Prayer Saint Cyprian and Ustinie from witchcraft and impact of dark power


That's really truly, in human life, joy goes about a hand with difficult moments, and dark forces will not miss the chance to attack people. However, the Orthodox has strong defenders - Jesus Christ and the Mother of the Most Holy Mother of God, as well as a whole sleep of saints, the appeal to which he saves from the evil spells of demons and their minions in the world.

A year ago, I learned that believers can contact the prayers to Saint Cyprian and Ustini to gain protection against the impact of dark power and witchcraft. I have a hurry to share with you those knowledge that wonders are creating.

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My story acquaintance with the priests

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Although I regularly attend God's temple and creating prayers to the famous saints, I used to have no icon with the image of Cyprian and Ustinyi (Justina). I learned about these sufferers a year ago, when my far relative happened trouble - the husband left the family.

The woman went through grandmas and psychics, but they could not do anything, they just said that this is a spell.

Desperate, the woman went to church, defended the service and turned to the father for help and advice, having told him about his grief. Having created a prayer, the priest advised to buy an icon with the image of the pair of saints - the Sacred Martyr Cyprian and Justina to pray for the prodigal husband.

Six months later, a man returned with a guy, patient and nervous, but my relative, inspired by the help of a wonderful image, continued to create a prayer, and her husband went on amendment.

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I was struck by this story, I decided to learn more about the saints, their lives, to whom and from what a prayer helps a miraculous image. Everyone I learned about, I share with you, because there are situations in life when you need help or protection.

If you suspect that damage to you or your family suffers from the action of the Witchcraft Char, read the prayer to Orthodox martyrs, namely indicating the sufferers. Icon with the image of martyrs, place opposite the front door so that any dwelling is in the field of vision of the holy pair.

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Who were the martyrs of Cyprian and Justina

The future holy lived in the third century BC, but was born in the family of pagans practicing magic and witchcraft. From 7 years, the devilish tricks of Cyprian were trained in Cyprian, and from 10 years old, the boy was in the service of the priests of the temple on Mount Olympus, where he made up at the perfection of the techniques of demonic wisdom:

  • Sent on ordinary people deadly diseases;
  • harm gardens and gardens, destroy the harvest;
  • Driving winds, send thunderstorms.

Cyprian did not bent for demonic transformations, engaged in contact with the pagan gods, ghosts, all the evil spirits, turning to the middle of life in an authoritative magician. Having gained perfection in witchcraft, the man was engaged in the attractions, to him and hit the rich parents of Aglaid.

The slutty young man asked the sorcerer to wander the young beauty of Justina, wanting to make her slave for his carnal joy.

A chaste girl, born in a pagan family, secretly attended God's temple, and after the insight of the soul and the acquisition of true faith became a Christian, led her parents to the Orthodox faith.

At the persecution and persuasion of Aglaid to become his wife of Justina replied that Christ became her bridegroom. At the request of the rich young man, Cyprian took up a spell, calling for the rescue of the demonic legion.

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On the carnal temptations of the demons of Ustinya answered prayers to the Lord about help. Three times the magician sent tempraisers to the righteous maiden, and when the strongest demon was defeated, the sorcerer sent his spells against relatives and loved ones, her neighbors and acquaintances.

Thanks to sincere Prayers of Ustinyi, its unconditional faith of the Most High defended the masses, her relatives and all citizens, which was angry with the sorcerer. Then he decided to get closer to the Christian faith, capable of creating such miracles.

The discouragement of the bishop about the sacrament of baptism, Cyprian for confession told him about his own atrocities, renunciation from paganism and burning the magician Talmudov. Warming up the heart loyalty of the mistress of the demons, the bishop baptized Cyprian, taught him Azam Orthodox faith.

Secondly serving Christ, a former accomplice of the dark forces and witchcraft devoted himself to Christianity, having passed the thorny path from the reader to the Bishop of Orthodoxy.

In troubled times, when Christians were subjected to persecution of Cyprian's slanders, Cyprian and Justina, were covered in prison, exposing beating and martyrs. However, idolaters were failed to loosen the faith in the Lord and destroy the love of him.

The future saints were executed, but later their remains were buried in Cyprus. At the site of the burial of true Christians deeply believers find healing not only spiritual, but also physical.

Life-giving prayer to Saint Cyprian against the devilish attacks:

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How to recognize the evil eye or pointing

The bad eye and the magical impact are afraid of everything, even those who are counting themselves to atheists, and with the slightest life test, looking for help from Varkhara and sorcerers.

So, my relative at first tried to correct the family disorder with the appeal to the sorcerer, and then on the advice of the priest asked for help to the Lord and His Holy Assistants - the Sacred Martyrs Cyprian and Justine.

With a prayer for the Orthodox martyrs, they turn to the removal of damage, protection against the evil and malicious conspiracies, goose demons. What are the miscarions of dark forces manifest:

  • constantly bad well-minded, bossless fatigue, powerlessness;
  • Regular diseases that traditional medicine cannot cope with;
  • sudden loss of work, money, family breakdown;
  • unprecedented attacks of aggression, inadequacy of behavior;
  • frequent depressions, conflicts, quarrels, loss of interest in life.

Even the appearance of detrimental habits and a series of failures can be invisible to you with ill-wishers. Therefore, when these signs are found at once, start to create Prayer Cyprian and Ustinin, and this is allowed to do it anywhere.

Prayer reading rules

The appeal to the Orthodox words to the Sacred Martyr Cyprian is considered the strongest method of removing damage, correct protection against witchcraft. Prayers are really helped by leaving no negative impact if you follow certain rules:

  • Buy in the temple icon with the image of martyrs or one Cyprian, as well as church candles;
  • at home in privacy, focusing at her request, lit a candle in front of the saint;
  • Read for the most miraculous prayer from the impact of the dark force of forty times;
  • If a child suffered from a sorcery, parents read the prayer over his head.

In view of the special strength of prayer words, they can be returned to salt or water, water in this case becomes a storage of positive energies, it can be used as medicine from witchcraft, various ways of exposure to black magic.

The Orthodox texts of the prayers presented below can read at any time of the day, with any unpleasant circumstances, and not only when there are signs of explicit damage.

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The main condition is to utter the words sincerely, believe that they will be heard by God and the guides of His Holy Will.

Protective prayers from magical impact

If you are subject to depressive states, feel a constant anxiety or insecurity, and the voice in my head calls for the accomplishment of terrifying actions, contact a prayer to the priest Cyprian and Martyr Martyr.

Words of protective prayer to the two holy

The text of the prayer will help the Orthodox to gain powerful support for the strength of light and good, protect you with a shield from the effects of dark rituals of magic. This is an indisputable fact, which is confirmed by testimonies of people who tried the effect of the miraculous word on themselves, as well as their loved ones.

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When to read the prayer to the priest Cyprian

Sincerely reading the above miraculous psalm will help get rid of the evil eye, to remove the damage induced evil sorcerer. It is important to remember that the text of the prayer must be pronounced at least 40 times, otherwise the ritual will not work.

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How to pray to martyrs Cyprian and Justine

Prayer from witchcraft pronounce at dawn, turning face to the rising sun, repeat the miraculous text 7 times:

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After the ritual, I will be afraid of the face with running water, pronouncing the following spell

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Start and complete the protective ritual from the sorcerer reading the prayer of ours, uttering it with the soul and faith in helping the higher forces. Daily ritual actions Perform a few weeks in a row until you see explicit signs of relief, destruction of the witch impact.

The text of the very old prayer from the discontinuities of the Dark Forces

This old prayer words from the sorcerer, who came to us from the depths of centuries, is attributed to the special power. To gain reliable protection, the ritual should be performed correctly - at the dawn, to become a face east and 12 times to read prayer. Daily ritual repeat a few weeks in a row.

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What to read if they smoothed the child

Children, in contrast to adults, are stronger than the effects of witchcraft or "bad" eyes. Aura Toddler up to seven years is considered the most vulnerable, the child can be diagnosed even unintentionally or simply from envy to his parents.

Important moment. A protective prayer from the impact of dark power should be pronounced mother, you can entrust the sacrament of a close relative on the female line - grandmother, sister, tet. Three times pronounceing the text of the prayer, the woman should keep the child on her hands.

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A few words in conclusion

Thanks to the Orthodox prayers and entering into the house, the icons of the holy martyrs my relative managed to save her husband from a detrimental passion to the deliberate. Then the victim himself was connected to reading the sacred texts.

The ritual delivered it not only from the spiritual torment of the attitude, but also from bodily weakness, nervous disorder. Therefore, I shared with you miraculous psalms, let them help you if the trouble suddenly happens.

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