How much should a man do in the opinion of women


You can agree with this or not, but we will not smash - every female soul is disturbing the topic of the financial condition of their faithful. So, the question is: "How much should a man do, according to women?" It is very relevant, and in this material I would like to try to find a true answer for him.

Men's income - how important is he?

Money is important or not?

Nowadays, money and material benefits are given quite large (if not to say the basic) place in human life. And here it is not necessary to reproach anyone in mercantility - our world, unfortunately, so far, more material, and, accordingly, it is impossible to live in it without nominal signs.

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After all, it is not necessary to think long to understand that without having enough money you will not be able to afford anyone in good real estate, nor personal cars, nor the purchase of delicious and high-quality food, brand clothing, cosmetics, perfumes and so on ... Listed can be very Long, but there is no particular sense.

The conclusion is one - finance are the most important part of our life. But is it worth paying attention to this question, if we talk about relationships in a pair?

Since the distant antiquity since the distant antiquity, it was the way that the man was the major earlier responsible for providing the bed and food for himself, his female and their offspring. That is why he arranged raids on mammoths, and the woman was engaged in the arrangement of primitive dwellings and the upbringing of kids.

Of course, times have changed straight, today the woman in the social world is given much more opportunities than just the occupation of the life and children.

But, despite this, I personally have for the preservation of this natural balance - so that the man does the main responsibility for the financial part in the relationship (family), and the woman did the internal affairs of the family, ensured comfort and comfort in the nestschka and, of course, perhaps the most important thing - believed in his man and inspired him to make even big feats and conquering new peaks.

This is my opinion, and now let's turn to the data received by sociologists, and find out what other girls and women think this expense.

How much should a man do, according to women?

Of course, to answer this question is definitely simply unrealistic. At a minimum because it is impossible to collect all the representatives of the beautiful floor under one comb, in order to analyze their answers.

All the studied will distinguish their life situation, financial position, plus their position for this account. But still actually approach the average female conclusions:

  1. Opinion first. According to him, a man should have such a level of income to ensure their second half all necessary on maternity . This is a rather rational and worthy thought, since it is the offspring - this is the main product of any family, and isn't two lords of the souls seek?

But in connection with the advent of the baby, a woman for the next two-three-four-four, and sometimes more forced to sit at home. Accordingly, the man gets the role of the main minister in the family. But whether he can cope with it - this is what the question is.

All women need male care

  1. Opinion second (advanced ladies actively making a career). Male should earn at least no less than me, because I do not want to lower my level of life because of it.

Here, in principle, everything is simple and clear - if the woman has invested a lot of strength and energy in his career, was able to achieve a high level of income, so to please themselves with various delights of life, then why her descend down, pulling on himself less lucky in satellite career matters life? Especially the situation worsens if the difference in finance is quite large.

  1. The third opinion (as for me, perfect). The man should earn so much as so that he and his beloved did not need anything and could afford everything that the soul wishes . It is clear that in the modern world, such a statement is more similar to the illusion or dream. But after all, dreams are needed to become reality over time, so I propose not to lower your hands and strive for the ideal.
  2. Opinion fourth. The income of the man is not too much importance. It is important that he can provide at least to make the lady to be sure that he is not exactly due to finance.

It should be noted immediately note that this version is usually put forward by women in the "age", which, due to the circumstances, are forced to look for themselves: someone satellite life to the approaching old age, and someone's young and hot lover - everything is already individually.

In this case, the ladies are little concerned about social status, professional merits and the income of their men is the main thing that he performs other functions of their functions on a fideline.

And this, in principle, is also quite understandable, because to a certain age already cease to disturb the issues of external gloss and material benefits. Instead, the topics of worries and caress, and for someone - the eyes of a young macho were loved and filled with passion.

In such a situation, it is the presence of confidence that all this sincere, not "bought", motivates women to reduce their material requirements to a minimum. For them, the main thing is that a man can provide at least herself without referring to them for help.

Other opinions on this score

There are still a lot of different opinions and reasoning on the issue under consideration. But I suggest you to continue reading some more interesting information and find out what affects the opinions of women relating to the salaries of their men.

  • Education of women plays a very big role . Some girls with young years old are tightly poured into their heads about the Prince on the White Kone. Naturally, the princes are not poor people, which means that they can get not only moral, but also good material support.

It is interesting that very often the thoughts about a man rich in such girls inspired by their moms, grandmothers, girlfriends, and so on and so on. Many girls are influenced by harsh control by their parents who carefully studying their potential grooms.

Then, in such a situation, a weak sex representative is holy focus on the opinion of his relatives and is used to thinking that a man is obliged to fulfill its material requests to such an extent that "Mom said."

  • Also the current family situation is far from last . It happens that the girl was so strongly worn out in a family with a high material level, which was simply used to getting everything wished.

There are definitely and positive moments here - such a special appreciates itself, it is capable of providing its chosen sufficient comfort and comfort, but what price?

At the same time, it can be quite sincerely uncommon, for what reason the beloved does not indulge it regularly with new golden necklaces or bracelets, as it constantly received such gifts from the dad.

In this situation, a man is recommended to analyze the family atmosphere of their chosen and understand whether it is similar to him.

  • Women's contents by nature are another object under consideration. . Such a lady dreams about everything and immediately. " She is sacred confident that a man should she, and and in a very large amount - is it possible not to indulge a regular one beautiful woman like her?

It is easy to understand that the only one is interested in such a maiden is to obtain material benefits from a man. It will seem to give him himself, his time and body in return for gifts and satisfying their material requests.

The content is needed from a man only money and good

And on the basis of this, there is no concrete face for the maximum limit for profit from the "beloved". After all, the bigger the income of her men, according to, accordingly, requests will begin to grow above.

Motivations in order to turn into the contents, in principle, only two are:

  1. First - In childhood she had to face poverty and now, in adulthood, she tries to compensate for the missed.
  2. Second - It follows the example of your mother, all the life of a similar behavior model adhering.

I think there is no need to explain that the content behavior strategy cannot be considered a normal default and does not correspond to any moral principles.

Here we came to the final part of the material. Finally, I would like to bring certain conclusions.

At the end of the topic

  • No matter how cool, the man's income level has always been and remains significant for women. And the matter is not in mercantility - in a man the function to extract benefits is laid out by nature itself.
  • There are various criteria for women on the topic as a man must earn, in their opinion. But it is impossible to come to an unambiguous conclusion - this is due to various ages, the social layer, the requests of the subjects and many other factors.
  • You should not blame girls (if they, of course, are not presents) in bad intentions - the desire to be protected both morally and materially, it is quite natural, the main thing is that this is not the only goal in their lives.

What do you think on the raised question? I suggest you share your opinions under the article.

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