Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker on assistance in work at work, the strongest


I always thought that the saint would be prayed only in the case of unsolvable problems, and in the first place - in case of illness. And when our office came new, which daily, starting his working day, invariably delivered a small icon of the handberry from the handbag and froze in her wonderful squeezing, decided: someone had a lot of sick.

Seeing me, I throw glances to her, she did not blame: it turns out that the colleague is led by Nicholas Raising! And who would have thought - did not pass two months, as she moved to the office of the deputy of our head! Since then, I began to contact the Saint Nicholas, although not at the bottom, but at home. And guess who received a premium as the best employee of the month!

In what cases do people read "business" or cash prayers to Nikolai's rash?

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker on assistance in work at work, the strongest 4744_1

  • If they are looking for work and can not be found for a long time, or they are offered to completely disadvantageous options.
  • When going to change the work on a higher paid or just comfortable (say, closer to the house).
  • Planning to open your own business.
  • Having a job, but without coping with its duties.
  • If the salary is delayed.
  • Asking good sales, if a person works in trade.
  • Wanting to pay labor to be higher.
  • When going to talk with the bosses about raising payment or a new position.
  • Having problems with the team (let's say, if a person seems to be there a white crow, and he wants to join the team).
  • If the work does not like, and it does not work out, Nikolai pleases can teach your place or business.
  • Before a business trip. Saint pray before any trip - both on the car, and on the ship, and by plane.

But why are we praying exactly to Nikolai?

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Everything is simple: the saint often distributed money and the property of the poor or just in trouble people. The most famous act was helping the father of three daughters - the family was not for what to live, and the girls dreamed of marriage. Nikolay at night, secretly ("Let your right hand knows what is doing left"), threw the bags with gold to this house, and finally the family had enough money for the girlfriend.

And rebuilding in a long business trip, remember: with his life, Nikolai, the wonderworker packed the raging sea and saved the ship and sailors on it.

Texts of the strongest prayers

Prayer for help . It is read not only to find a job or escape from the debt pits, but in other cases (for example, if someone is sick in the family and you need to urgently find money for treatment). Do not stop praying daily until your desire come true. But, of course, do not sit back - instead of just give you the desired, the heavenly patron can start from afar, so if you are sent to advanced training courses or the constructive criticism of your activity will begin, do not disappear, but begin to do yourself better.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker on assistance in work at work, the strongest 4744_2

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This text is read, asking for help is better to get rid of existing work, get rid of problems . Prayer is very bright, in it they ask St. Nicholas to protect the envy, malice and goat unkind colleagues. It is also possible to read it, going to change the generation of activities or just looking for a new job in the old specialty.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker on assistance in work at work, the strongest 4744_3

This text - Prayer from poverty . It is read when looking for work and asking for wage raising.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker on assistance in work at work, the strongest 4744_4

Also, Looking for work Read the text of such a prayer.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker on assistance in work at work, the strongest 4744_5

This text group . It can be read as the whole family and at work, if a lot of believers work with you.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker on assistance in work at work, the strongest 4744_6

And this short text is easy to learn and pronounce about yourself in any excitement moments "Let's say, being near the door of the chef, which caused you" on the carpet ", or standing on the threshold of a new office, where you came to the interview.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker on assistance in work at work, the strongest 4744_7

If your problem is urgent, but you are afraid that the usual (even really strong) prayer does not solve it, Read "Oh, All Nicholas" forty times in a row . In this case, you will probably be heard at once, so get more chances to get the desired. The text of the prayer is published above. To read it exactly forty times and not to get bored with this prayer video. But remember: for the whole ritual you need just over forty minutes!

If you have enough patience in order to Every day for forty days to read the same prayer You will get a chance to change fate. For example, become a leader, to get away from the launcher or from the annoying loser to turn into a better employee of the month.

The text of this prayer to Batyushka Nikolai can be found in this video:

Who and when can contact the Holy?

To Nicholas the Wonderworker can contact any baptized A person, both Orthodox and Catholic (the only thing - Catholics celebrate Nikolai's memory is not December 19, but a little earlier - December 6).

You can pray both in a difficult moment, and see that in trouble your neighbor (relative, friend). And if what you asked about, it was given to you, do not forget to raise prayer thanks!

Nicholas the Wonderworker we pray, asking him to address our words to God, since we ourselves (for the most part) are unworthy to contact him personally. Well, if you think that you live almost sinlessly, you often visit the church, stick to posts, you can turn directly to the Lord.

How to rely on prayer?

Ideally refer to the patron at a nasty place - the temple, finding him an icon. True, you have to pray for a day, but to visit the House of God every day, not everyone. Therefore, the church does not prohibit pray at home and even at work, having imagined a minute when you stay in the room alone.

Prepare Saint Nicholas. It will be right before each prayer to light up a thin church candle in front of him. At the end it does not need to be poisoned - let him get to the end.

Each word pronounce with feeling. No need to taratory prayers like a seventh grader Vova poems at the board.

Before the ritual, clean the soul from all negative. If you feel bitterness, grieving, anger because of communication with someone from home or brought these emotions from work, first make yourself a pleasant (take a bath, drink a latte, see a light movie), and just calming down, proceed to Communication with saints.

Do not ask something bad for your neighbor. "Committed" to raise? No need to hope that you will get it by dismissing a higher person. Also, you should not ask to win money in gambling (the church does not approve them), find a wallet (after all, someone will lose it before it), get a will (in fact, someone will die).

But you can ask for good "latles" in trade, you can ask for an excellent revenue. But, of course, if you do not sell something bad - obviously defective goods, overdue products. For successes in the alcohol trade or at the field of casino and other lottery, it is also better not to ask.


  • Nikolai Radio - Holy, to which it is not ashamed to pray for the most everyday things - asking for new work, raising, getting rid of problems in the workplace. Regular prayers will help even find a common language with a team and love their work.
  • The strongest prayer of such a plan is considered "Oh, all-in-Nicolae." It can be read simply so until your desire come true, or in the form of a ritual, repeating the prayer for forty times in a row.
  • You can pray both in the church and at home and even at work. It is advisable to do this alone by putting an icon of the Wonderworker in front of him, and if there is an opportunity, then to light in front of the consecrated candle.

Want to know more about the holy, whose memory all Orthodox worship December 19? I offer a short film in which the father will not only tell about the Wonderworker, but also will show the terrain in which he lived and worked wonders:

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