better life of the pair.

New Moon - Time to pronounce conspiracies for men

Conspuses of this nature are read directly to the day of the New Moon. However, it is permissible to pronounce them in the next 3 days. All the remaining period, up to the full moon, in magic it is customary to be considered already the growing night shine.

Short conspiracy for food for the beloved

Conspiracy Food for Love Men

This plot suits for those cases when a woman has a chosen one. The ritual helps to fall in love with a man and tie him to himself. The performer must arrange his belistious romantic dinner, prepared all the dishes personally (it is very important!) - It is desirable that the menu has been a favorite man dishes. Each dish in the process of its cooking needs to be spent 7 times. The words:

"How to taste delicious me, so wake up in you love to me!"

This conspiracy helps in a short time to conquer the location of the beloved.

Men's love plot

Words are read in the new moon. The performer should pronounce them, looking at the song of the new moon. Text:

"The world woke up, pulled out to meet love! Beautiful slave (own name) How dawn is clear. MOGY Rab (Selected Name) like the earth is strong. Together, they live in love, neither burning not knowing nor clouds. The lunar walkway is spent, what happened - the world I seek everything. Restored! Do not reverse, do not interfere! Love (chosen name and your name) We also glow! Amen!"

Conspiracy to the new moon on men's love

A conspiracy is pronounced on New Moon Day. The performer should read it, standing in front of a mirror barefoot and with loose hair. Text:

"Sister Moon call, looking for her help and spell: the heart of the slave of God (Selected Name) Open, my smoother soul! Let his blood flowing in the veins, let love wanders him on the body. Let not live and do not breathe without lips my, without my eyes, no days of our and nights. Let the separation of separation be worse. Sveti, Moon, in the end of God's slave (Selected Name) , order him to open love. Let in the veins there will be blood, and not a water. He will open his eyes in the morning - to their love ash rushing! Amen!"

Conspiracy to the new moon, attracting love in the life of the performer

This conspiracy can take advantage of a woman who has not yet happened to meet with his half. The ritual will accelerate the meeting with the narrowed.

The main element of this rite is rose. After all, this flower has long been considered a flower of love and female attractiveness. To the ritual you need to prepare: buy a pink or red candle, aromatic rose oil, pink petals or scarlet roses.

the Rose

At night, in the new moon, the performer needs to share Donag, stand in front of the mirror. Before the mirror you need to put a lit candle and a bowl with water, add pink petals into the water and drop a few drops of rose oil. Then the conspiracy itself is pronounced, the lady should look at the mirror. Text:

"As a rose under the moon bloomed and fragrant, so I would have flourished with a beauty and found my love. Moonwalk, groom. Bringing to the clad. Amen" (3 times)

Continuing to look into the mirror, you need to spend the water from the bowl. The same water must first wipe the handle on the door from the street, then spray it on the threshold. All that remains, together with pink petals, put under the bed, on which the performer of the ritual is sleeping.

In terms of competent execution, the conspiracy will help the lady to meet with her half after a month after the fulfillment of the rite.

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