Christmas traditions and customs in different countries of the world


Christmas for residents of many countries of the world is one of the most important events per year. It is customary to celebrate brightly, fun and "tasty". In the CIS countries, the tradition of celebrating this celebration is almost the same, but it became wondering how representatives of other peoples and states are being prepared to such a significant date. In this article, I will tell you how Christmas is celebrated in other countries of the world, and we will tell about the most interesting customs.

Christmas in different countries

Traditions of different countries

The day, when Jesus was born, named Merry Christmas. But despite this, Christians and Catholics celebrate it in different days. For example, for followers of Christianity, Christmas falls on January 7, and for Catholics - on December 25th. Nevertheless, the meaning of this significant event is the same - everything is famous for Jesus Christ and rejoice in his birth. At the same time, each country has its own traditions and customs that give the holiday some feature and originality.


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Austrians begin to prepare for Christmas for 4 weeks. This period is called "Advent", during which it is customary to observe the post, decorate the house and prepare gifts for loved ones. The main christmas decoration is a wreath of branches of trees or ate and 4 candles. As a rule, they were decorated with the table and every Sunday Advent lit on one candle. The last week before Merry Christmas - the time of preparing gifts, and they are usually buying them not in stores, but on Christmas markets and fairs.

In the houses traditionally install a live tree and beautifully decorate toys, sweets and tinsel. Instead of garlands, candles are usually used that create a special festive atmosphere, but their ignition cannot be called safe.

Get rid of it on January 6th. Celebrate Christmas in the evening on December 24, in a close circle of the family. The main treat is a festive dinner - baked carp or fried goose. Also on the table necessarily there is a baking. At the end of the celebration, those present in the house light the Bengal lights and exchange gifts.



In England, they are preparing for Christmas in a few weeks. First of all, they decorate the house with garlands, sprigs of mistletoe and ostolist. These plants are traditionally present in a festive wreath, which adorn the entrance door.

The house set a magnificent tree and abundantly decorate her toys, tinsel and lanterns. Gifts are necessarily buying in advance, in stores even specially carry out various promotions, allowing you to purchase goods with big discounts.

For the British Christmas is a family celebration. It is customary to celebrate in the parent house where the festive dinner is satisfied, browsing family photos, exchange gifts and sing christmas songs.

The main thing is a baked turkey with a gooseberry sauce, which the owner of the house usually cuts. As the main dessert, pudding is served, which by tradition prepare the whole family, while they make desires and put a ring, coin, hardening and buttons in it. Depending on how much the thing comes in a pudding piece, next year, a person awaits a certain event:

  • Ring - marriage;
  • coin - financial well-being;
  • Screw - unmarried life for a woman;
  • Buttoma - Hallowing Life for a man.


Despite the external severity and restraint, the Germans love holidays and always celebrate them with a scope. For them, Christmas is not a one-day event, but a special festive period, which begins on November 11 and is called "fifth season." These days on urban areas are arranged fairs and various fun events, where thousands of people agree - they communicate, sing songs, dance, drink Mulled wine and eat traditional dishes.

The immediate celebration of Christmas is happening on the evening of December 24th. By this time, markets, restaurants and shops are closed, the streets are empty. The inhabitants of Germany celebrate this day in a family circle for a delicious dinner, after which the gifts are followed. 9-11 dishes are usually put on the table, the main of which are fried carp or roast pork with acid cabbage and potato salad. At night, the Mass will rule in the churches to which most families go. In the morning everyone is going at the table again to taste the stuffed goose, symbolizing good luck and wealth.

Christmas in Germany


Preparation for Christmas in Denmark starts from the first November Friday. Festive attributes appear in the shops and markets, including trees, cypressions and pines. In addition, this day produces the first batch of christmas dark beer with a sweet taste. Streets decorate garlands, straw goats and red hearts. In urban areas, central trees are installed, under which the box is put to collect money in need.

Danes decorate their homes in red and white tones using Christmas tree toys, tinsel, garlands, candles and various souvenirs. A week before the celebration takes a special candle with 7 divisions and every day ignites it, giving to exorpete only one division.

The celebration usually takes place in a family circle. Relatives at 7 o'clock in the evening are going at the table and begin the Christmas dinner. The main treat is a swine roast with sour-sweet cabbage or fried goose, and potatoes are traditionally served as a side dish. For dessert, preparing rice pudding with cherry syrup.

In Denmark, they believe in the gnomes and believe that they protect at home from trouble, support the well-being of families and are responsible for yield in the new year. Therefore, the inhabitants of the country are trying to treat them in every way and in Christmas night are necessarily attributed to the attic of the delicacy, including a spoonful of porridge.


2 weeks before Christmas begins to actively prepare for this important event. In addition to decorating the house and purchasing food for the festive feast, there is a tradition in Iceland, which is to exhibit children's boots to the windowsill. It is believed that the gifts of Jowlasweins should be put in them - a blessing creatures that look like small old men. There are 13 of them 13, and every night one of them comes to the house of Icelanders to fierce and leave a hotel.

Celebrate Christmas in the evening on December 24th. Relatives and friends are going for a festive dinner, where the main treat is a white partridge or ham baked in honey glaze, which is sometimes complemented by pineapple. On this day, it is not customary to drink alcohol - it is replaced with a traditional drink of yolael, which is a mixture of orange soda and Malta resembling kvass. The dessert usually serves gingerbread cookies, pies and candies, but the main "sweet" are gifts that exchange after dinner.

Christmas in Iceland


In Slovakia, there is an interesting tradition, which is somehow similar to Icelandic custom, and it lies in the exposition of children's shoes on the windowsill. Children do it on the day of St. Mikulasha, which falls on December 5, in the hope of getting a gift. According to the legend, Mikulas comes accompanied by angel and hell, who help him solve, whether he was well kept by one or another child and whether he should leave him a gift.

Slovaks begin to celebrate Christmas in the holy evening on December 24th. The whole family on this day is going for dinner. The table covers a beautiful tablecloth, and in the corners under it there are coins - it is believed that financial well-being is attracted to the house. In order for no one sick next year, under the table put some metallic subject. To strengthen family bonds, the feet of the table are wrapped with a chain. Also, traditions are decorated and dressing a Christmas tree or pine.

Among the Christmas treats must be attended by such dishes as baked carp, cabbage soup and gingerbread. After the feast, everyone exchanged gifts. December 25, Slovaks are going to small companies, dress up, take musical instruments and go from home to home, wearing carols. Thus, they wish people a prosperous next year and expel out of their housing.


On the island of Cyprus, Christmas is celebrated on December 25, and before that, the strict 40-day post is observed. On the eve of the celebration, every hostess should bake Couliruri - Christmas Bread. Also on the dinner table there are traditional dishes, which include stuffed chicken or turkey, homemade pasta, pie, ravioli and various sweets.

Early in the morning of December 25, the inhabitants of the island wake up with the ringing of bells. Families go to church for listening to Holy Liturgy about Jesus Christ. The celebration begins at lunch. During the feast, 3 mandatory toast are pronounced: for high yields next year, for good health and freedom. The dessert is served a cake, which should cut the owner of the house, while the first piece is intended for Jesus, the second is the poor wanderer and the house, and already treat sitting at the table.

Christmas in Cyprus


For Italians, Christmas is a purely family holiday, which is customary to celebrate beautifully and with a scope. In Italy, not only at home is decorated, but also city streets - installed dressed trees, often sidewalks stood with red tracks and hang garlands. During festive days, Dzamponyars walk on the main streets - so called people entertaining the people with music, dancing and ideas.

On the evening of December 24, the families gather at a festive table, where there must be a traditional noodle, which is called "TagliaThellile", as well as fish dishes. The next day, a Christmas dinner is arranged, which are going exclusively relatives. Among the treats are predominantly meat dishes, and traditional panettone, Torron or Pandoro cakes are served for dessert.


Despite the fact that Christmas on Orthodox traditions celebrate in Serbia, it still has some elements of paganism. The inhabitants of the country celebrate the birth of Christ on January 7, but active preparation begins another 5 numbers. It is believed that on this day it is impossible to punish children, because Next year they will be naughty. On January 6, heal lamb or piglet, decorate the house, prepare festive dishes, and the hostess bake a special bread, which is put in the coin. All households should eat in a piece, and whom will get a coin, the next year awaits wealth.

Early in the morning of January 6, the head of the family with children and grandchildren is sent to the forest for Badnyak, while noting the one-bedroom about his intention to shoot from a hunting rifle. Badnyak is a freshly published young oak. It must be in the house for Christmas. Urban residents are buying Badnyak on the market. After that, the whole family goes to church for Divine Liturgy.

The festive feast begins early in the morning of January 7th. All family members must wear something new. The main thing is a baked piglet or lambs, slaughtered on the eve. It is served with stewed sauerkraut. For dessert, small pastries and cake are usually prepared.

Christmas in Serbia


Preparing for Christmas in the Czech Republic begins with home decoration. It is customary to dress up the Christmas tree, that's just not chop it, but buy live, in a pot. Under the festive tree, there are gifts, which by legend brings not Santa Claus or Santa Claus, and the hedgehogs - so the Czechs are called Jesus Christ.

In the Czech Republic, Christmas is celebrated on December 24th. In the morning, on this day, it is necessary to wash with cold water, and the residents of the village are sent to the stream. In addition, every year the inhabitants of Prague all their family go to the Vltava River, on the coast of which are fish merchants. By tradition, you need to catch or buy a live carp and release it into the water. After that, you can return home and start a Christmas dinner, where the main dish is usually carp. For dessert, it is customary to serve a braided pie called "Van Tag" and cookies.

On December 26, warrants walk from the house to the house, sing songs, dance and wish happiness in the new year. In the old days, on this day, negligent men were expelled from the house, but today their beds put a nodule with things, as if hinting that it is time for them to take up the arrangement of their lives on their own. On Christmas holidays, girls always wondered. For example, to find out whether she will marry next year, it was necessary to eat an apple on the threshold of the house, and if a man passes by the first one, then the wedding is.


In Japan, few people celebrate Christmas, because Among the inhabitants of the country only 1% confesses Christianity. But despite the fact that this holiday is not nationwide, on the streets you can see artificial trees, decorated with garlands, toys, hearts, cupids and bells. The Japanese celebrate Christmas in Valentine's Day. They do not speculate Jesus, but confess the feelings of his beloved person or are looking for their soul mate on this day.

Celebration is celebrated on December 25 and, as a rule, in a close circle of family and loved ones. Lovely couples arrange romantic dinner, and family people have a tradition that the owner of the house must acquire a biscuit cake with cream, and bringing home to it, cut and treat all the households and guests.

Let's summarize

  • In any country, Christmas is considered a family holiday, and it is usually noted in the parent house.
  • On the holiday, it is customary to decorate the house and install a dressed up tree.
  • At Christmas must give gifts to each other.
  • The main purpose of the celebration is not only in the glorification of Jesus Christ, but also in the family unification.

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