Prayer before the operation so that it goes well


The development of medicine today has made surgical intervention during the treatment of ordinary things that little surprises. However, the patient himself is always bothering and sometimes leads to a variety of different, sometimes even dark thoughts. Conduct with excitement, to strengthen the spirit will help the prayer before the operation, appeal to God and the intercession of the saints, whom many centuries called the Christian suffering from paragraphs.

Prayer before the operation so that it goes well 4739_1

Whether prayer is required before surgery

Often, even the doctors warn that they are not comprehensive and can not guarantee on the one hundred percent success of the upcoming event. Many people talk about in the open text close to their patient and advise not only to fulfill all their prescriptions, but also pray. Hope, found at the time of Message to the Lord, gives peace, which is not only useful to the soul, but also strengthens the body.

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It happens that a person appeals to the saints for the first time, praying for the Opoition to go well, believes that the upcoming anesthesia is almost death. Saints help him not, and with their petitions for their own holiness for the patient to God. The believer of a prayer is simply necessary for a prayer.

How to pray before the operation so that everything goes well

Before paying yourself to the surgeon, you need to go to God's temple. Be sure to wear a cross. Ask for the blessing of the Blessing, and before this is a confession and communion.

  • Do not think about bad.
  • I sincerely forgive all the resentment.
  • To reconcile with everyone who was offended by you.

Most often refer to Archbishop Luke, Virgin, St. Pantelemon. They read the canons.

Prayer before the operation so that it goes well 4739_2

St. Polyvniks about health

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About who brightened before the Oppia, is told a little higher. And now briefly about the martyrs themselves and wonderful stories of healing.

St. Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon

Help the healer is known from antiquity. Living on Earth in 4th century, he was famous as a doctor. In the difficult time of persecution of Christians, Saint Panthewon, before assisting, necessarily sent his prayers to Christ that severely punishable with pagans. However, the Lord, seeing such a diligence, introduced his talent to treat people. It is said that the young man even managed to resurrect the dead.

It is necessary to remove before the operation, do not worry, but read the Akathist to the healer Panteleimon.

Prayer before the operation so that it goes well 4739_3

There is a case in one of the hospitals of Krasnodar. Already a person managed to break the clavicle, and under the anesthesia to introduce him to be very afraid, could not transfer. And now asleep in a preoperative night, the patient sees a certain young man, dressed in some old things. He drank an old man with medicine and encouraged him, saying that everything would be successful. Everything happened surprisingly the entire operating room. Already leaving the hospital, the pensioner suddenly saw the healer icon on one of the walls and found out a person from sleep in him.

Saint Luca Crimean - the patron of all suffering from ailments

Almost every hospital, especially in the surgical department, you can meet the icon of St. Luke War-Yasenetsky. It is glorified relatively recently, only in 1996 this is a real person. Which has given all his life to heal others. Known and as a scientist who still left in demand. His experience enjoy modern surgeons. In the maturity of Luke did not stop engaged in his healing, although he was already a bishop. God glorified him for the restless faith, which the saint did not cease to confess even in the years of the formation of Soviet power.

Prayer before the operation so that it goes well 4739_4

Healing Luke and after his death. From his relics, people returned to a full life. Sometimes there was not even a surgical intervention, but only on the prayers of the saint, the patients preparing for surgery were suddenly healed. Luke Crimean and before the operation of a loved one, with all the soul believing in a prosperous outcome.

Holy Wamch Varvara

In the most critical cases also add to St. Varvar, there are well-known stories of her help. There are many cases about eyewitnesses related to the wonderful healing, which happened after the Orthodox prayer facing the Great Martyr.

Prayer before the operation so that it goes well 4739_5

If we consider the icon, it can be seen that the saint with the bowl for the communion. During the operation, anesthesia is likely to die, do not wake up, and Christians are very frightened by a sudden death without communion. So that this does not happen, pray to St. Varvar.

Prayers of loved ones for sick

The words of Christ, given in the Gospel, are known: "Where two or three are assembled in my name, there and I am in the midst of them." They have several values, including the fact that all the closests should, collect, pray for the patient when he is on the hospital bed. It is believed that such an appeal will be faster to the Lord.

Prayer before the operation so that it goes well 4739_6

The church always orders and serve a prayer service "before surgical action" if relatives appeal for help to the father. If there is no Serbian church in the temple, where the special Serbian prayer is prescribed, it will be a good sign to bring him as a gift to the temple. If possible, it is useful to order fortings in 40 churches. They are effective when the patient and his loved ones are also praying too.

Prayers after surgery

Prayer before the operation so that it goes well 4739_7

When the operated ones are brought into intensive care and, it would seem, the hardest tests behind, do not relax. As soon as he goes away from anesthesia, it is necessary to create the first prayer with gratitude to the Most High or to say the Mother Original Word. After not to forget to mention the rest of the saints, to whom we had to handle over the past days.

The prayer of St. John Kronstadt and the Troychnika icon.


If it happened so that surgery is inevitable, then preferably praying from the soul for the patient. He can do it himself, but much better, if about his health and prosperous outcome of the operation will ask his close and friends from God. This should occur both in the time of operation and in front of it. In such cases refer to

  • Luke Krymsky;
  • Holy Great Martyr Varvar;
  • His Guardian Angel;
  • John Kronstadt;
  • Healer Pantelemon.

For the success of the patient, the church goes to the church to go to the operating room, and its loved ones will pray during the operation itself.

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