Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God: photo, meaning what she helps, prayer


When my son seriously fell ill, my husband and I went to work with your head to provide a child uninterrupted purchase of medicines and surgery. Mom went to pilgrimage. I brought a copy of the famous icon from there, hanged her baby's bedside ... And finally the therapy began to give their long-awaited fruits. And when the son completely recovered and the whole family exhaled with relief, I began to be interested, what kind of image is such a miraculous? I was looking for information everywhere - he asked in the church, wrote on religious forums, and just Google. And that's what I learned ...

History of her writing and appearance in Russia

Tradition says: This image wrote the Apostle Luke itself . And as a basis, he chose the table board, followed by the lady of God and her son. Seeing the icon, Maria said: "Let my and born from me, who born from me."

Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God: photo, meaning what she helps, prayer 4780_1

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At the beginning of the 12th century, the original icon was in Constantinople. In order to strengthen friendship with Russian Christians, from icons made a list that was transferred to Kiev . The prince met her with the honors and commanded to place in a Virodorny monastery.

Unfortunately, not all was well in the country and on the throne. The city captured Yuri Dolgoruky. The sons of the prince argued all the time, even before the death of the father sharing the inheritance. In the end, Knyazhich Andrei in 1155 decided to establish a separate one, the state in the north of the Kiev throne. After going there, he secretly grabbed with him the image of Our Lady.

Stopping in Vladimir to rest, soon Andrei decided to go further. However, the horses suddenly refused to go. And even when the horses changed, the caravan did not move.

Knyazhich began to pray to the Virgin Mary, and she appeared to him, ordering to leave her image in Vladimir, and besides, the cathedral is for the icon.

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Andrei listened to the Heavenly Queen and remained in Vladimir, declaring the city of the first-hearth. Here the image remained a few hundred years, which is why and got its name.

And in 1480, the icon transported to Moscow to the Assumption Cathedral . But the Vladimir Cathedral was not orphaned - here left a list from the icon, the author of which was the Andrei Rublev himself.

Muscovites expected a holy image with great trembling and reverence. On the spot where the city met the image, even built the Sretensky Monastery , named from the word "meeting."

After the revolution, the Assumption Cathedral was closed. Fortunately, the ancient icon was not burned, but spared, calculating the work of art. More She was transferred to the Tretyakov Gallery.

Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God: photo, meaning what she helps, prayer 4780_2

And now in our days, in 1999, the image returned to the Lono of the Church - to the temple of St. Nicholas (Tolmachi).

What miracles is the existence of this icon?

  • 1237 year. Khan Batya's army captured the city, the cathedral was burned, the salaries of the icons were plundered. But the Holy Lick of the Queen of Heaven remained unharmed.
  • 1395 year. To protect Moscow from the troops of Khan Tamerlana, from Vladimir brought an icon (actually, so Muscovites have expecting her arrival so tremendously). All the way the shrine carried on his hands with prayers. And a miracle happened: the army did not attack the city, retreating. According to legend, Khan had a beautiful woman leading a huge army who threatened his army.
  • 1451 year. Moscow threatened the Tatar army under the leadership of the Nogait Masseli. Moscow Metropolitan organized a procession around the city with the icon of Our Lady at the head, and the enemies retreated.
  • 1521 year. The Mother of God saved Moscow again, this time - from Khan Makhmet-Gurya, whose army could not take the city.
Because of these three victorious cases (although in fact such victories of heavenly forces over the earth's arms were more, just these are the most famous) Vladimir Lady Mother is honored by the defender of all Russian lands.

But this icon is known and many Wonderful healing.

  • The spouses of Prince Andrei, later called Bogolyubsky, were difficult births. But when the icon of Our Lady (who already in those days was asked the miraculous) wrapped the water and this water was given to drink the princess, she gave birth to a healthy baby.
  • Another pregnant, this time the spouse of the priest, prayed to this icon, after which God's Mother saved her from a whisen horse.
  • The priority of the monastery was brought by water, which washed the face icons - and she was healed from blindness.
  • Woman named Efimia for a long seven years suffered from heart disease. Having learned about the wonders of the Vladimir icon, she sent a generous alignment for her - a lot of precious jewelry. In gratitude for them, the priest brought her holy water from the icon. Drinking it, the sufferer healed.

And this is not a complete list of miracles.

Interestingly, not only the original Vladimir icon, but also lists written from it differ in wonderful healing.

The value of the image

According to the type of iconography (writing), this icon is "Eleusa", that is, "Uming". She shows tenderness reigning between the Virgin and her son.

Such a touching icon can not fail to cause dignity.

The deeper, theological meaning of the image: the Heavenly Queen is a soul mintage, sincerely enjoying communication with the Son of God.

The icons with the Virgin Maria are also drawn in this technique:

Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God: photo, meaning what she helps, prayer 4780_3

What does she help our contemporaries?

  • Helps to take a challenging solution, find the right way in confusing life situations.
  • Strengthens its own faith, gives spiritual forces in difficult moments.
  • Protects from hostility, sinful thoughts.
  • Helps in treating complex ailments, especially related to organs of vision or cardiovascular system.
  • Facilitates childbirth.
  • Protects relationships or marriage from discord.
  • Wanings from accidents, death random.

How to pray before this icon?

Of course, most people turn to the shrine with their own words.

But there are also special prayers created for long-term home communications with an icon. Here are their text:

Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God: photo, meaning what she helps, prayer 4780_4

Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God: photo, meaning what she helps, prayer 4780_5

Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God: photo, meaning what she helps, prayer 4780_6

And this is a prayer for children. It was her family who read her:

Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God: photo, meaning what she helps, prayer 4780_7

But what prayers are assessed by the holy image in the church: in this video you will hear the sound of an exalted and excellent Akathist (PUB-thank-giving hymns) by the image of the Vladimir Mother of God.

Where is this wonderful face of Our Lady now?

Permanent location icon - Church of St. Nicholas, which is in Tolmach . He belongs to the Tretyakov Gallery as a house church. There are visitor letters here, also in the temple conduct services.

By the way, in this place can be bowed to other significant relics of our faith. For example, "Trinity" Andrei Rublev.

And in the prestial holidays icon moves into Moscow Assumption Cathedral (Kremlin).

Days of reverence images

  • May 21 (and if on a new style, then June 3) . On this day, the icon is remembered in honor of the victory of Rusich over the Tatar-Mongol Khan Mehmet-Gyrey.
  • June 23 (or July 6) . Praise the victory over the Tatar IGA at the end of the 15th century.
  • August 26 (or September 8) . And on this day there are two significant events at once: victory over the Tamerlane and the action of the icon of Muscovites.

Let's summarize: the most important thing in several theses

  • Vladimir Icon of Our Lady is a list of the image created by the Saint Luke itself. Created this list was in Constantinople at the beginning of the 12th century specifically for the Kiev Prince.
  • Andrei, Son Yuri Dolgoruky, transported the image to Vladimir. A miracle happened there - Icon wished to stay in this city. Thanks to this, she got its name.
  • Miracles associated with this Lykomos Lick: the retreat of enemy troops, amazing healing of people.
  • Today, the icon can be bowed in Moscow: either in the church of St. Nicholas (Tolmachi) or in the Kremlin Assumption Cathedral.

But do not forget that any old icon is not only spiritual, but also the cultural heritage of the people. This is how art people art see this image:

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