Names for boys in the church calendar for months


When a child appeared in our family, we encountered one very widespread problem. It is associated with the choice of name for the baby. And especially often, such difficulties are experiencing families in which a boy was born. After all, there are so many interesting and beautiful names. Choose one of such a variety for us was quite difficult. We decided to turn to the help of the church calendar. Now I will tell you how to choose the name for the baby for months and numbers.

The role of the name in man's life

Parents of a newborn baby in the first days from relatives and friends hear only two questions. The first concerns the sex of the child, and the second name. We can say that these are two main questions that are absolutely all. But sometimes it happens so that even a few days after the birth of Chad, the father and mother cannot decide what kind of name it is most suitable for him.

Names for boys in the church calendar for months 4735_1

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Such disputes are not rare. After all, each person knows how important the name is. Christians believe that after baptism, when the kid comes in any name, he has an angel-keeper. It is this divine patron who protects him from the dark forces and helps not be resting from a life path in difficult times. While a person does not pass this rite, he will not have a defender. And therefore, the believers and mother tried to baptize Choo as soon as possible.

Although there are cases when parents postponed it until the son does not grow up. In other words, they gave the choice of choices. Here are only clergymen actually opposed to the like. And it is explained by the fact that the kid without an angel becomes too vulnerable. It can damage it or even smooth. It will not be easy to cope with this, since only the heavenly defender can help the soul to withstand the dark influence.

Supervironment related to the name of a person

Even in ancient times, this truth was well known. Since the ancestors believed that the name determines the fate of the person. In Russia, up to the 17th century there was one tradition. According to the ancient custom, parents were forbidden to inform the name chosen for the baby, until it reaches a certain age. In the presence of relatives and foreign Child, they simply called smear nicknames.

Names for boys in the church calendar for months 4735_2

Similar caution is associated with one prejudice. In antiquity, people believed that the angel of death sometimes comes to the kids. Having learned the name of the child, he could easily take his soul into the afterlife. In addition, the name could use and sorcerer to guid damage.

And since small children are strongly vulnerable, they cannot resist witchcraft. Consequently, the name of the name was directly connected with the desire to protect a small man who only begins his life path. Never used the names of other family members or those people who lived in the settlement. And there are two explanations at once:

  • Traditions forbidden to give the child the same name as another family member, as he could pick up the vitality of this person. In this case, the relative threatened early death. After all, his whole energy passed to the baby;
  • Never called the child in honor of the deceased man. It was believed that he would take on himself and his fate. Consequently, if a person died with a young, the newborn can repeat his fate.

It is worth noting that modern people who are mostly far from prejudice, prefer not to follow these traditions. Now it is very popular to call children in honor of those relatives who have already died. And it is considered a kind of tribute to respect. For example, a loving daughter who lost his father, may well call his newborn son in his honor, and no one considers this strange.

Of course, only parents have the right to decide which name is more suitable for their child. However, according to the current legislation, upon reaching a certain age, the child can change the name given to him at birth. Of course, this is not approved by the church. Indeed, in this case, a person simply refuses his angel and for the rest of his life remains without patronage. This is fraught with serious consequences.

Even people are far from faith and preferring not to use the church calendar of names, agree that it is extremely undesirable to change the name. After all, this way, a person refuses his fate and takes another. But in some cases this is permitted:

  • Bad fate - if a person has a hard fate, which he curses every day, then many leaders can advise him just take another name. On the one hand, it can really help. But this medal has two sides. No one can guarantee that the new fate will be happier;
  • Towing - when a person makes a decision to devote his life to serving God, he completely refuses worldly life. And therefore, he needs to refuse from his own behalf.

It is noteworthy that the failure is not provided from the surname and the patronymic. This is due to the fact that the surname is a connection with the genus. The middle name also connects a person with his family. That is why it is not accepted from the surname and the middle name. But in ancient times, this still happened. If a person wanted to break all the ties with his family, he completely refused on behalf of, surname and patronymic. It was a demonstration that he no longer has no connection with his relatives.

It is noteworthy that in ancient Korea there was one custom, which also allowed to abandon the family. For this, girls needed to cut off their hair. It was believed that it was the hair that they communicate between parents and children. Indeed, in ancient times there was no such concept as a haircut. And men and women had enough long hair.

Scientific opinion

Not only followers of mystical cults and priests were engaged in the study of the sacrament named after centuries. Of particular interest, this topic also caused scientists. Since they tried from a scientific point of view to explain all those prejudices that were inextricably linked with the name. At first, attempts were vain. However, as such science develops, as psychology, scientists managed to open the veil of secrecy.

The famous psychotherapist Trevor Weston believes that there is a direct connection between fears that the child is experiencing, and his name. Moreover, the name can influence both the formation of certain complexes and even character. After a multitude of research, it was possible to identify the connection between rare names and complexes. These studies have shown that children having rare or not entirely harmonious names are very often subjected to ridicule on the part of peers. That is why the likelihood is that in the future, such children will develop a serious complex.

Moreover, statistics says that girls who have rare names are almost never possible to achieve a career ladder. But they have great chances to become famous if they are interested in seriously show business. This connection is quite understandable and logical if you recall that many actors and musicians use aliases. And in most cases, they hide real names.

Confident scientists and in the fact that there is a certain relationship between the name and character of man. Partly this particular feature and causes many parents to experience difficulties with the choice of the appropriate name. After all, they are holy believe that they themselves choose the fate and character of the future child. Of course, it is impossible to say with full confidence that this is true. But it is impossible to deny the obvious connection.

Name in Schinths: how to choose

Believers always try to choose names for the church calendar. Indeed, according to priests, this is the most correct choice. However, it is necessary to remember some of the subtleties of the choice:

  1. Choosing a name on the calendar, parents must give the child the name of the saint, on whose memory day it was born. On the same day, the baby will be the name day.
  2. If the kid does not react too well to the selected name (for example, crying), you need to think about choosing another name. In such a situation, choose a name for 8 or 40 birthday.
  3. It is impossible to call children in honor of the Great Martyrs. It is believed that a person can repeat the fate of the saint. This must be considered when choosing the appropriate name.

Choosing a name for the church calendar, it should be remembered that many names in it are Old Slavonic. Therefore, it may happen that the name simply does not like the parents. In this case, you should think about choosing some other name. Now consider which names for boys by months on the church calendar can be chosen.

Names for boys in the church calendar for months 4735_3

Names for boys in the church calendar for months 4735_4

Agree that you can choose from such a variety of a really beautiful name for the boy. Therefore, if parents experience any difficulties with the choice, they can always determine the name of the child's birth. Even the priests approve this and believe that nothing bad is to pick up a suitable name for a month of birth, no.

Tips for choosing a name for a boy

According to astrologers, a huge role in the formation of a person's character is plays the time of year to which he was born. Therefore, it recommends when choosing a name and season. In addition, it is very important that the name is suitable for the surname and patronymic. Many parents are completely forgotten about it, and in the future their grown children face certain difficulties. Remember that the name, surname and patronymic should sound as softer.

Of course, in European countries have long been accustomed to names that contain sharp sounds. However, in most cases, such overseas names on the expanses of the former CIS countries are too strange. The same can be said about old names, such as Tikhon, Savva. Therefore, it is extremely important to carefully choose and, if necessary, pay attention to the days of Angel.

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