Strong prayers for all cases of life that helped


I used to do not even guess that there is a prayer that can help in any complex situation. I am deeply a believer, I always try to contact God. And recently I learned that there is a prayer for all occasions. Now I will tell you how it helps and how to pray correctly.

Prayer power

Modern people are mostly tary atheists. This can be explained simply enough. After all, in the rapid rhythm of life, there is simply no time for faith. Some people simply prefer to live on a complete coil and not think about the fact that after death they will have to pay for their prejudices. Of course, such an excuse is inconclusive. But the priests are confident that sooner or later, each person crawl into God.

Most often, this faith comes at the moment when a person turns out to be helpless. There is even a saying that there is no atheists in the trenches. Indeed, in the face of danger, feeling a threat to death, a person begins to sincerely pray for salvation. At the same time, he does not even think that his plea is really able to achieve God.

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The fact is that people do not realize that prayer is a kind of way to communicate with the Almighty. Pronunciation of prayer, a person does not just give tribute to some strange custom. He tells the saints about his most intimate desires, asks for help, intercession. It is worth noting that even scientists who are atheists believe in virtue of prayers.

But they explain it somewhat differently. According to scientists, prayer is an energy promise. And if this promise is strong enough, a person can get a chance to salvation. And not only for the salvation of the body, but also the soul.

Why do not always help prayers?

The answer to this question is worried about many people who refuse to believe in God. Being materialists and realists, they seek to feel the presence of God to believe in it. However, every true believer understands that prayer is a real sacrament. This is not just a request for help and not some barter. It is impossible to sin all my life, and at the old age, ask for salvation and hope that God will answer prayer. On all white light, not finding the righteous, who will say that any sinner deserves forgiveness.

Some may argue to this remark that the Most High forgives all the sinners who repent. And indeed it is. But the keyword is "repented." Only if a person who has committed an estimate will be shown, he will get a chance to salvation. Turning for help to God at the time of danger, a person forgets to ask for forgiveness for all the pregriction that he committed before. That is why sometimes prayers remain unanswered.

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Strong prayers for all cases of life that helped 4743_1

Moreover, we should not forget that the Creator often sends both the Creator and Tests. And although at first the sent test seems too complex, with time the believer can realize that heaviness is not so great. In particular, if he managed to put up with his cross. Helding to help the higher forces, it is necessary to remember the importance of faith. We are talking about sincere faith that lives in the heart of every person. But the trouble is that not everyone has the power to recognize this faith and follow it every day, herself of prayers and reflecting on life.

"We hope for God, but not a bad thing"

This saying is probably known to many. That's just usually forget about it. And this is a serious mistake. Moreover, it can and sincerely believers who devoted all their life to serving the highest forces. The fact is that, ascending prayer, a person completely shifts his experiences and problems on the saints. Of course, he sincerely prays and tries to do everything so that God heard him. However, not always such an approach justifies itself.

Its often promoted sect leaders. Since it is profitable for them, so that the person is inactive and just relied on the aid of their God. But the priests do not in vain do not recognize all these sects. After all, a truly righteous believer never lowers hands. It will take prayers, but at the same time try to find a solution to the problem. It is believed that these people are saints and help. And therefore, in the texts of some prayers, please refer to the righteous path.

In addition, recently, priests are increasingly turning to their facility with a request not to abandon the help of medicine and other sciences. For example, if a person fell ill, his relatives should not just pray in the church, but also take care to get proper treatment at the Medical Center. This is important and if it comes to a child's illness.

Even if the parents are confident that the disease is the result of targeting damage or evil eye, you can not neglect a visit to the doctor. Remember that medicine and faith must complement each other, and not counteract. The same applies to other difficult life situations when for help you need to contact not only God, but also to other people. After all, according to God's plan, they can play a decisive role in solving the problem, and strong prayers are only called upon to help them.

With faith in the heart: What should I do if a person knows only one prayer?

Believers who attend the church almost every day, know perfectly well that there are a huge variety of diverse prayers. But a person who has not been far from the church before a certain time, can not know that. Most often, in this case, the only known prayer turns out to be "our own". Let's talk more about this prayer.

It is really universal and suitable for different occasions of life. If a person does not know any other, he may feel free to use it at a difficult moment. This explains simply enough. Prayer is valid only if a person pronounced it, sincerely believes in a miracle. Knowing the right text, but not having faith, it is impossible to achieve help from God.

Since the heart of such a person is simply closed. The sinner can not even let the dropper of the saving faith in his heart. And therefore the likelihood that it will be saved, incredibly low. Therefore, it is better to pronounce that prayer, which is well known, and at the same time, to rescue, than to read the right prayer and not believe in God.

Strong prayers for all cases of life that helped 4743_2

But in addition to the prayer mentioned above, there are others. Their strength was tested by a multitude of believers. At the moment when the forces left the person and he felt like the paunch of sin absorbs him, he helped to utter these texts. It is noteworthy that some of them are now transferred from mouth to mouth.

After all, earlier people knew more prayers because they were more pious. It is reliably known that prayers were even recorded on paper. It was believed that such prayers, which are transmitted from one kind to another, have the greatest force. And it is really possible. Since it is not difficult to assume that such a reverent attitude to the sacred texts is not far away with the Most High.

Pray every day: prayers by day of week

But it is difficult to get such texts enough. The only known one is prayer by the day of the week. As it is clear from the name, this is a whole collection of prayers, each of which needs to be read on certain day of the week. It is noteworthy that even scientists recognize these texts. True, they explain it quite differently. According to the science, in prayers that helped once a person solve the problem, contain certain codes. These sound codes help a person tune in to the desired way. With their help, it is possible to achieve and increase the concentration on any important issue.

It is believed that the positive effect can be achieved not only reading, but also listening to prayers. Since they are able to introduce a person to a transcendency. Of course, it's not at all about that condition when a person does not fully give a report in what it does. And since entering the light trance can only be supposed that the text will be read correctly, scientists agree that it is necessary to pronounce prayers. In particular, when it comes to prayer for every day.

Such a prayer is considered to appeal to the Virgin Mary. The Most Holy Mother of God is considered the intercessors of weak. She will definitely come to the help of a believer man. But she is especially favorable for pregnant women who ask for help.

Strong prayers for all cases of life that helped 4743_3

This prayer can be pronounced not only every day, but also in a difficult situation. At the same time, it is mentally necessary to ask the Virgin about help. And if the request is sincere, then the person will definitely receive help.

About blessing and protection is made to ask Jesus Christ. To contact him, you should use the following text: "Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, a lot of sinful!"

Please note that a woman can take this prayer. In this case, it is necessary to replace the word "sinful" to "sinful". If a person prays about the salvation of others, then it is better to list the names of these people. So prayer will gain more power. After all, all strong Orthodox prayers in their texts must necessarily contain the names of those asking for help.

Moreover, in a dangerous situation, when a person feels a real threat, he can read Psalm 90. This prayer is able to protect not only from the discontinuities of the evil, but also from unclean thoughts of other people and their actions that can harm.


  1. Prayer is a way to communicate with God. Therefore, it is necessary that thoughts are clean.
  2. God does not always respond to prayers. There may be two reason. First, sometimes the Most High sends a test man. And at the same time the believer can be sure that the test is too serious and complex. But in fact it is not the case, and he is able to cope with the problem independently. Secondly, the saints hear only those requests that proceed from truly believers and those who live according to the commandments of God.
  3. Warning prayer, it is necessary to fully focus on it. You can not be distracted and think about something else.
  4. If a person does not know the desired prayer, he can always read "our own".

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