Icon by date of birth and name: how to find your holy patron


I, as a church servant, is sure that the intercessor appears in a person since his birth. And at the same time it is not important, it is baptized or not. Of course, I do not deny the fact that the baptized person is more protected. However, I also can not say that the Lord leaves his unbelievers. Even they protect them, so with the first blow of the heart they appear a powerful patron. A saint patron sieve is appointed by name and date of birth. And today I will tell you how to find the icon of my patron.

Sacred patrons: a little of the story

With antiquity, people believed in the existence of supernatural forces. There were many cults, gods. They worshiped and they were afraid of them. It was believed that a person, having sacrifice, may ask the intercession of the Divine Being. Therefore, in those days, the real flourishing of the occult was observed.

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In a special post, there were priests and sorcerers. They were considered very powerful, because only they could communicate with the gods. The priests worshiped and tried to follow their instructions, which were sometimes cruel. Because it was believed that, disobeyed, the man brought the anger of Heaven.

But as soon as the Orthodox Church appeared, all these traditions were recognized as demon. The church accused people worshiping strange gods and sacrifices in paganism. They were pursued and cruelly punished. Gradually, the church was able to instruct people on the path of truth.

At first, priests preached only by the idea of ​​the existence of guardian angels. Partly for this reason, many prejudices arose around the human name, since the church insisted that it was necessary to choose a name. After all, it is from this that it depends on what fate will comprehend a person and what an angel will be patronized.

But in the 4th century, the cholesmithmorers spoke for the first time that in Orthodoxy there are not only angels, but also patrons. It was believed that the saints defended those who were named in their honor. Therefore, at that time, almost all names were chosen strictly on the recommendations of the priests.

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However, the tradition was later changed later. After all, parents no longer choose their own patron saint for a child. The priests concluded that the patron also appears in a child with his first sigh. Therefore, it is necessary to give him only the name that is suitable by date of birth.

How to know your patron?

The fact that Orthodox people really relate to the sacrament of baptism are widely known. After this sacred ritual, a person becomes closer to God. Since he appears not only the guardian angel, but also the divine patron, who also protects it and helps find a way out even from the most difficult life situations.

It is in the christening that the child receives a heavenly patron, who follows him throughout his life, protects and helps in difficult situations. Usually, with the christening, the child gives the name of that saint, whom they honor this day, and give the nominal icons to his parents so that they handed them when the child is growing.

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In other words, in most cases, priests tend to recommend to parents to impose a baby in honor of the saint, whom the christening day is honored. However, it often happens that in one day there will be a holiday of several saints. In this case, it is resolved:

  • Choose the name that is consonant with any of these saints names. It is worth noting that for most parents it is the optimal option. In particular, it is about modern parents who seek to choose an unusual name for their Chad. After all, for this reason, they do not agree to impose a son or daughter by the names that have already come out of fashion;
  • Provide the right to choose a priest who holds the ceremony of baptism. Decide on the issue of choosing a suitable name really happens not easy. And therefore sometimes it happens that the right to choose Father and mother provide a priest. It is believed that God cannot make a mistake. After all, the Lord himself tells him what the name must be given to the child;
  • Read the history of saints and choose the most suitable name. Even the priests do not recommend hurrying in this matter. Since relatives should carefully examine the history of the life of saints as closely as possible, to understand what name should be given to the child.

Currently, the name given during baptism, and the one that was obtained at birth coincide. However, in more ancient times there was one belief. It was believed that any sorcerer or an evil person could damage, the evil eye just if he knows the name of the child.

For this reason, in the old days, parents tried as long as possible to keep the name in secret and even resorted to the help of priests. Those, in turn, advised how to deceive evil forces. To do this, it was enough to give the baby two names. It was assumed that the first name would be to know absolutely everything, and the second only parents and those who participated in the rite of baptism are a priest and godparents.

People believed that the sorcerers would not be able to harm a person with two names. In particular, if he has an icon of the intercession, which none of them is guessing. Since in this case it is important to know the name of the intercessor and the name that was obtained after baptism. It was it that served as defense.

For a long time, this rite was conducted, wanting to protect the child. However, gradually the tradition went into oblivion. Now only grandparents have been remembered about her, who once attended this rite and knew that the true name was given during baptism. But since modern people most simply do not believe in all prejudices, these traditions have lost their relevance.

Although please baptize the child with another name, it is unlikely to surprise the priest and now. Since they are not only familiar with it, but also consider to be a serious omission that they have simply refused.

What to pay attention to, choosing a patron?

To the question of choosing a patron, it is necessary to approach with the maximum seriousness. Orthodox know that this is a very important step. However, people are far from faith often make a mistake. They call their Chado first name. This is completely unacceptable and wrong, because in the future the icons will be selected by date of birth and name.

Before you finally decide on the choice of the appropriate name, you must carefully examine the literature, which tells about the life of the future patron. Special attention should be paid to those feats that they were committed during life. Of course, you need to know and what kind of acts it was ranked with the face of saints. It is necessary to remember that there are several types of saints.

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The separation in religion arose due to the fact that every holy in life was famous for certain acts. For example, the righteous saints all their lives lived according to the laws of God and did not succumb to sin. It is for this church and counted them to face saints.

Although the Great Martyrs are especially revered in religion, it is not recommended to call children in their honor, as they may further experience serious difficulties in life. In other words, the likelihood of what they repeat the fate of martyrs.

It is better to think about giving a child the name of the saint. Perhaps in the future he will be able to become a great enlightener who will devote people to faith. No need to be afraid of calling a child in honor of the oborudy. After all, it will symbolize the fact that a person brings up the highest measure of sacrifice. In the future, he will be able to resist all sorts of temptations without much difficulty, which is very important. After all, sinners do not fall into paradise and cannot count on God's help in a difficult situation.

Why do you need to know your patron?

From people who are far from faith, you can often hear the question regarding what you need to know the name of your saint patron. In addition, they do not understand what you need to put icons on the date of birth of people living in the house. Indeed, such questions have not recently been rare. Since every year an increasing number of people refuses true faith. They explain this act differently, but at the same time they continue to consider what they do.

However, over time, all unbelievers still appeal to the Lord. And at the time of the insight, they begin to realize what a serious mistake committed in the past, refusing God and Faith. In such a situation, the intercession of the saint helps them. If a person has committed any pregression or needs the help of the Most High, he must first turn to the patron. It is he who can help at a difficult moment or convey the request to God. To contact him, you need to know exactly who exactly is a patron.

It is better to pray in this case before the patron icon. However, if for any reason it was not possible to find out exactly which of the saints is a patron, or acquire it to an icon, it does not mean that you need to lower your hands. In such a situation, the Virgin Mary will come to the rescue. She is a powerful intercession of all weak and those who suffer. It is she who can be a prayer. But it should be praying as sincerely as possible, since a person is so sin before God. If his thoughts are uncleans, then the prayer will not be heard.


  1. Not all seeking get help. They forget that it is impossible to deceive the Most High. He looks straight into the soul and sees how sincerely the person who prays himself.
  2. You always need to remember that prayer is a conversation with God. And at the time of the ascension of the prayer, a person must sincerely repent to get mercy.
  3. In addition, if a man is sinner, he should think about how to sorce the perfect sins. After all, it is impossible to hope for the intercession of the highest strength and at the same time violate all those commandments for which God ordered to live.

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