Prayer to find a good job: to whom and how to pray


I, as a believer, I believe that prayer can help not only improve health and mental balance. You can contact God and ask for good work. Today I will tell you what prayer will help find the work of your dreams. I believe that by contacting the Lord, you can get the desired post and radically change your life. The only thing you need is sincere in your request addressed to God.

Why there is a need to appeal to the Lord

To date, the problem of employment is especially acute. The unemployment rate for several years remains very high, many professionals with diplomas are forced to be content with modest positions. Some of them are losing them at all over time, faith in what will be able to get a job in the specialty. But with this problem, they can help faith.

Prayer to find a good job: to whom and how to pray 4730_1

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Modern people are mostly far from religion. They simply refuse to recognize the fact that there are more powerful forces. And at the same time, people categorically refuse to live in God's commandments. However, early or late and in their life there is a misfortune. And then they first remember exactly about the Most High. Most often, the like happens at the moment when they face health problems or employment.

Of course, material values ​​do not care if the Lord is not worried. For him, they do not mean even anything. And therefore, spiritual mentors are tirelessly reminded that Orthodox needs to abandon life in prosperity. After all, she corrupts the soul. However, it is not possible to completely abandon the money, since in this case a person will be forced to be noise. Of course, it is completely unacceptable.

Search for good bosses

That's just quite often Orthodox faced problems with employment. After all, no one can guarantee that the chief responsible for the recruitment of the staff will be a decent person. It may well be a bribe who simply gives the position to the applicant who paid a large amount.

Bribery, of course, in any country is punishable. However, the fight against it is not needed alone and start. Faced with a biased or unfair attitude from those representatives of the company, which are responsible for the recruitment of staff, many are lowered hands. People begins to seem that they will not be able to achieve the goal. It is at this moment that they comes to mind the idea of ​​contacting the Almighty.

Competition in finding work

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Of course, not only the search for good work can be the reason for the Ascension of Prayer, but also just tough competition. The level of preparedness of specialists seekers in prestigious companies is often very high. As a result, it is almost impossible to compete with them.

In this case, you can also resort to the help of the Most High. Asking him intercession, a person can pour and help in obtaining the desired position. After all, sometimes it happens that a professional with a bunch of diplomas in practice is a completely incompetent specialist.

But the man just with one diploma can show excellent results, but it is not easy to understand this during the interview. Therefore, the likelihood of the fact that the applicant with a more "simple" education will receive a refusal. Of course, if he refuses to ask for help and intercession from the highest strength.

How does prayer work?

It is believed to ask the Lord about the material benefits. And since the work brings income, some believers believe that it is categorically prohibited about the successful employment prayer. However, the clergymen are confident that in prayers in which a person asks to help find a good job, there is nothing wrong. After all, in fact, Christian asks not about enrichment, but that the Lord allows him to work and independently earn money. And therefore, it is impossible to consider requests for the patronage during the search for suitable work as something inappropriate.

Prayer to find a good job: to whom and how to pray 4730_2

To understand that this statement is indeed truthful, it is necessary to figure out how such prayers work. First of all, they attract good luck. And as you know, it is difficult to achieve success in any undertaking. Mrs. Fortuna obeys only God. And all the fact that atheists consider the usual accident or luck, in fact is God's intent.

Prayer together with efforts

Many Christians forget that it is impossible to just ask for help from the highest strength and sit back. This is a completely incorrect position that is fraught with negative consequences. Since the Lord gracious only to those people who show perseverance and zeal.

For example, if the Orthodox continues and after the ascension of the prayer to improve his professional skills, the Lord will definitely pay his eyes and help. After all, his creation will demonstrate zeal and the desire to get the desired position. In this case, the device will not be a problem for a good job.

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It is extremely important how much a person is ready to take the position that dreams of. It often happens that a Christian asks for himself the position with which he will not be able to cope in the future. And in this case, he needs to think seriously about whether he really has enough strength to resist at this work.

If in the soul of a person will settle doubts about whether he can make this wear, the likelihood is great that the prayer will be completely unanswered. And we should not blame the Lord. As the Creator knows for sure, what is capable of his creation. And if God decides that a person is not ready for such responsibility, he simply will relieve him from this unbearable Neshi, which can cause even bigger problems.

The most effective prayers

Before starting to pray to heaven about finding a good job, many people think about what prayer should be reached. After all, they want to use the most effective Molub so that the Lord will respond to her and fulfilled the request of the prayer. However, this is not a completely right approach, which can even angry the Most High.

Some recommendations when choosing a prayer:

  1. There are no universal and absolute prayers that can help achieve their goals with 100% guarantee. After all, request facing the Lord is not some barter. The main thing that should lead the person when choosing a suitable prayer is the desire to contact the Almighty. And then his heart tells itself, with the help of which prayer is best to do it. Perhaps the most suitable will also be a trifon prayer.
  2. It is extremely important to remember that a person must be sincere in his wishes. It is impossible to criticize the soul and have wicked thoughts during the ascension of prayer, since this is completely unacceptable. The most valuable is sincerity, and only she can help a person to achieve a request. After all, God helps only those missions that honestly ask him for help and live, following the commandments.
  3. It is noteworthy that the Lord does not refuse to help and sinners. However, to be heard, they must first sue the sins. Only after that they will be able, being a clean soul, to raise the prayer to heaven and get the answer.

Who pray

It is noteworthy that in this case you can take a prayer not only to the Lord. Most priests tend to believe that the prayer can be addressed to the Holy Patron. Consider more, which saint pray:

  1. Find out who exactly patronizes a person, it is easy enough. After all, after baptism, the child must acquire an icon with the image of a patron. In addition, if such an icon in the house did not turn out, you can simply pray to that holy whose name is man. Previously, parents were given to their children exclusively those names that corresponded to the names of the saints. At the same time it was believed that the name must be chosen not just at random, but by date of birth. For example, boys who were born on the day of memory of Nicholas, recommended to call in his honor. Since it was believed that throughout this saint and will patronize the baby.
  2. If a person was not baptized at birth, but wishes to be a prayer to God, he can do it. And at the same time, he is allowed to ask for the help of any of the saints. But it is best to renderate the prayer of the Virgin. Being the Mother of the Savior, she always tries to protect the weak. It is she who pray all those from whom the Lord refused because of their limits.
  3. Very often helps believers of a blissful matron. During the lifetime of Matron, Moscow helped everyone who appeal to her with a plea for help. She never refused to people if she saw that their thoughts were clean. It is worth noting that believers know many examples of how the prayer Matron helped people get a job. These stories are transmitted from mouth to mouth and make even atheists think about how powerful this patronage is. Even after his death, the Matron continues to help the flock as in life.


  1. Searches for work occupy a lot of time and are very difficult. To make a little easy process, you can seek help to higher forces.
  2. Right prayers are permitted not only by the Most High, but also to holy patrons.
  3. It is better to pray to those patrons whose name is man.
  4. Nobody forbids nobody to take prayers. But since they do not have a holy patron, you should choose it yourself. It is better to navigate the date of birth.
  5. Never give your hands after reading the prayer. A person must prove to the Lord that he is ready to take this position and make a maximum effort to keep in the workplace.

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